
226 FLO RA A N TAR C T ICA. [Fuegia, the
often growing together, they do not appear to pass into one another. The small size, depressed and stellate habit,
densely Mvous silky clothing, aud especially the hairy cai-pels always serve to distinguish the present.
P late LXXXIII. Fig. 1, a flower; jig. 3, the same, laid open ;• Jig. 8, front, and fig. 4, back view of a petal;
Jig. 5, young, a n d / / . 6, ripe carpel; fig. 7, the same cut open shoiving the seed:—aR magnijied.
* * * Hecatonia, fo liis in.
7. R anunculus hgdropliilns, Gaud. ; totus glaberrimus, caule gracRi repente, fobis longe petiolatis na-
tantibus eRiptico-ovatis integerrimis 3-5-nerviis, peduncubs axibaribus petiolo brevioribus, floribus parvis,
petalis flavis spathulatis, carpeRis paucis, stigmate subsessib. R. hydi-opliRus, Gaud, in Ann. Sc. N a t. vol. v.
p. 105. Freycinet, Toy. Bot. p. 136 and 475. D U r v ille in Mem. Soc. L in n . P a n s , vol. iv. p. 515.
(Tab. L X X X II. Fig. B.)
H a b . Falkland Islands ; in streams, lagoons, and pools of fresh water, abundant; Gaudichaud, D Urville,
J . H. H.
Caules 4-8 unc. longi, parce ramosi, ad axiRas foRonun radicantes. Folia fasciculata, tema quinave, basi vagi-
iiantia; petioR 3-5 unc. longi, erecti, crassiuscub; lamina paiwa, Anne, longa, plenunque natans, plana, obtusa,
nervis 3-7 paraReRs. Fedunculi ex axiUis foRomm soRtai-R, petiolo multoties breriores, sub Amie, longi. Sepala
late ovato-rotundata, membranacea. Fetala calyce breviora, 1 Rn. longa, flava, spathulata, infra mecRum squami-
fera, basin versus attenuata. Capitulum parvum, globosum. Carpella pauca, paRide flava, obRque oblonga, obtusa,
vix 1 lin. longa.
A very distmct species, both in habit and in other characters, perhaps most resembing R. hmilis, Hook,
and Am. (Bot. of Beechey’s Voy. p. 4 .), which is a variety of R. trisépalas, Gülies ; but the present is not branched
upwards, the flowers are very different, and the carpels are not pimctate. The leaves much resemble the upper
floating ones of Potamogetón lieterophyllus.
P late LXXXII. F ig .B .—F ; /. 1, flower; / / . 3, petal; / / . 3, s tam e n ;//. 4, young carpel; / / . 5, ripe ditto;
fig. 6, the same cut open :—aR magnijied.
8. R anunculus trd lifo liu s, Hook. fil. ; glaberrimus, caubbus brevissimis sarmentosis, fobis radicabbus
natantibus obovato-cuneatis integerrimis apicibus 3-5-dentatis, petiobs elongatis incrassatis superne attenuatis,
peduncubs petiolo brevioribus, floribus inconspicuis, sepalis late ovato-rotundatis, petabs brevibus. (T^vb.
L X X X II. Fig. A.)
H a b . Falkland Islan d s; St. Salvador Bay, in a fresh-water lagoon.
Radix fibrosa, fibris crassis elongatis, e coRo sarmenta elongata radicantia emittens. Folla omnia radicaba;
petiob basi longe vaginantes, 4 - 6 unc. longi, teretes, antice canabculati, vabdi, crassiuscub, superae gradatim incrassati,
infra laminam attenuati; lamina A_|. unc. longa, abmpte truncata, grosse et inæquahter 3-5-dentata, dentibus
obtusis, 3-5-nemis, nerris paraReRs, luride viricUs v. purpurascens. Flos fructusque ut in R. hjdroplilo sed paulo
majores ct pedúnculo crassiore.
Certainly more nearly aRied to the former than to any other species of the genns ; but quite distmct, of a larger
size and more succulent habit, with leaves of a different form, abruptly truncate and lobed at the extremity.
P late LXXXII. Fig. A.
Falklands, etc?\ F LO R A A NTAR CT ICA.
