
FLOKA A NTAllC T ICA . [Fuegia, the
I» OUI- specimens the inflorescence is variable, even ou the same stem ; in some the antheridia and paropl.vses
are abuudant, in others entfrely wanting.
4 . Toktula loempila, (Barbula), B m c h et Schimp. I. c. p. 4 0 . t. 2 5 .
Var. 1. foliis erecto-patentibus dorso margineque papiUosis, florescentia monoica (interdum lierma-
Var. 2. foliis ovalibus suberectis dorso lævibus.
Var. 3. canle gracüi ramoso, foHis brevioribus suberectis elliptico-oblongis apice pUo brevi instructis
margine subincmnis.
A ar. 4. foliis obtusis areolis majusculis subrotundis.
H a b. Falkland Islands, vars. 1 and 2, on sandy soil near the sea; vars. 3 and 4, Cockburn Island
lat. 64° S., long. 57° W ., both barren.
5. T oetula gracilis. Barbula gracilis, Bruch et Schimp. I. c. p. 22. t. 8. (Tab. C L I I I . fig. I I I .)
IL \b . Cockbui-u Island, (barren).
Our spechnens differ from antheutic examples in having the leaves more crowded, more pellucid at the base
and less acuminated ; the nerve also is wider.
P i a t e CLIII. Fig. II I .—1, tuft of the natm-al size ; 2 and 3, leaves ; 4, areoloe :— magnifici.
6. T oetula hjperborea, Mont. in 7mj. au Bole Sud, Bot. Crypt, p. 302. t. 20. f. 4. Sjntricliia hyper-
borea, B rid , Bryol. Univ. vol. i. p. 583. S. mucronifolia, B r . in P a rry’s i s t Voy. App. p.IOS. excl. synonym.
H a b . Strait of Magalliaens ; M . i
1 . POLYTEICHUM compressum. Hook, fil.et WUs.; caule subsimplici, foliis suberectis subulatis concavis
subserratis, theca iuclmata ovata compressa microstoma, operculo conico-rostrato, calyptra apice subpilosa
(Tab. C L III. fig. IV.) P P -
H ab. Hermite Island, in various situations, cMefly on wet rocks, from the sea to the tops of the hiUs,
rare in fiaiit.
Dioicum. Caules plus minus dense cæspitosi, -idx ramosi, nunc Im-idi, nune mfo-ferruginei, subinde luteo-
virides. Folia ereeto-patentia, imbricata, lanceolato-subulata; in caule masculo ovato-lanceolata, breviora; apice
mcurva, obtusiusoula, concava, mollia, subcamosa, obscnre serrata, nervo angusto haud lameflato insti-uota ’areolis
nmmtis subrotundis, opacis; perichætiaha longiora, erecta. Seta unciahs, crassa. Theca inclinata, subinde hori-
zontalis, ovata, obbqua, compressa, microstoma, lurido-fusca. ColumelU compressa. Perütmnü dentes circiter 32,
u-i-egnlares. albidi. Sporæ minutæ. ferrugineæ. Operculum conico-i-ostratum. capsula duplo brevius. Cahmlr’a
apice subpilosa, latere fissa, par\oila, fusca.
Allied to the Icelandic P. lærigatum, Hook., hut abundantly distinct in its compressed theca and narrower leaves.
P late CLIII. Ffy. IV.—1 , plant of the natural size; 2 and S. leaves; 4 and 6. thecæ; 6. calyptra :—all
2. Po-Lstmcmiujuniperinum, Hedw., Sp. Muse. p. 89. t. 28. Hook, et la y l.
Var. foliis confertis suberectis strictis.
',B r it. p. 4 5 . 1 .10.
Falklands, e tc ] F LO EA ANTAECTICA. 4 1 1
TLib . Falkland Islands, on th e moors, (barren). Hermite Island, Cape Horn, (barren).
Evidently the British species, and a very widely dispersed one.
3. PoLYTEicnuM afpesire, Hoppe; Bride l, B r .U n iv .Y a \.’a .'g .\4 9 . P. juniperinum, var. ifooA «7 Th/f.
I. e. p. 45.
H a b . Strait of Magalhaens, P o rt Famine, Capt. King.
This, which is also a British species, has been collected by Capt. King only.
4. PoLTrEicnuMp ilife rum, Schreb.; Sctmaegr. Suppl. I . vol. ii. p. 813. t. 153. Hook, et Tayl. I. c.
p. 4 4 . 1 .10.
H a b . Falkland Islands, not uncommon on th e moors, rare in fruit.
Affecting the same locality and habit in the Falklands that it does in England.
5. PoLYTEiCHDM dendroides, Schwaegr. Suppl. I I . vol. ii. p. 2. 1 .151.
H ab. Strait of Magalhaens, D ’ Urville. Hermite Island, in th e woods, on steep banks by riy-ulets,
not uncommon, b u t rare iu fruit.
In fertile specimens the branches are arranged at intervals around a common axis, the lo-wer ones usually subdivided.
The peristome has some analogy to that of Lyellia, the teeth being vei-y smaE and the connecting base
remarkably thick and prominent. The calyptra is quite glabrous. ColumeUa apparently winged. In babit this
moss belongs to Pogonatum of Bruch aud Schimper, but its other characters do not comspond.
6. POLYTEICHUM squaniosum. Hook. fil. et Wils.; caule elongato squamoso fastigiato-ramoso, ramis
patentibus brevibus densis curvatis, foMs dense imbricatis erecto-patentibus lanceolato-subulatis stnctis
serratis. (Ta b . C L III. fig. V I II.)
H a b . Hermite Island, on the hiUs a t an altitude of 1 ,0 0 0 -1 ,5 0 0 feet, scarce and scattered, always
Caulis subspithameiis, ascendens, firmus, subflexuosus, atro-purpm-eus, maxima ex parte humo sepultus, triqueter,
superne squamis appressis luteo-fuscis scariosis nitidis in folia caubna gradatim abeuntibus vestitus, apice dendi-oideo-
ramosus; rami vix semiunciales, subsimplices, patentes, fastigiati. Folia dense confei-ta, suberecta, ad apices ramorum
subsecunda, siccitate appressa, e basi membranacea peUucida semiampIexicauU lanceolato-subulata, -i-ix ti-iUnearia,
superne lameUata, dorso carinaque scabra.
AltUougb this moss is very diflerent in aspect fi-om P. dendroides, the chai-acters seem scarcely sufficient to
distinguish it. The short straight leaves are only half as long as in that species.
Pla-I’E CLIII. Fig. V III.—1, plant of the natui-al size ; 3 and 3, leaves :—magnified.
7. P ol-yteichum Magellanicum, Hedw., Sp. Muse. p. 101. t. 20. Fl. Antarct. p t. 1. p. 132. t. lix.
H ab. Strait of Mag-aüinens; H Urville, Hombron. Hermite Island, on fallen tru n k s of old trees, Ac.,
iu the woods; also on alpine rocks, iu clefts. Falkland Ishmds, uot uncommon on th e ground aud in clefts
of quartz rocks on the MUs, (always barren).
1. Conostomum australe, Swartz, Schwaegr. Suppl. I I . vol.i. p. 1 0 8 .1 .130. Ft. Antaret. p t. 1. p. 182_
H ab . Hermite Island, on open rocky ground on the hflls, occupying the same situations as C. boreale
hi Europe. FaUdaud Ishmds, in similar localities, beai-iiig fruit in November.
Entirely the representative of the British and Arctic C. boreale. rUso fouud iu Lord Auckland’s group.