
310 F LO EA ANTAECTICA. [Fuegia, the
Tlie variety ft CJionoiicmi, seems iutermediate between tbis and the foUowbig, the woolliness being that of
G. spicatum, w-bilc tbe capitate heads of liow-ers are similar to those of G. falcatum.
P late CXIII. Ffy. I , receptacle and involucral leaves ; jfy. 2, a flower of the ray ; / ÿ . 3, a flower of the disc ;
yfy. 4, a seta of the pappus ; yfy. 5, ripe achænium ;— aH magnified.
2. G naphalium fa lca tum , Lam. ; Encycl. vol. ii. p. 758. Lessing in Linnæa, vol. vi. p. 229. BC.
P ra iir. vol. vi. p. 233. Hook, et Arn. in P o i . /ow®. vol. ill. p. 328. G. Clulense, 77i»L ai Arn. in Bot.
Beech, p. 31. G. littorale, Bank s ct Sol. in Mus. Banks, cum icone.
H ab. P o rt Famine; Capt. King. Good Success B ay ; Banks and Solander.
I have refrained from uniting the present with the foregoing species, being unable to arrange the Chilian forms
of this genus so as to foUow the transition steps by wbicb they pass one into another, nflthout even a fuller series of
specimens than I have had the opportunity of Consulting. I am fidly satisfied however, that neither habit of
arowtb, nor foliage, nor inflorescence affords any cbaracters to separate them.
3. Gnaphalium affine, D ’Urv. ; totum lana laxa moUi vestiti™, caule gracili herbáceo basi procumbente
valde ramoso foboso, ramis florentibus ascendentibus erectisve gracibimis parce foliatis, capitubs paucis
terminabbus aggregatis anguste eybndraceis, squamis involucralibus lanceolatis acnminatis basi pedicelbs
folüsque bracteiformibus lana immersis. G. afilne, IL Urv. in Mém. Soc, L in n . Paris, \o \. in. p. 610.
Gaudichaud in Freyc. Voy. Bot. p. 134. BC. Prodr. voi. id. p. 134. G. cousanguinenm, Hondo, et Lacq.
in Voy. au Fole Sud, Bo t. Bicot. Phau. 1 .11. T (?) non Gaudichaud.
H ab. Falkland Islands ; H Urville, -J.B.H. Peckett Harbour, Strait of MagaUiaens ; Hondoron and
f i
Caules basi sublignosi, prostrati, ramosi. Eolia obovoto-spatbnlata, utrinque molliter et laxe lanata, l - a unc.
longa. Bttìtti florentes graciles, 2-8 une. longi, foba 3-4 gerentes, apice cniwati et floriferi. Capitula angusta, sub
2 bn. longa, paucifiora, involucri squamis nitidis supra medium subcastaneo-fuscis.
This appears to me a verj' distmct species from G. spicatum and indeed from any of its congeners, and may
readily be recognized by its small size, and slender neai-ly leafless floweripg stems, wbose drooping apices bear bnt two
or three capitula. The latter are elongated, narrow, and their scales dose together after the seeds have faUen,
forming an acuminated point to the capitulum.
The figure of G. consanguineum. Gaud., given by Hombron and Jacquinot, appears to belong to tlds plant, of
which T have seen no specimens from the continent of South America or Fuegia.
4 . G n ap h a lium Antarcticum, Hook, fil.; pumilum glaberrimum, caule basi decumbente foboso
sursum erecto gracib curvato parce follato, capitubs subcapitatis majusculis, involucri fobobs lanceolatis
acummatis scariosis glaberrimis nitidis paUide brunneis, pappo basi subjiiloso, acbænüs glaberrimis.
(Tab. C X III. B.)
Hab. Falkland Islands ; amongst grass &c. very sparingly ; •/. B . 77.
Elmta perpusiba 1-2-polbcaris, tota glaberrima. Caulis tenuis basi decumbens fobosus. Eolia sub A unc.
longa, patentia, anguste obovato-spathulata, integenima, subacuta, nervo medio super depresso, utrinque viridia,
siccitate fusco-brannea. Caulis floriferus subfibformis, folüs 2-3 hnearibus auctus. Capitula 2-6, rarius sobtaria.
pro planta m a ju s cu la ,u n c . longa, subcylindracea. Involucri squamæ anguste lanceolatæ, acuminatæ, scariosæ.
