
ceramidiis pusillis ovatis breve pedicellatis. Nobis in Lond. Journ. Bot. vol. iv. p. 265. (Tab CLX X X II
P i g i l i . )
H ab. Hermite Island, Cape H o rn ; very rare.
Til. uac. longa, capillaria, flaccida, tenacia sed non fragilia, dense cæspitosa, basi in-egulariter dichotome
ramoso, ramis omnibus diametro æqualibus. Ceramidia minima, lateralia, eUiptico-urceolata. Color luride niber.
P late CLXXXII. Fig. II I .— 1, portion of branch ; 2, ditto with ceramidinm ;— both highly magmjied.
7. P o ly s ip h o n ia abscissa, Hook. fil. et Harv. ; eoccinea, frondibus circumscriptioiie ovatis tenuibus
mcmbranaceo-gelatinosis flaccidis tenacibus oligosipboniis, caule primario parce' diviso fle-vuoso ramos
secmidarios alternos multifldos eircmnseriptione obovatos emittente, ramis filiformibus minoribus alternis
subdichotome divisis, ramulis fastigiatis (quasi abscissis) fibrflliferis, articiflis ramorum diametro quadi-uplo
V. sextuplo, ramulorum duplo triplove longioribus bistriatis, ceramidiis pusillis ovatis breviter pedicellatis.
Nobis in Lond. Journ. Bot. vol. iv. p. 266. (Tab. C LX X X III. Pig. II .)
H ab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; dredged np in about six fathom water.
From seu ramus primarius 3-4 imc. longus, filiformis v. capillaceus, flexuosus, alterne ramosus, ramis gradatim
brevioribus, bine circumscriptio frondis totius ovata evadit. Bami mferne nudiuscuH, superne fastigiatim ramu-
losi; ramulis ultimis tenuissimis. confertis. Caaii's tubuU sub qiiatuor. Cbto)-roseus v. coccineus.
A beautiful species, of which the only specimens were procnred with the di-edge in St. Martin’s Cove.
The fastigiate branching of the ramuli and the coloni- are. ot themselves, sufflcient to distiiigidsh this from the
P. mkroearpa, to which it is most nearly related. The principal stem is very conspicuous though slender, and
the branching regulai* and tolerably uniform.
Plate CLXXXIII. Fig. n .—1, plant of the natural size; 2, branch and ramuli; 3, portion of ramulus;
4, portion of ramns ; 6, ditto, with ceramidium ;—aH highly i -----
8. P o l y s i p h o n i a Hook, fil et H a rv .; pusüla, setacea, badia, rigidula, froude brevi basi
simplici stipitiformi apice flabeUatim ramosa, ramis irregulariter dicliotomis multifidis apice subfastigiatis,
ramulis ultimis erectis longe nudis, axiUis angustis, articulis multistriatis inferioribus diametro multiplo
superioribus sesquUongioribus. Nobis in Bond. Jov/rn. Bot. vol. iv. p. 266. (Tab. C LX X X III. Pig. I.)
H ab. Crozet Islands ; on -
From unciahs, solitaria. rigida,' crassitudine setæ porcinæ, infeme simplex, snpenie disticbe flabellatim ramosa,
crassiuscnla, circumscriptione orbiculari, Bami multifidi. in-egulariter dichotomi, fastigiati, ramulis erectis. Artimli
rami valde elongati, strhs numerosis notati. Color badius, vix rufescens chartæ vix adhæret.
Only one specimen of this very distmct species was procured, from a piece of Macrocystis floating oil' tlie
Crozet’s Islands, of which group the present, the CaUitlamnion Ptilota, nob., and Baliia Brunonis, are the oidy
known vegetable productions.
Plate CLXXXIII, Fig. III.—1, plant of the natural size ; 2, branch and ramuli ; 3. portion of ramulus, and
4, of stem :—highly 5
9. P olysiphonia (Heterosipbonia) Berkeleyi; Het. Berkelegi, et Tal. pm ie e a , Mont. Yoy. au Pole
Sud, Bo t. Crypt, p. 128. t. 5. f. 3. VI. Antarct. P t. 1. p. 182.
Yar. ft. J )a vm i; robustior, caule primario regulariter ramoso, ramis erecto-patentibus sub-bipinnatiin
ramulosis, ultimis erectioribus densioribus parciusque divisis. P. Davisii, nobis in Lond. Journ. Bot.
vol. i. p. 267.
