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ingly natural one, Richea, Br., being its nearest ally and indeed its representative in Tasmania, whence Mr.
Gunn has lately sent a splendid new species, probably the most magnificent plant in the whole Natural
Plate XXXIII. Fig. 1, a flower surrounded by the bracteæ ; fig. 2, the same removed from the bracteæ ;
fig. 3, calycine leaf ; fig. 4, segments o f the corolla and stamens ; fig. 5, germen and hypogynous scales ; fig. 6,
ripe capsule enclosed in the persistent bracteæ ; fig. 7, the same with the bracteæ removed ; fig. 8, the same
sjîlit open; fig. 9, a valve of the capsule ; fig. 10, a seed all magnified.
2. D. veì-ticiìlatum, Lab. Labillai'dîère, Voyage, vol. ii. p. 211. t. 40. DeC. I. c. p. 770.
H ab. New Caledonia ; on the mountains.
§ II. Staminibus epipetalis, fioribus paniculatis, bracteis caducis, foliolis calycinis tubo corollæ multo h-evioribus.
3. D. latifolium ; arboreum, foliis pedalibus longissime lanceolatis subflexuosis (prò genere latis) margine
obtuse serrulatis, panícula effusa nutante pilosa demum glabra, bracteis deciduis, floribus parvis, foliolis
calycinis æqualibus pubescentibus late ovatis corolla multo brevioribus.—A. Cunn. Prodr. F l Nov. Z e l in Ann.
N a t.U is t. voi. ii. p. 48. DeC. Prodr. voi. vii. p. 770. Epacris longifolia, Banks and Sol. M S S . in Mus. Brit.
H ab. New Zealand; common in tbe woods of the Northern Island.
The most handsome but smallest-flowered species of the genus. Leaves an inch broad at the base. Panicle
a foot long, very much branched.
4. D. strictum, n. sp.; arbuscula ?, foliis 2-3 uncialibus late-subulatis suberectis strictis e basi vaginante
gradatim acuminatis concavis marginibus serrulatis, panícula 2 unciali recta subcoarctata pilosa ramis crassis,
bracteis deciduis, foliolis calycinis ovatis acutis tubo corollæ ^ brevioribus, corolla majuscula 5 lin. longa.
H ab. New Zealand ; Mountain of Tongariro : Mr. Bidwill.
Much smaller than the D. latifolium, and remarkably different in the size of the flower.
5. D. affine, n. sp. ; arbuscula, foliis 2-uncialibus late-subulatis patentibus e basi lata vaginante gradatim
acuminatis planiusculis, marginibus serrulatis, panícula 2-unciali nutante glabra effusa ramis tenuibus, bracteis
deciduis, foliolis calycinis late-ovatis acutis tubo coroUæ brevioribus, corolla 2^ lin. longa.
H ab. New Zealand ; mountains of the interior : Dr. Dieffenbach.
At first sight this much resembles the last species, but it bas much smaller flowers and is otherwise very
5 III. Staminibus epipetalis, floribus spicatis (unica specie solitariis), foliolis calycinis bracteis simillimis tubo
corollæ æquilongis.
6. D. longifolium, v. supra.
H a b . New Zealand; in Dusky Bay. and Lord Auckland and Campbell's Islands.
7. D. squarrosum, n. sp. ; arbuscula, foliis 3 -4 uncialibus patentibus squarrosis subgramineis (junioribus
strictis) e basi subscariosa vaginante gradatim lineari-subulatis glaberriirá marginibus serrulatis concavis, spicis
i ; - 2 uncialibus lateralibus fasciculatis 5-6-floris. bracteis foliolisque calycinis ovato-lanceolatis gradatim acuminatis
florem superantibus. corollæ tubo gracili, limbi segmentis lanceolatis obtusis.
H ab. New Zealand ; Northern Island, Manukau Bay : W. Colenso, Esq.
