
25. Jd x g e em an n ia vasadosa, H o o k .fil.e tT a y l.; flaccida, tenerrima, cæspitosa, caule procmnbente
subramoso, foliis imbricatis secundis erectis rotundato-quadratis, basi lato deciurente, margine integerrimo
undidato, stipulis majoribus ovatis concaris bifidis, segmentis lanceolatis integerrbnis v. basi utrinque uni-
deiitatis. Nobis in Lond. Jonrn. Bot. vol. 3. p. 461. (Tab. C LV II. K g . IV).
H ab. Falkland Islands ; on wet rocks near th e sea, abundant.
Cæspites late extensi, 2-4 unc. Iati, atvo-riricles. Caulis 2 imc. longus, parce ramosus. FoUa laxiuscule
imbricata,; integerrima ; marginibus subinilexis imdulatis, superiore siibgibboso, iuferiore longe decm-rente ; substantia
tenerrima, flaccida, eeUulis majusculis. Stipula conspicuæ, caulem amplectentes ; segmentis late lanceolatis, erectis,
sinu obtusiusculo.
This has a good deal of resemblanee to the J. coriifolia. Hook., of Britain, but the presence of stipules will
at once distinguish the Antarctic plant. In many respects it has an equal claim to he considered a Lopiiocolea as a
Jmigennannia ; on the w-hole, however, we incline to retain it iu the latter genus.
P l a t e C L V I I . Fig. I V .— 1, plant of the natural size ; 2, portion of hranch, with leaf and stipule ; 3, stipide
both magnijied.
JoxGEEMAiraiA erinacea, Hook. fil. et Tayl.; tenerrima, cæspitosa, canle suberecto ramoso,
ramis erecto-patentibus, fobis imbricatis patentibus flaccidis cibato-dentatis apice obtusis plus minusve
profunde emarginatis, lobo inferiore ovato-rotundato superiore bbero ovato adpresso stipulis majoribus late
rotundatis irregulariter cibato-dentatis integris bifidisve. Nobis in Lond. Jonrn. Bot. vol. 8 u 462 ÌT ab
CLXI. K g .W ) . ' ^ ■
H a b . Falkland Islands; o n m o i s t r o c k s n e a r t h e sea .
Pallide obvaceo-flava. Cæspites laxi,'extensi. Caulis 1 ^ 2 unc. longus, flaccidns, ramosus, ramis subfastigiatis.
Foha laxe imbricata, tenerrima et flaccida sed areobs minutis, apice plerumque bifida, sinu lato rotimdato, ebbs mar-
gmabbus basi latiuscubs sæpe repente iu apicem articulatam desinentibus. Stipulæ rotimdatæ, ambitii cüiatæ, lobulo
minore foUi majores^ bifidæ.
A very beautiful species, albed to onr / . iiplopJiglla (Pt. 1. p. 1B2. t. 64. f. iv) ; where fructification is unknown,
they together appear to fonn as natural a genus as any which has been proposed out of Jungermannia, and dificé
from Scapania in the presence of stipules. The present is readüy distinguishable from J. diplopjajlla by the separation
of the two lobes of the leaf, by their emarginate tips, by the larger and closer cibation of their mai-gins and by
the less deeply bnt more frequently divided and broader stipules.
Plate CLXI. Fig. K*.— 1, plant of the natm-al size ; 2 and 3, portion of stem, leaf, and stipule ; 4, stipule
27. JU.XGEEMAXNIA immectata. Hook. fil. et Tayl.; laxe cæspitosa, flaccida, caule erecto parce ramoso,
folbs remotis tenuibus erecto-patentibus undulatis basi amplexicaidibus ovato-rotundatis emarginatis bifidisve
segmentis obtusiusculis subdivaricatis integerrimis v. utrinque deutatis, stipulis M i s consimilibus sed
minoribus. Nobis *» /o a r» . Tfoi. vol. 3. p. 462. (Tab. C LV II. Fig. V).
H ab. Falkland Islands ; on wet sand by tb e sides of mountain-streams.
Cæspites laxi, extensi, infeme atro-bnmnei ; ramis paucis, erectis, palbde fusco-obvaccis. FoUa altema, remo-
tiuscula, basi caulem totam fere amplectentia, late obovato-oblonga y. rotundata, bifida, sinu acuto v. obtuso.
