
î t l -
2 . T a l e e ia n a carnosa, Smitli; glaberrima, caule erecto herbáceo, foliis caulinis longe petiolatis obovatis
obovato-lauceolatisve carnosis sinnatis serratis iuciso-pinnatifidisve lobis siuubnsque obtusis caidinis
minoribus supremis sessilibus, panicula terminali elongata ramis suberectis, bracteis acummatis basi connatis.
V. carnosa, Smith, Icon. ined. fa s e . 3. t. 52. TaU, 3 m m . vol. ii. p. 12. BC. Prodr. vol. iv. p. 635.
V. Magellanica, la m . lUustr. vol. i. p. 93. B n f. Val. p. 51.
H a b . Strait o f Magalliaens, Commerson; P o rt Famine, Capi. K in g ; Cape Negro, C. Banoin, Esq.
Herba bipedalis, strieta, erecta. Caulis crassitie pennæ anserinæ. Folia varia, 2 nnc. ad pedalem, interdum
fere integerrima. Pedmieuli sæpe spithamæi. Flores ut in congeneribus. Fructus V . lapatlifolite.
3 . T a l e e ia n a sedifolia, D’Urv. in Mém. Soc. L in n . Paris, vol. iv. p. 612. Gaud, in Frege. Voy. Bot.
p. 135. BC. Prodr. vol. iv. p. 633. Homt. et Jaeq. in Voy. an Pole Sud, Bot. Bicot. 1 .1 6, A.
H a b. Strait of Magalliaens, M M . Hombron and Jacquinot ; Falkland Islands, B" Urville.
i . T a l e e ia n a Magellanica, Homb. et Jacq. in Voy. au Bole Sud, Bot. Bicot. t. 16. B. sine descript,
non Lamarck.
H ab. Strait of Magalhaens, M M . Hombron and Jacquinot.
I have seen no specimens of either of the above cnrimis little species, but M. Eiocienx’s figures in the work
quoted, are excellent.
§ I . Euchiliotrichnm ; capitulis radiatis.
1 Chil io t e ic h um amelloides, Cass., B i d . vol. viii. p .5 7 6 . Gaud, in Ann. Sc. N a t. vol. v. p. 104. et
in Freyc. Voy. Bo t. p. 135. B ’ Urville in Mérn. Soc. lAnn. Paris, vol. iv. p. 612. BC. Prodr. vol. v. p. 216.
Hook. Ic. Pla n t, t. 485. C. rosmarinifolium. Less, in Linnæa, vol. vi. p. 109. AmeUus diffusus, Forst.
Comm. Goett. v o L k . p. 39. A. rosmarinifolius, Poepp. MSS. Coll. 2. A. candidus. Banks et Sol. MSS. in
Bihl. Banks, cum icone. Tropidolepis Tausch. in Bot. Zeit. vol. xii. p. 67. Aster MageUanicus,
Spreng. Syst. Veget. vol. ui. p. 526. “ Arbuste à feuilles de romarin,” Pernetty, Voy. vol. ii. p. 61. “ Fascine”
H ab. South CliiH, Fuegia, and th e Falkland Islands ; Commerson, Banks and Solander, aud aU succeeding
In the flrst part of this work (p. 37 in obs.) I have mentioned how closely this genus is allied to Eurylia aud
to Olearia, agreeing ivith the former in the oblong involucre and uniseriate pappus, and ivith the latter in habit
tlnougb Olearia oporina (0 . sraíiífeníate. Decaisne in Toy. Tenus ; Arnica oporina, Forst.). It differs from both
in the presence of linear scales occasionally mixed with the flowers of the disc.
The present is the tallest dicotyledonous plant in the Falkland Islands, except Veronica eUiptica, wliich ié
exceedingly rm-o. It attains a height of about 4-5 feet, and forms a brushwood along the banks of streams
§ I I . Anactiiiia;
2 . Ch il io tr ich dm humile, Hook.fil.; caule prostrato ramoso, rainis abbreviatis ascendentibus erectisve
foliosis foliisque subter incano-tomentosis, foliis dense imbricatis lineari-oblongis obtusis recurvis coriaceis
marginibus incrassatis revolutis, capitulis soHtariis terminahbus sessihbus, involucri squamis obtusiuscuHs,
floscuhs tubulosis.