FaUdands, etc.] FLO EA ANTAECTICA. 4SI
IIa b . H e r m i t e Island, Cape Horn ; F a l k l a n d Islands, and Kerguelen’s Land ; abundant. Uar. Davisii,
Hermite Is lan d ; rare. r -i i
The somewhat different habit, more regular primaty ramification, and more erect, denser, and less divided
ramuh had induced us to separate the var. ft. from the oi-iginal P. Berheleyi : au opinion we have now abandoned,
after a’careful examination of veiy many specimens ; amongst which, forms connecting the two may be found.
Thoun-h not included by Montagne under his genus Beterosiplionia, the structure of the tubes forming tbe frond
of P punkea is tbe same ivith tbat o! Heterosiplioma Bc-teleyi, of whieh we have examined an authentic specimen,
communicated by our friend the Eev. M. J. Berkeley, and difl'ering in no respect from P.pumcea. 'Vie scarcely,
however think that the vaiying diameter of the tubes in the genus Polysiplwnm authorizes a division ofthe genus ;
for iu ¡ome speeies, as the present, the increased size of two of the tubes, though conspicuous under favourable
ciréumstances, affords but an obscure character ; and in some species the difference of diameter is tvillmg.
24. EHODOMELA, rti-.
1 p a tu la . Hook. fil. et Hai-v.; fronde cylindracea brunnea ceUulis irregularibus notata
vage bipinnatim ramosa, ramis alternis elongatis borizontalibus suberecto-patentibusve minoribus dongatis
patentibus subsimpHcibus alternatis nudis. Nobis in Lond. Jo um . Bot. vol. iv. p. 264. (T a b . C LX X X III.
Fig. IV.)
H a b . Falkland Islands ; Po rt 'ffiUiam and Berkeley Sound, rare.
Frons 4-6 imc. longa.basi diametro i bn., vage et patentim ramosa. Caulis primarius subsmplex, ramos
alternos. patentes, elongatos emittens. Bami laxe ramulosi, ultimi breviusculi. e tububs 4 magnis cfrca oavitatem
centralem dispositis extus strato cellulonim confertonim ciroumdatis conflati. Substantia membranacea. Color
luride bninneus v. fuligiiiosus :—cbartæ adberet.
Sbuilnr to the folloiviiig, and, perhaps, not speeificaby distmet : it differs in the ramification ; and in the absence
of the very numerous short ultimate ramub so copiously scattered over the branches of R. Gahnardi.
P late CLXXXIII.—Pfy. IV.—1, portion of plant ot the natural size ; 2, portion of stem and ramulus ■.— may-
2, E h o d om e la Gaimardi, Ag. ; fronde cybndracea flabebatim ramosissima, stipite simpbci filiformi,
ramis primariis divaricatis, secundariis patentibus bipinnatim multifidis segmentis alterms, ramubs brevibus
setaceis simpbcibus furcatis quadrifidisve sæpe secundis per totam frondem sparsis. Nobis in. Lond. Joum.
Bot. vol. iv. p. 264. Agardh, Spec. Alg. vol. iv. p. 380. (sion Mont. in Yoy. a nPole Sud). (T a b . CLXXXIV.)
H a b . Hermite Island, Cape Horn, and in Berkeley Sound, Falkland Islan d s; not uncommon.
Frous 4-6 une. longa, crassitudine setæ porcinæ, basi simplex, superne in ramos 3 -4 primarios flabellatim
divisa. Eeimi primarii subdichotomi v. irregulares, divaricati, repetitim bifarie ramulosi; rami seouiidarb tertiai-bque
elongati, simpliciusciib, filiformes, ramubs brevibus oniati. Bamiili 2-3 lin. longi, sæpissime secundi, teniussuni.
Structura ut in R. patula. Color lm*idus.
-rids, wbicb wo doubtfuUy referred in the Loudon Journal of Botany to the B. Gaimardi, Ag., appears to
us decidedly the plant of Agardli; and our friend. Dr. Montagne, has kindly fnrnished us with a specimen ot
the Auckland Island species, to which he had applied this name, and which belongs to another plant. The
a . Gaimardi of Dr. Montague is assuredly oiu- Pohjsiplionia botryocarpa, (Pt. 1. p. 181.) and has very much the
appearance of a Blmdmiela. The specimens, from which the above description is taken, were gathered in the
s a m e locahty as that from whence the typical plant of Agardh was brought by Gaudichaud ; and they agree with
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