A small diffuse tree, 12-14 feet high, allied to D. longifolium. but the leaves are of a different habit and
texture, and the corolla quite unUke th a t of the southern plant ; both of these have large leaves, and more the
Tribe E M B E L IE Æ , A DeC.
1. S U T T O N IA , A ffic/i.
Flores polygami, v. hermaphroditi. Calgx 2-3-partitus rarius obsoletas, lobis obtusis, eroso-dentatis, ciliatis,
æstivatione imbricatis. Corollicpelala 4 - 5 , distincta, v. rarius ima basi subconnata, obovata v, lineari-oblonga.
appearance of the species of the former sections. The following are more shrubby, and though of a different
habit, I am unable to separate them by any decided character into a distinct section.
8, D. Lessonianum, A. Rich. ; frutescens, ramis castaneis, foliis fasciculatis 21-3-uncialibus lineari-subulatis
semiteretibus supra planis, vaginis elongatis abrupte truncatis marginibus ciliatis, spica l i - 2 unciali
5-8-flora, floribus remotis, bracteis foliisque calycinis persistentibus coriaceis flore longioribus gradatim acuminatis,
corollæ segmentis oblongo-lanceolatis tubo subgracili.—4 . Rich. Flor. Nov. Zel. p. 233. A . Cunn.Prodr.
Fl. Nov. Zel. I.e. DeC. Prodr. I. c. D. oXienusAma, A . Cunn. MS S . in Herb. Hook. Ardisiafrondosa, a. longifolia,
Banks and Sol. M S S . in Mus. Brit.
H.\b. New Zealand ; a very common plant in the Northern Island, also found on the Middle Island.
9. D. Urvilleanum, A. Rich. ; frutescens, ramis atris, foliis fasciculatis 2.^3-uncialibus strictis supra canaliculatis,
vaginis brevibus subciliatis, spica X unc. longa 3-4-flora, floribus approximatis, bracteis persistentibus
foliolisque calycinis ovatis breviter acuminatis, corollæ segmentis ovato-oblongis tubo subcampanulato,—
A. Richard, A . Cunningham et DeC. locis citatis. Ardisia frondosa, /3. squarrosa, Banks and Sol. M S S . in Mus.
H a b . New Zealand ; Northern Island, generally at a little distance from the sea ; Tasman’s Bay, Middle
Island; D'Urville.
Stems always black and as if charred on the surface. This and the preceding are very closely allied, but
assuredly quite distinct ; tbe most prominent characters of the present are the shortly acuminated bracts,
abbreviated spikes, and channeled leaves ; other distinctions are well pointed out by A. Richard, to which
DeCandolle adds “ foliis rigidis,” though in our specimens they are less so, if anything, than in D. Lessonianum,
but rather shorter. Cunningham appears to have confounded the two, though he knew both plants, this being
tlie common species on the banks of the Keri-Keri river. His MSS. name of D. attenuatum is also attached by
himself to specimens (in Herb. Hook.) of Lessonianum and not of Urvilleanum, under which, in his ' Prodromus,'
he quotes his own name as a synonym.
10. D. scoparium. Hook. fil. ; v. supra.
H a b . Chatham and Campbell's Islands.
11. D. robustum, n. sp. ; fruticosum, ramis fuscis, foliis fasciculatis lX-2-uncialibus subcurvatis semiteretibus
rigidis supra planis, vaginis basi abrupte truncatis ciliatis, spica | - 1 unc. longa valida 3-4-flora, floribus
confertis, bracteis persistentibus foliolisque calycinis rigidis duris ovato-lanceolatis gradatim acuminatis, corollæ
tubo subgracili segmentis ovali-oblongls.
H a b . New Zealand ; Northern Island ; Edgerley.
This is n very distinct species though similar to the three former, and having leaves, though shorter and more
rin-id, of the same character as those of D. Lessonianum, as are the calycine leaves, flowers and segments of the
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