
F LO llA ANTARCTICA. [Fuegia, the
3 . JUX0ERM.1X XIA/ ( « / a , Hook.fil. e tT a y l ; parviüa, caule implexo procnmbente ramoso, ramis
cy mdinceis, folns arcte imbricatis patentibus coucavis mai-ginibiis üicurvis remote dentatis camosiusculis
peUucidis laxe cellulosis caidims oblique rotundatis, rameis minoribus arctius imbricatis rotundatis, stipulis
erectis coucavis late rotmidatis integerrimis v. irregulai-itor dentatis, calvce laterali obovato cybndraceo foliis
pencliætialibus integerrimis duplo long-iore. Nobis in L o n i. Journ. Bo t. vol. 3. p 464 (T a b C LV III
K g . I.)
ILvb. Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; in tbe woods on dead timber, tnm k s aud twigs of trees ; abundant
boutli pai-t of Tierra del F u eg o ; C. Barwin, Esq.
Cæspites 3 imo. lati. paUide ñdri. Caulis 1 ime. longus, pluries vage ramosus. ramis tenuibus. Folia caldina
rameis laxms imbricata, basi latiora planiora, dentibus valde in-egularibus. Stipulæ rameæ caulinis breviores sed
atiores, ranusque dentatæ. Folia pericliætiaUa parva, oblonga, concava. calyce ter breviora. Calyx lincari-obloimus
tngoiius, siibtumidus, ore angustato. Seta A unc. longa. Capsula late oblonga. ’
With much the appearance of a Herpetium, but havnig no flagelliform shoots, and the leaves are ÜTcredavIy
dentate, it is a most distinct species.
P l a t e C L \T I I . J fy . I . _ 1 , plant of the n atural size ; S. pai-t of stem, leaf, and stipule ; 3, leaf- 4 u operlc-if-
Periehætinm; é. o l i l a
3 . . JcxGEEMAXxii o hH u ta , Hook. fil. et Tayl. ; cæspitosa, caule ascendente vage ramoso, ramis cybu-
draceis elongatis flaccidis suberectis, folbs imbricatis patentibus membranaceis laxe cebulosis late quadratis
margniemcurvo undulatis bifidis siiiu angusto liic illic grosse dentatis subdeciirrentibus, stipubs majoribus
rotundato-ovatis concavis emarginatis utrinque uni-dentatis. Nobis in Lond. Journ. Bot. vol. iv. p. 8 o '
(ÌAB. CLXI. Fig. L ), ^
H a b . Hermite Islaud, Cape Horn, and tb e Falkland Islan d s; on tlie trunks of trees, and on the
Cæspites palbde olivacei, straminei. CauUs A-A unc. longi. Folia secus partem caubs superiorem involuta
Stipulæ emarginatæ, sinu latiusculo.
Albed to J. oligophylU, nob., but quite difierent specifically from that, and from any other species with whieh
we are acquainted.
P late CLXI. Fig. I . - l , plant o fth e natural size; 2, portion of stem, leaves, and stipules; 3 leaf-
4, stipule ;—maguifieil. ’
33. J u n g e rm a n n ia madida, Hook. fil. e tT a y l.; cæspitosa, caule elongato planiusculo erecto ramoso
ramrs erectis fastigiatis, fobis laxe imbricatis patentibus semiamplcxicaubbus concavis ovato-quadratis
bifidis, segmentis acutis mcunds integerrimis v. apices versus 2-3-dentatis, stipubs majoribus fobis paulo
brevionbus concavis late ovatis bifidis snbintegerrimis, calyce terminab cybndraceo recto apice obs'cure
dentato, capsulæ val™ bneari-elongatis. Nobis in Lond. .Town. Bot. vol. 3. p. 465. (T a b . C LV III. K g . I I ) .
H.AB. Hermitelsland, Cape Horn ; on moist banks, and in bogs on the mountains, forming dense tufts.
Cæspites densi. 2-3 une. lati, locis humidioribus obscure virescentes, siccis i-nfescentes. Caules 2 unc
longi. Folia laxe imbricata, ad A longitudinis bifida, minute cellulosa, mtegemma v. apiees versus 1-2-dentata!
Slipulæ fobis subæquales, late oblongæ, bifidæ, segmentis obscure dentatis. Calyx elongatus, superne attenuatus
Jipicp tnmcalus. Capsula elongata, cylindracea.
