
plerumque curvatis, foliis crassiusculis laxe imbricatis erectis seemulis appressis oblique ovato-rotmulatis
margine inferiore gibboso obseure smuato-clentato superiore incurvo basi celluloso. Nobis » Loml J o m ?
V. 3. p. 4 57. (Tab. CLYI. Fig, y .)
H a e . Hermite Islaud, Cape Horn ; on the trunks of trees near the ground.
Cæspites 2 .^ une lati, rufc-bnumei. CaulU ) une. longus, apice strictus v. sæpius curvatus, luinc hamatns
m a e basi caubs p-adat.m majora, nnbricata, homomalla. compressa, margino superiore incurvo, plica tumida olon-
gata, mfenore tmmdo obse.u-e et obtuse sinuato ; cellulæ minimæ, densæ. nisi ad basin foHorum ubi majores palli-
dioresque evadunt, maculam latam efficientes.
A species * d to the A. lUerklis, L. and L., of Tasmania, but less than hah the size, with more minute denti-
radattons to the leaves, which are widely ovate, not round or decim-ent at the anterior margin, nor bispinons at the
P late CLVI. % . Y - 1 . plant of the natural size ; 2, front, and 3. back view of leaf and portion of stem ■
4 and o, similar views of leaves removed from the stem '
10 . J o tg e em a n n ia Magellanica, Lindb.; Sp. Hep. p. 1 6 4 . Gottsche. Lindb. et Nees I ■n. Hep. p. 53.
Mont. in Voy. au Pole Bud, Bo t. Crypt, p. 2 7 1 .
H a s . Strait of Magalhaens, St. Nicholas Bay; M .M . I f Urville et Jacquinot.
We owe om- acquaintance ivith this plant to the liberality of onr learned friend M. Montague, who most rene
ronsly has eommnmrated to ns his own examples of such -Antarctic species as we deshed for comparison or examiimtion
jmhesitatrngly confiding his nmque specimens to the care of the post-office, that we might profit to the fullest
by Ins labours and avoid unnecessaiy errors. It differs from onr J. nnciformis in the larger and narrower leaves
wlncF are acute and serrato-dentate along the inner margin. ’
11. feGEEMANNiA duricaulis, Hcok. fil. et Tayl. ; caulibus cmspitosis duris robustis flexuosis erectis
^ o s i s , folus amphs sub.mbncatis patentibus oblique ovato-cordatis basi decurrentibus argute deiiticuktis
basi postica porrecta verticali, margine inferiore lente recurvo. Nobis in Lond. Journ. Bot. v. 3. p 4 5 s ’
(lAB. OJbVJ.. _blg. IA .) 1
H ab. Hermite Island, Cape H o rn ; abundant, in the woods.
Species insignis. Respites laxi. majusculi ; externe pallide sed luride olivacei. Caules 4 unc. longi irrerela
nter ramosi, r a ^ s compressis. FoUa .n n c . longa, arele laxiusve imbricata. marginibus dorsalihus pmium ra l-
oppositorum rotundatis post.ee porrectis appressis earinamque cauli quasi efficientibns ; margine superiore paulo
“ d’i s p S a ™ “P f r - f r - * - ‘«-»i-
Most nearly related to the PI. flaccida, Lindb., of St. Vincent, whieh has a v e ^ similarly hard and woody
stem but he present m.y be known by the greater breadth of its branches and foliage, by its more compound ramifi
cation and tbe minute denticulation of its leaves.
P late CLVI. Fig. IX.—1, plant of the natural size ; 2, stem and opposite pair of leaves ; 3, leaf »
esplenioides, L im i.; Sp. PI. p. L597. Mont. Fog. an Pole Sud, Bot. Crypt.
H.ab. Strait of Magalhaens; I f Urville.
f a c to ,y s te Z f r - fr
FaUdands, e tc ] FLO EA ANTAECTICA. 4 2 7
13. JuNGEEMANNiA spimlera. Hook. fil. et Tayl. ; caule laxe cæspitoso erecto basi ramoso apice incurvo,
foliis vix imbricatis subliorizontaliter patentibus secundis siccitate suberectis late oblique ovato-rotundatis
acutis, apice inæqualiter bifido v. bidentato, margine superiore incurvo integerrimo, inferiore planiusculo
dentato laxe celluloso. Nobis in Lond. Journ. Bot. vol 3. p. 458. (T a b . CLA I. Fig. X III.)
