
pJtylla^, milii, (till, infra) tlie stamens ai*e definite and invariably foiu* or five in number, alternating with as
many conspicuous obcordate fleshy flattened glands, placed rather externally to them and alternating also with the
segments of the caljTC, to which the stamens ai-e opposite. The filaments are flattened, and the anthers decidedly
extrorse, an arrangement probably common to the other species, ivhere, owing to the filiform and slender filaments,
it escapes notice. The ovaiy has three lines of parietal placentæ ; there are four in some other species, A. lanceolata,
A. Chiloense, and A . seiraia, whose ovaries I have examined.
1. VIOLA, Toxirn.
1. V iola wiac?/«/«, Cav. Icon. vol. vi. p. 20. t. 539. BC. Frodr. vol. i. p. 297. DJJi'vilU in Mém.
Soc. Linn. Faris. vol. 4. p. 617. Freyc. Voy. Bot. p. 137. Hook. Ic. Fiant, t. 499. Hook, et Arn. in
Bot. Miscell. vol. iii. p. 144. et Bot. Beechey Voy, p. 10. V. pjTolæfolia, Foiret Bict. vol. viii. p. 636.
Gaud, in Ann. So. Nat. vol. v. p. 102. {excl. syn. V. MageUauicæ, Fo‘rst.)
H a b . Strait of Magalhaens; Commei'son. Falkland Islands; Née, Bougainville and all succeeding
Fetala lateralia glandidoso-barbata, supremo plerumque glaberrimo. Antherarum margines cihati.
A native both of the east and west sides of South America, in the former inhabiting the coast at Cape Farew-ell
and the Falkland Islands, and on the west side re-appearing at Chiloe and Yaldirfa, and passing thence north to
Conception ; a singular distribution, for I have seen no specimens from the Strait itself, which is Commerson’s
habitat, according to De Candolle. The two varieties, constituted by Poiret, are hardly of sufficient importance to
be retained, though De Candolle has done so, under the names of a, megaphylla and micropliylla.
2. V iola Magellanica, Forst. ; subacaulis, foliis omnibus radicalibus longe petiolatis rerdformi-rotun-
datis crenatis supra pilosiusculis, stipulis lanceolatis integris v. apice laceris, scapo solitario unifloro foliis
bis longiore, bracteis lanceolatis, sepalis oblongo-lanceolatis obtusis, petalis obovatis lateralibus barbatis,
inferiore in sacculum brevem obtusum producto, stylo arcuato, stigmate nudo. V. Magellanica, Forst. in
Comm. Goett. vol. ix. p. 41. t. 8. BC. Frodr. vol. i. p. 297.
HaVB. Staten Land ; Forster, Br. Fights. South part of Tierra del Fuego ; C. Barwin, Esq.
Rhizoma plus minusve elongatum, ad apicem foha pauca scapumque sohtarium gerens. Petioli graciles,
2-5 une. longi, glabei-rimi. Folia magnitudine varia, |- 1 4 iibc. longa, supra pilis paucis præcipue versi^ margines
instructa, infra glabenrima. Scapus gracilis, petiolis bis longior, superne puberulus, ad longitudinis bibracteatus,
bracteis parvis. Flos magnitudine V. odoratæ, verosimiliter flavus, siccitate punctatus.
* A. mierophylla, n. sp. ; glaberrima, ramis ramuhsque distichis divaricatis, fohis distichis parvis coriaceis
integerrimis, majoribus obovatis obtusis in petiolum brevem attenuatis, minoribus oblongis rotundatisve, coi*ymbis
sessihbus v. breviter pedunculatis, floribus parvis, staminibus 4—5 glandulis alternantibus, filamentis planiusculis,
antheris extrorsis.
H a b . Chiloe; Capt. King. Province of Valdivia, at the base of the Andes ; Bridges (n. 560).
Frutex 10—15-pedalis. Rami pedales, stricti. Folia 4- unc. louga, nitentia, interdum apiculata. Corymhi
folium minus subæquantes, 5—7 fiori, floribus parvis.
3. T i o l a Commersonii, D C ; humiHs, foliis omnibus radicabbus petiolatis ovato-rotimdatis obtusis crenatis
supra parce pilosis, stipubs late ovatis membranaceis concavis integemmis, scapo fobis bis longiore
superne arcuato, bracteis floribus approximatis majuscubs erectis lanceolatis acutis basi u trmque m aunculas
dflatatis, flore pendulo, petabs obovato-spatbulatis glaberrimis. V. Commersomi, DC. Prodr. vol. i. p. 297.