ILab. Strait of Magalliaens, Cape Gregory ; Ca,
Suffi-utioulus humilis, ramosus. Caules tortuosi, 3-6 une. longi, ramulis per totam longitudinem fohosis, ^ 1
uneialibns. Folia 2 lin. longa. i lin. lata, super medio sulcata, arachnoidea v. glabrata, subter lana appressa incano-
tomentosa. Capitula plurima, erecta, i unc. longa, discoidea, floscuhs ommbus benuapluoditis. Involucrum cam-
panulatum; squamis irregulariter 3 -seriahbus, concavis, cbartaceis, dorso araebnoideis. exterioribus brevibus late
ovato-oblongis, interioribus longioribus, hneai-i-oblongis oblongo-lanceolatisve, disco panlo brevioribus. BeceptacuUrn
ang-ustum, mbgloboso-capitatum, nudum nisi squamæ paucæ lineares inter flosculos exteriores sparsæ. Corollæ
oinnes tubulosæ, 6-dentatoe, dentibus linearibus obtusis recurvis. Anfheræ liueares, basi brevissime bisetosæ, fila-
mentis superne paulo incrassatis. Sigli rami lineai'es. majusculi. obtusi, exserti. Tappi setæ plurimæ, rigidæ, sca-
bridoe, snbflavescentes. A e hm iu n Imeai'i-obconicum. subangulatum, hispidulum.
Though differing from the 0. amelloides in habit, and especially in tbe absence ot hgiilate florets, I am unable
to point out any cbaracters that wül separate these two plants genericahy; for the structm-e of the involucre, the
occasional linear paleæ on the receptacle, the achænium, the pappus, stamina and styles, are essentially the same.
m e n describing the Antarctic species of Senedo I shah aUude more pai-ticularly to the radiate plants of that
grains being natives of a damp, and the discoid of a di-ier, chmate. The same remai-k seems to hold good with
CkiUotric&um, the 0. amelloides being confined to the humid atmosphere and soil of the Falkland Islands and
Fuegia ; whilst the present, and two alhed discoid species, (both, however, too nearly related to C. limnile), of which
I subjoin descriptions*, affect the arid plains of Patagonia.
C. humile is also a native of Cape Fairw'eather on the east coast of Patagonia.
2. ASTEE, L .
1. A s t e e Vahlii, Hook, et A m . in Comp. B o t. Mag. vol. h. p. 4 9 . Hook. Ic. Pla n t, t. 486. A.
Gihiesii, Hook, et Arn. I. c. A. glabratus. Banks et Sol. M S S . in M m . Banks, own icone. Erigeron Talilii,
Gaud, in A nn. Se. N a t. vol. v. p. 103, et in Freyc. Voy. Bot. p. 135. H Urville in Mém. Soc. L in n . Baris,
vol. IV . p. 611. BC. Prodr. vol. v. p. 295.
H ab . South Chih, Fuegia and th e Falkland Islands, abundant ; Banks and Solander, and ah succeeding
A very distmct species, particularly abimdant in the moister parts of the Falkland Islands, and in Fuegia south
of the Strait of Magalhaens on the eastern side, but ascending on the west coast of America as far as Conception
* 1. CniLlOTRicuuM Kingii, n.sp.; canie ramisque suberectis angulatis .appresse tomentosis laxe fohosis,
fohis coriaceis hnearibus obtusis recm-vis, eapituhs sessihbus breviter peduuculatisve, involucri late campanulati
squamis oblongo-lanceolatis acutis, acbreniis sericeis,
H ab. Patagonia, Capt. Middleton in Herb. Bentham ; Port St. Helena, Capt. King.
2. Chilioteichum Barwinii; n .sp.; canle ramisque suberectis angulatis appresse tomentosis, fohis imbricatis
coriaceis huearibus recurvis, capitulis pedimculatis, iuvoliicri subelongati campanulati squamis anguste linearibus
acuminatis vernicosis.
H ab. Patagonia; Port Desire, C. Darwin, Esq.