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the fonner, its range being far ivider and it being fm-ther closely allied to three or four Chilian congeners. I have
diligently compared Professor Jameson’s specimens both in flower aud fruit, gathered on Pichincha, with those of
Capt. King from Port Famine in an equally good state, without being enabled to detect even the diíFereiices of a
variety in the foliage or inflorescence of either. The oblong form of the leaflets similai- at both extremities and regularly
serrated along the whole margin is characteristic, but far more so is the calyx, densely clothed with stiff
straight hairs, the slender filament, and small didymous antiier ; also the rillous fruit, ivith generally two slender
aristæ. The figure in Yenteuat’s ‘ Hortus Celsianus’ is excellent.
8 . A cæna (Ajicistrimi) ascendens, Yalil; caule elongato prostrato ramoso, ramis glaberrimis ascendentibus
foliosis, foliis plus minusve pilosis,,foliolis 4 - 7 -jugis submembranaceis obovato-oblongis obtusis grosse
serratis superioribus sæpe decurrentibus, pedúnculo scapiformi basi folioso plerumque glaberrimo superne
longo nudo v. rarissime folio unico glomeruloque florum aucto, capitulo globoso, bracteoHs linearibus apice
ciliatis, calyce glabriusculo, petalis late ovali-oblongis dorso apiceque pilosis, staminibus plenunque 4 petalis
longioribus, stigmate elongato unilateraliter et breriter plumoso, fructu obconico aristis 4 elongatis apice
glochidiatis. A. ascendens, Fahl, Emim. vol. i. p. 297. Lam. Sujjpl. vol. i. p. 347. LC . Frod)\ vol. ii.
p. 593. {nm B o o l, et Arn. in L o t. Misceli, vol. iii. p. 308). Ancistrum hurdle. Fers. Ench. vol. i. p. 30.
A. lærigatum. Lag. Spec. vol. va.. quoad LC . 1. c. A. Magellamcum, Lamarck, B lu st. vol. i. p. 76.
(Tab. XCYI.)
Yar. /3 ; foliis minoribus subcoriaceis, caulibus strictioribus.
H ab. Strait of Magalhaens ; Commerson, Thouin. Good Success Bay ; C. L arwln, Esq. Falkland Islands,
abundant ; Gaudichaud, D Urville, &c. South Georgia ; Forster. Y^ar. j3. Cape Fairweather ; Capt. King.
CauUs elongati, plerumque 3-5 imc. longi, prostrati, ramosi. Folia nisi in var. jS, flaccida, utrmque sed subtus
præcipue püosa. Scapi glaberrimi, rarissime sparse pilosi CapiUda m i^ itu d in e varia, floribus semper ? hermaphroditis.
Calÿx petalaque dorso parce püosa. Stamina conspicua ; filamentis elongatis, gi-acüibus ; antheris
The chief points of distinction between this and the A. lavigata ivill be found in the notes upon that species.
The present is the more common plant of the two in the Falkland Islands.
P late XCYI. Fig. 1, flower and bractea; Jig. 2, petal; f g . 3, stamen; f g . 4, calyx and stigma; fig. 5, capi-
tuliun of fruit:— all ?
9. A cæna affinis. Hook. fil. ; caule prostrato radicante ramoso, ramis ascendentibus foliosis, foliis
utrinque plus minusve püosis foliolis, 5 - 7 -jugis subflaccidis obovato-oblongis obtusis grosse serratis basi sub-
decurrentibus v. in petiolum brerissimiun attenuatis, pedúnculo scapiformi glaberrimo, capitulo globoso,
floribus hermaphroditis, calyce glabriusculo 4-aristato inter aristas attenuato et in lobis uncinato-recurris
producto, petalis elliptico-oblongis dorso apiceque ciliatis, fllamentis brevissimis, antheris parvis inclusis
didymis, stylo elongato plumoso, fructu elongato, aristis elongatis. Sphærula, Anderson MS S . in Bibl.
Banks. Ancistrum inerme, Herh. Banks. (Tab. XCYI. B.)
H a b . Kerguelen’s L a n d ; marshy places near tbe sea, abundant; Mr. Anderson, in Cook’s third voyage,
J. L . H ; and B r . L ya ll.
A. accendenti statura habitu formaque foliorum inflorescentiæque simülima, sed petala angustiora, stamina multo
minora, filamenta brevissima inclusa, formaque calycis supra aristas diversa.