H ab. Strait of Magabiaens; P o rt Gallant, at tb e top of tb e mountains; Commerson. South p a rt of
Tierra del Fuego ; C. Darwin, Esq.
Precedenti habitu similbma; sed statura, foliis basi non cordatis. petabs glaberrimis et præcipue bractearum
forma distinctissima. Fetioli a poUicares, laminæ subæquüongi. Scapus petiobs bis longior, apicem versus arcuatus
et ibi bibracteatus ; bracteæ erectæ, bueari-lanceolatæ. acutæ, 2A bu. longæ. Sepala bneari-oblonga, acummata,
petabs A breviora. Petala flava, 4 bn. longa. Stylus stiynmque ut iu priore.
A veiy distmct and probably rare species, abied to tbe last, but essentiaUy different. Tbe leaves are generaUy
reticulated on tbe under surface.
4. T io la tridentata, Menz. ; depressa, glaberrima, caule procumbente ramoso, foliis confertis coriaceis
obovato-cuneatis apice tridentatis trifldisve plerumque basi utrinque unidentatis, petiolo b re ri in stipulas
vaginantes dilatato, scapo b re ri valido arcuato basin versus bracteolato, bracteis oblongis obtusis, sepabs
oblongo-lanceolatis basi deorsum productis, petabs oblongis obtusis glaberrimis, calcare nullo, stylo gracib
apice obbque truncato, capsula globosa. T . tridentata, Menz. M S S . in DC. Prodr. vol. i. p. 300.
FIab. Staten Land, at tb e tops of tb e moimtains; Menzias. P o rt Famme; Capt. King. Hermite
Island, on the bUls ; / . D. I I . Falkland Isles, on tb e mountains, 1 2 0 0 -1 5 0 0 ft. ; J .D . R .
Species pusüla, prima risu Calthant appendiculatam referens. Caules graciles, 1-2 uno. longi. vage ramosi,
prostrati, superne fobosi. Folia valde coriacea, A unc. longa, subdisticba, erecto-patentia. glabenbna, subnitida,
venis inconspicnis. Scapus sobtarius, erectus, apice arcuatus, fobo A longior, basi bracteatus. bracteis pro planta
majuscubs. Flores nutantes, parri, coei-ulei. Sepala coriacea, sub lA bn. longa. Fetala sepabs bis longiora, bneari
oblonga. AntJierce orbiculatæ, m laminam membranaceam productæ, filamentis brevissimis. Stylus gracflis,
arcuatus, apice obbque truncatus, cavus, nec bflobus. Capsula magna, pendula, globosa, valris coriaceis.
A veiy singular bttle species, agreeing in tbe shape of the style and stigma with tbe P. Magellanica and
V. Commersonii, but of a totally different babit and fobage, wHch approach more neaidy to some of tbe species of-
tbe Asterias group. I t is probably a common mountain plant througbout Fuegia; but, from its smab size and
prostrate mode of growth, reacbly overlooked.
VII. D R O S E R A C E Æ , FC.
1 . D eoseua æaÿîora, Wflld.; perpusilla, acaidis, fobis omnibus radicabbus steUatim patentibus spathulatis
lamina rotundata longe glancbdoso-cUiata, scapo b re ri vaUdo imifloro. D. uniflora, Willd. Enum. Hort.
B e ro l p. 340. DC. Prodr. vol. i. p. 317. Gaud, in Ann. Sc. N a t. vol. v. p. 105. et in Prego. Voy. p. 137.
B ’ Urville, in Mém. Soc. L in n . Paris, vol.iv. p. 617.
H ad. Strait ot Magalhaens ; P o rt Famine; Capt.Eing. South part of Tierra del Fuego ; C.Darwin,Esq.
Falkland Islands ; Gaudichaud, D ’ Urville, J .D .H .
Radix fibrosa, fibris crassiuscubs descendentibus. Caulis brerissbnus. FoUa A imc. longa. Scapus vabdus,
erectus, fobis vix longior. Flos pro planta couspicims, sepabs iuæquabbus breviter obovato-spatbulatis. petabs
elongato-obovafis bis longioribus, filamentis breriiiscidis, stybs ad basin in ramos plurimos dirisis.
3 E