3. H.AÎILVDRYAS, Commers.
Flores abortu dioici. Sepala 5-6. Fetala 10-12, bneari-subulata, basi squama instmcta.—F l . Masc. Stamina
pluiima, filamentis fibformibus.— F l . F oem. Ovaria pluiima, in capitulum globosum disposita, stylo uncinato
terminata, unilocularia, uniovidata ; ovulo e basi locub erecto, funiculo brevi. Carpella sicca, ossea, indehiscentia.—
Herbæ Antarcticoe, Raiiunculo affines, plus minute sericeæ. Scapi ad apices \-3Jlores, flore inferiore sessili. Sepala
petalaque extus pilosa.
1. H amabbyas Magellanica, Lam.; plus minusve sericeo-pilosa, fobis rotundatis tripartitis lobis cime-
atis inciso-partitis v. subintegris. H. MageRanica, Lamarck, Diet. vol. ib. p. 67. DC. Syst. Veg. vol. i.
p. 226. Proch'. vol. i. p. 25. Delessert, Icon. Select, vol. i. t. 22.
H a b . Strait of MagaRiaens ; Commerson. Mount Tam, altitude 2000 feet ; Capt. King, C. Darwin, Esq.
Staten Land, half way up the mountains ; A. Menzies, Escp
Var. /3, tomentosa-, fobis argenteo-lanatis lobis cuneatis subintegris. H. tomentosa, DC. Syst. Veg.
vol. i.p . 227. P ro /r. vol. i. p. 25.
Statm-a et præcipue pubescentia variat, mmc tota lana moRi sericea obtecta, nunc glabriuscula v .sparse püosa.
Scapus foRo æquans v. bis longior. Sepala petalaque extus glabra v. sericea.
These two varieties were found grovdng together both by J lr. Darwin and by Menzies, and are certainly not
SpecificaRy distinct.
De CandoRe places this genus doubtfuRy amongst the Anemoneoe ; the ovules ai-e, however, truly erect, and tbe
petals being furnished with a smaR nectariferous scale, it ought to rank veiy near Ranunculus, from which it only differs
in habit and in the numerous petals, and perhaps also in the persistent caljTc. The form of the leaves seems to me
to afford the sole tangible specific character, for the species vary in the hab-iness of aR then parts.
2. H amabbyas argentea, Hook. fil. ; dense argeuteo-lanata, folbs obovato-cuneatis basi attenuatis profonde
trifidis lobis 3-5-fidis. (Ta b . LXXXV.)
H a b. Falkland Islands ; amongst grass ; Captain Sulivan, Lievi. Rohinson, J .D . II.
Radix fibrosa, fibris crassis descendentibus. Folia radieaRa, basi fibris petiolorum vetustorum tecta ; petioli
gracRes, erecti, 2-10 unc. longi, tomentosi; lamina lA -2 unc. longa, coriacea, utrinque tomento argenteo-nitente
vestita, segmentis obtusis. Scapus foRo subæquRougus, crassitie pennæ corrinæ, plantæ masculæ gracRior et uni-
floms, foemineæ biflorus. Sepala ovata, acuta v. acuminata, extus vülosa. Fetala sepaRs'duplo longiora, sub 4 lin.
longa, Rneari-subulata, gradatim attenuata, basi subito contracta, quasi uuguiculata, supra imguem squamam ap-
pressam gerentia trinervia, membranacea, dorso Ibi-suta, paRide straminea. Stamina 8, filamentis fiRfombbus.
Ovaria ovata, superne in stylmn uncinatimi attenuata. Carpella tm-gida, ossea.
To aR appearance tlbs is a distinct species from the former, and certainly a very beautiful one ; both Mr.
Dai-win’s and JIi-. Menzies’ specimens, however, of H. Magellanica, vai-. j3, are so simRai-ly covered with sRky
wool, that the form of the leaves alone serves to distiugmsh them. I t is rare in the northern part of the islands,
and a copious suite of spccbnens might exhibit vai-ieties stiR more Rke the Fuegian species. I detected only one
individual with male flowers, it was smaRer than the females, aud had slender, single-flowered pedimcles.
P late LXXXV. Fig. 1, a male plant, of the natural size; 2, a flower of the same ; 3, a petal ; 4, a stamen ;
—magnified; 5, a female plant of the natural size; 6, a flower of the same; 7, an ovarium; 8, a caiqiel; 9, the
same cut open lougitudinaRy showmg the erect seed :—magnified.