H a b . Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; growing amongst mosses in th e woods.
Cæspites laxi, pallide oKvacei. Caules 1-2 unc. longi. raro in ramos 2-3 erectos divisi. Rami compressi,
recti V. curvati, apicibus rotundatis. Folia remotiuscula, madore patentia, sed secunda, apicibus subrecurvis, basi
contracta, margine inferiore grosse irregulariter serrato.
Nearly aUied to J. uncialis, but taUer, with the leaves more remote, less imbricated and secund, more loosely
cellular and not so strongly dentate. IVlien moistened the differences are more apparent, the leaves in particular
of / . sphalera being distinctly narrowed at the base,
P late CLXT. Fig. V III.—1, plant of the natmal size ; 2 and 3, front view of leaf, and portion of stem ; 4, the
same detached from the stem;— magnified.
14. JuNGEEMANNiA VMcialis, Hook. fil. et Tayl. ; caule breviusculo cæspitoso suberecto v. prostrato et
ascendente ramoso, fohis imbricatis erecto-patentibus concavis late ovatis acutis argute irregulariter cüiato-
dentatis sublaxe cellulosis, margine inferiore subrecurvo, calyce majusculo terminah compresso late obovato,
ore obhque subrotundato dentato-cüiato. Nobis in Lond. Journ. Bo t. vol. 3. p. 459. (T a b . CLVI. Fig. V I I ) .
H a b . Hermite Island, Cape H o rn ; on damp rocks and tbe tru n k s of trees.
Cæspites late extensi. paUide flavo-virescentes. Caules vix 1 unc. longi, subprostrati, rarius erecti. vage ramosi,
ramis fructiferis subfastigiatis. Folia vix decmrentia, pericboetiaUa calyce i breriora. Calgx obovato-cuneatus, compressus,
ore obtuse rotundato, obUque fisso, serrulato. Capsida oblongo-sphærica, rix exserta. Ferigonia in spicas
breves secus ramos disposita.
In habit the present approaches the African P. sarmentosa, Lindb., but in character it is more nearly aUied to
om Tasmanian J. aeuleata. The former, w'hose fructification is unknown, has larger and more rounded leaves. The
/ . aeuleata is a much larger plant; its leaves have a narrower base, and their snperior margin is recurved with a
broader fold, tho denticulation is coarser, and caljx shorter, being scarcely exseided beyond the perichætial leaves ;
above all, the ceUiilation of the J. uncialis is mueh coarser though belonging to a smaUer plant.
P l .ate CLVI. Fig. VII.—1, plant of tbe natural size ; 2, stem.'perigonmrn and leaves ; 3, front, and 4, back
view ot portion ot stein and leaf ; 6, calyx and capsule magnified.
15. JuNGEEMANNiA Jacqtiinotii, Mont., in Voy. an Pole Sud, Bot. Orypt. p. 273.
H a b . Strait of Magalhaens ; I f Urville.
A veiy different plant from any coUected by the Antarctic Expedition.
16. JUXGEEMAX.NIA minutula. Hook. fll. et Tayl. ; cæspitosa, caule brevissimo erecto parce ramoso,
foliis imbricatis erectis appressis obovato-rotundatis convexiusciüis, margine anteriore subdecurrente posteriore
recurvo, supremis majoribus denticulatis. Nobis in L o n i. Journ. Bot. vol. 3. p. 4 59. (T a b . CLV II.
Fig. I).
I I a b . Kerguelen’s Land ; on the ground and on moist rocks.
Cæspites late extensi, atro-rii'idcs. Caules erecti, crassiuscuU. Rami piimarii vix f unc. longi. Folia inferiora
minuta, subiutegerrima, caide vix latiora, gradatim m.ajora, superiora arctius imbricata, in c.ipitulum compressum
dilatatum congesta, superiora crenato-denticulata, omnia crassa, obscnre ceUulosa ; ceUulis parvis, opacis. inargiiia-
libus conspicuis.