Possibly from its rather anomalous locabty, an altered state of some other species, though we cannot say of
what. In the wet place of growth, erect habit and general outbne of the leaf, it resembles the British / . Lyoni,
Tayl. ( /. socia. var., Gottsche, Lind, et Nees), difl'ering in the paler green colom- of the young shoots, in the
more debcate fobage, smaUer areolæ, deeper emargination and clasping leaves.
P late CLVII. Fig. V.— 1, plants of the natui-al size ; 2, stipule ; 3, leaf both -magnified.
28. J dngeemannia austrigena, Hook. fil. et Tayl. ; laxe cæspitosa, canle elongato ascendente sub-
ramoso, surcubs incurvis, foliis imbricatis subsecundis erecto-patentibus rotundatis couve.xis integerrimis
marginibus recurvis pericbætialibus rotundatis, stifinKs majoribus rotundatis, marginibus reflexis integerrimis
bidentatisve, calyce terminali oblongo compresso ore snbintegro trigono. J. avMrigena e t J . cavispina.
Nobis in Lond. Journ. Bot. vol. 3. p. 463 et 466. (Tab. CLV II. Fig. V I I . and T.ab. C LV III. Fig. V ).
1I.1B. Hermite Island, Cape H o rn ; moist banks in woods (fruit). Falkland Islands, along with •/.
Cæspites laxi. Iati, pabide flavidi, vhides v, atro-brannei. Caules 2-3 unc. longi, vage ramosi, flexuosi, crassiuscub.
FoUa arcte imbricata. subopposita, antice decurrentia . siccitate plerumque crispata, recurva ; madore suberecta,
appressa, marginibus plus minusve recun-is. Slipulæ rotundatæ, basi utrmque decun-entes. integerrimæ v.
apice bidentatæ, marginibus valde deflexis porrectis, intra margines posticos foborum verticabter compressæ. Calyx
majuscidus, oblongus, latiuseulus, trigonus.
A very curious species, and unbke any witb which we ai-e acquainted. The habit of the Falkland Island specimens
when dried, is, owing to them liavhig gi-ow-n in water, so pecnbar, that w-e regarded them at first as a
ibfl'ercnt species, wlbch we described as J. cavispina, from the reflexed margins of the closely imbricating stipules,
giving a gi-ooved appearance to the back of the stem. The calj-x is that of a Lopiiocolea, from which group the
presence of stipules aud the entfre leaves remove it.
P late CLVII. Fig. VII. Falkland Island state, (sub nom. J. cavispinæ).—1. plant of the natural size ; 2, front,
and 3, back view- of stein and leaf; 4, stem and stipule; B and 6, stipules :—magniftei, P late CLVIII. Fig. V.
(Hei-mite Island state).—1, plant of the natural size; 2, lateral, 3, back, and 4. front riew of stem, leaf, and
stipide ; B, stem and stipide ; 6 and 7, stipules -.— magniftei.
29. JuNGEEMANXiA palustris, Hook. fil. et Tayl. ; caule elongato disperso flaccido ramoso, foliis laxe
imbricatis erecto-patentibus tenuissime membranaceis rotundatis valde concaris mai-ginibus incurvis medio
longitudinaliter undulatis integerrimis, stipulis majoribus ovabbus cj-mbiformibus integerrimis. Nobis in
Lond. -Journ. Bot. vol. 3. p. 464. (Kvb. C LV II. K g . V III).
H.ab. Hermite Island, Cape H o rn ; on tbe borders of an alpine lake, growing in tb e water.
Caides inter Muscos abasque Hepáticas demersas ascendentes, sparsi, 3 nnc. longi ; ramis erectis, flaccicbssinbs.
Folia timbda, varie incurva, medio pleramque plica longitucbiiab notata. Stipulæ valde concavæ, subimbricatæ.
Albed to the British J. Douiatm, and to the / . involutifolia, Mont. (v. infra), but veiy distmct from both.
The leaves resemble those of Hypnum coclilearifoUnm, Schwaegr,
P l.ate CLVII. Fig. V III.—1, plant of the natural size ; 2, front riew of stem, leaves, and stipules ; 3, back
view of cbtto :—maguijied.
30. JuKGEEMAXXiA involutifoUa, Mont. in Gottsche, Nees et Lindb. Syn. Hep. p. 81. Vsy. an Pole
Sud, Bot. Crypt, p. 260.
H ab . Strait of Magalliaens ; on tufts of Hypnum flu ita n s -. I I . Hombron.
The nearest ally to this plant is J. notophylla, iiobis.