Falklands, etc?] I^LOIIA ANTARCTICA. 4 3 3
Very closely abied to tbe J. serrtilala, Sw. {Muse. Exot. t. 88), of the West Indies, but the leaves are not so
densely imhricated, are scarcely sernilate. their areolæ are more minute, and the stipules are different. When
growing in moist places the plant is gi-eener and larger, and the leaves more generally serrulate than when found
in drier situations.
P late CLVIII. Fig. II.—1, plant ofthe natural size ; 2, portion of stem, leaf, and stipule ; S, leaf; 4, stipule ;
5, perichætial leaf ; 6, calyx, seta, and capsule ; 7, corolla ; 8, capside :—magnified.
34. J u n g e rm a n n i a wquata. Hook. fll. et Tayl. ; caule brevi implexo procumbente ascendente ramoso
flexuoso, ramis compressis curvatis, fobis imbricatis secundis appressis suboppositis rotundatis margine
incurvis integerrimis crassis opacis ima basi in ter se et cum stipula parva ovata bifida v. integra connatis.
Nobis in Lond. Journ. Bot. vol. in. p. 465. (Ta b . C LV III. K g . I I I .)
H a b . Hermite Island, Capo Horn ; on tbe tru n k s of trees in tlie woods.
Cmspites parvi, inter Muscos aliasque Hepaticas nidulantes, rnfo-brmmei. Catiks unciales, vage sed parce
ramosi, basi nudi, sm-sum cm-vati. Folia arcte imbricata, oblongo-rotundata, madore e marginibus incm-vis tumida,
opposita, basi antice connata, postice cum stipula adnata. Stipula ovata, bifida v. varie seeta, segmentis subulatis.
Tbe form of the leaves, their opposite arrangement and connexion hi front, are similar to J . BranUana, Nees,
but tbat species is destitute of stipules.
P late CLVIII. Fig. II I .—1, plant of the natm-al size ; 2. portion of branch ; 3. ditto with front view of leaf
and stipide, 4 and 5, stipules;—rnagnified.
35, J u n g e rm a n n i a otophjtta. Hook. fll. et Tayl.; caule debib flarido elongato subramoso, fobis oppositis
secundis erecto-patentibus imbricatis flavidis et membranaceis late reniformi-rotundatis basi latissime
cauli adiiatis integerrimis, margine superiore basi tumido recnrvo, stipulis majoribus concavis late rotundatis
emarginatis integerrimis obscure sinuatisve. Nobis in Lond. Journ. Bot. vol. iii. p. 466. (T a b . C LV III.
K g . IV.)
H .i b . Hermite Islaud, Cape Horn ; in alpine bogs.
Cæspites laxi, luride olivacei v. albescentes. Caulis gracUis, 3 unc. longus, parce ramosus ; ramis erectis. Folia
tenuissime membranacea, latissime oblonga v. rotundata, basi ad marginem auteriorem quasi am-iculata. Stipulæ
nmploe, subimbricatæ, marginibus iucm-vis, apicibus emarginatis, sinu lato, mmc apice sinuato.
In habit and general appearance this approaches om- J. palustris, which inhabits similar locabties, but they are
m many respects -widely different plants.
P late CLVIII. Fig. IV.—1, plant of the natiu-al size ; 2, front, and 3, back view of portion of stem aud leaf ;
4, stipule ;—magnijied.
36. J u n g e rm a n n ia densifolia. Hook,, Muse. Exot. t. 36.
Nees, Sgn. Hep. p. 72.
H a b . Hermite Island, Cape H o rn ; in wet bogs, &c.
A very abundant species iu Hermite Islaud.
Scapania? densifoba, Gottsche, Lindb. et
37. J u n g e rm a n n ia ehloroteuca. Hook. fil. etTayl. ; caule erecto cæspitoso parce ramoso flavido, fobis
subapproximatis imbricatis patentibus ovatis v, ovato-oblongis iufcrne tumidis semi-amplexicaubbus bipartitis
cibato-dentatis, segmentis linearibus ligulatisve summo apice bifidis. Nobis in Lond. Journ. Bo t. vol. iii.
p. 467. (T a b . CLXI. K g . V.)