Elores albi? ; apicibus deniium coroUæ glandulosis. Achmiium glabenimum.
Falklands, etc] F LO EA ANTAECTICA. 311
A very minute species, wlbch at one time I was incbned to consider a seedbng state of G. spicatum, bnt the
whole plant is perfectly glabrous, the stems veiy slender, tbe capitula aggi'egated at the apex of tbe stem and
much smaller than those of G. spicatum.
I regret having found but few specimens of this veiy minute Gnaphalium,, they were quite concealed amongst
the stems of grasses and other herbs.
Plaie CXIII. B, Eig. 1. a flower of the disc ; f g , 2. a flower of the ray both magnified.
5. Gnaphalium luteo-aldoum, Linn. Sp. F l. 1196. E ig l. Bo t. t. 1002. G. inornatum, BC. Frodr.
vol. vi. p. 225 ?
H a b . Clionos Archipelago ; C. Barwin, Esq.
This plant seems identical with Hartweg’s n. 314 of Mexico, which Mr. Bentham has named 0 . inornatum, DC.,
but I can distiugmsh neither from European and N. American specimens of G. luteo-album, which is a very frequent
inhabitant of the waimer and temperate paits of the globe.
10. MELALEMA, H o o k .fd .
Capitulum discoideum, multiflorum, heterogamum ; flosculis marginalibus pauciseriatis, tenuissimis,
foemineis, ore oblique tru n c ato ; centralibus hermaphroditis, 5-dentatis. Receptaculum nudum, planum,
papillosum. Involucrum subhemisphæricum ; squamis 2-3-serialihus, hnearibus, superne atro-sphacelatis,
exterioribus brerioribus. S ty li rami apice truncati, peumcillati. Achænia b reriter oblonga, striata, glaberrima.
Pappus multiserialis, pilis vix scaberulis.— Herba Fuegiana ramosa fo lio sa dense cæspitosa ;
ramis fo lio s is ; foliis imbricatis spathulatis suhter argenteo-lanatis; c&fftvéàs terminalibus solitariis inter
fo lia summa sessilibus ; floscuhs fa v is .
I . Melalema humifusa. Hook. fil. Baccbaris Immifusa, Bank s et Solander M S S . in Mus. Banks.
cum icone.
Hab. Tierra del Fuego, Good Success Bay; Banks and Solander, C. Barmin, Esq.
CauUs prostratus, diametro pennæ corvinæ, basi descendeute, fibras plmimas elongatas emittente, superne e
lapsu foliorum cicatricatus vagiiiisque foliorum obtectus, plmies divisus. Rami ascendentes v. erecti, l-Z-pofhcares,
deuse foliosi. Eolia 3-4 Hu. longa, basi arcte imbricata, patentia, spathulata, obtusa. subter tomento appresso
argenteo-candida, super nisi versus apices glabrata, coriacea, subenervia. Co/uÏMfo inter foha summ a inconspicua,
3 lin. longa, late campanulata v. subhemisphærica. Involucri squamæ exteriores dorso aracluioideo-tomentosi,
apicibus acnminatis atris. Elosculi plmimi. Pappus setis flexuosis.
In the sphacelated apices of the iuvoluoral scales, tHs genus approaches Senecio, from wHch it essentially
differs in the form of the florets of the chcumfereiioc, which refers it to DcCandolle’s second division Erecthiteæ
of the ScMcmnew. Its liahit and foliage are different from other Antarctic plants, though it resembles some alpine
Composita of New Zealand.
11. CULCITIUM. H .B .K .
1. Culcitiom Magellanicum, Homb. et J a c q .; totum sericco-tomentosum, fohis radicalibus lineari-
lanceolatis V. anguste linearibus elongatis acutis appresse sericeis super canaliculatis marginibus revolutis
basi louge vaginatis scariosis glaberrimis, scapo elongato moiiocepbalo bracteolato, bracteolis linearibus,
capitrdo solitario bemispliærico nutante v. inclinato, involucri squamis dense lanatis linearibus disco