A plant so very simüar to A. ascendens tbat I long considered it to be a variety peculiar to the i-emote locality
it inhabits. Though the characters I have used to distinguish them are minute, they are very important. Besides
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the nanwTuess of the fruit, the calyx is attenuated between the aristæ, and the mouth of its tube generally terminates
in four recurved points ; the petals are longer and uaiTOwer and the stamens very small, m th filaments even
shorter than the anthers ; the latter were invariably fuU of poUen and quite perfect.
P late XCVI. B. Fig. 1, a flower ; fig. 2, stamen ; fig. 8. longitudinal section of flower, after the petals have
fallen away; fig. 4, carpel, removed from the tube of the calyx ; aU rmgnifiei;—fiig. 6, head of mature frnit : of
the mtnral size.
10. KCÆZÎA Antaretica, Hook.fil.; pumila, cauUbus brevibus robustis prostratis ascendentibus parce
ramosis, fobis confertis foliobs 3 ^ . late oblongis obtuse serratis medio canabculatis supra dense pibs fulvis
sericeo-villosis subcoriaceis infra pilosis, pedúnculo scapiformi, capitulo —?
H ab . Fuegia, Staten L a n d ; A. Menzies, Esq. Hermite Island, Cape H o rn ; on the mountains, rare,
10 0 0 feet.
Ckzulis 3 - 3 -unciab3, vaginis membranaceis glaberrimis foliorum tectus. Folia rix uncialia, petiolo gracib appresse
sericeo. Foliola sub i unc. longa. dorso carinata, marginibus recurvis.
I have not met with this small and very distinct species either in flower or fruit, nor does it exist in any other
collection of Fuegian plants than my own and that of the late Mr. Menzies.
Below * are descriptions of two additional Aooenæ, which, with the above and four others in De Candolle’s
Prodi'omus, include all the South American plants of this genns, known to me.
1 . F uchsia, Plum.
1. F uchsia eoccinea. Ait. Hort. Kew. v. ii. p. 3 5 2 .
Var. a, rohustior, foliis summis sessibbus, petiobs omnibus brevioribus. F. coccínea. A it. 1. c. Curt.
Bot. Mag. t. 98. Willd. in Vster Anual, pt. 3. p. 37. t. 6 . DC. Prodr. vol. bi. p. 38, in p a r t. F. Magellanica,
Lamh. Enegcl. vol. b. p. 565. Illu st. Gen. t. 282. Tlblco, EeuiU. Obs. vol. iii. p. 6 . t. 47.
• A. MCT-oifciiMB, 11. sp.; caule simplicinsculo ascendente folioso, fobis elongatis utrinque sericeo-pilosis subcoriaceis,
fobolis 5- 7 -jugis plerisque sessibbus decurrentibus gi'osse et subacute crenato-dentatis, pedúnculo elongato
sparse piloso, capitulo majusculo globoso, calycibus pilosis, petalis oblongo-obovatis dorso inargineqne sericeo-
viUosis, filamentis gracibbus elongatis, antheris maximis oblongis, stylo elongato breviter plumoso, calycis aristis
3 cæteris duplo longioribus, fructibus breviter obcouicis. A. ascendens, Kook, et Arn. in Bot. Miscell. vol. iii.
p. 307.
H ab. Cordfllera of ChUi ; Cuming, Bridges. Mendoza; Gillies. Port Desire ; Banoin.
Caulis pedalis. Folia 4-6 mic. longa. Fedunculi spitliamæi. Antlieroe bis terve majores quam in congeneribus.
A. OttdiUa, n.sp.; caule prostrato ramoso. ramis ascendentibus petiobsqne patentim pilosis villosiuscidis, folbs
membranaceis subscriceo-pilosis fobobs late obovato-oblongis obtusis grosse et subacute moiso-sen-atis laciniis angustatis,
pcduncido scapiformi, capitulo globoso, calycibus dense setoso-pilosis. petabs dorso subriflosis, staminibus
2 filamentis graciUimis antheris parvis, fructu obconico elongato parce riUoso setis 4 divaricatis elongatis filiformibus
terminato, stylo breviusculo gracib sublonge plumoso.—Nom. vemac. “ CacbUa.”—A. Magellanica, Hook, et Arn. in
Bot. Misceli, vol. iii. p. 308, in part.
I Ia b . South Chib, Province of Manic ; Cuming-, fields near Valdivia ; Bridges.
Capitula post anthesin majora et aristæ fructus longiores quam in congeneribus. Rami pibs sericeis patentibus
viUosiusculi. Folia argute incisa.