■ i í
5. H E L IC H R Y S U M , DeC.
S u b g en . C o n o d i s c u s , D boA'./f. {Capihihim homogamum, flo rib u s omnibus h ermaphroditis b -dentatis.
Involucri squamm interiores 2 -3 -sm a /e s , radiante s. Receptaculum valde conicum, elongatum, nu dum,
papillosum. Pap p u s uniserialis, se tis scabris basi subconcretis.— Caules herbacei, p r o s tra ti,
basi radicantes, divaricatim ramosi, ram is a d apices capitula solitaria g erentibus.)—An g en u s
p ro p rium ?
1. H e l ic i ir y s u m Ho o k . fil. ; caule d e cumb en te ram oso, foliis (omnibus caulinis)
obovatis V. o b o v a to -sp a tb u la tis o b tu s is m u c ro n a tis su p ra arachnoideis su b tu s ram u lisq u e dense et
ap p resse ai-genteo-lanatis, involucri sq u amis in te rio rib u s rad ian tib u s albidis scariosis lin e a ri-lig u la tis
ad apices 2—4-dentatis. (T a b . X X I .)
H a b . L o rd A u ck lan d ’s g ro u p an d C am p b ell’s Is la n d ; confined to rocks a t th e to p s o f th e hills
in th e fo n n e r loc ality ; ab u n d a n t in th e mo re s o u th e rn islan d s, tra ilin g over ro ck s an d b an k s neai*
th e sea. Also fo u n d on M o u n t E gm o n t, in th e N o rth e rn Is la n d o f N ew Ze alan d , a t an a ltitu d e of
4 0 0 0 feet, b y D r. Dieffenba ch.
ITiis is a graceful and very elegant plant, in many places, and especially on the low grounds of Campbell’s
Island, covering the banks with its silvery foliage and abundance of flowers. I t differs from all other species
of the genus Helichrysum, DeC., in the prostrate straggling habit, and in the stems, which are scarcely thicker
than a sparrow’s quill, being leafy throughout their length, irregularly branched, with the branches divaricating,
ascending at their apices, and there bearing the solitary capitula ; whereas the Australian species particularly are
of an erect growth, those of a more herbaceous habit with larger, as it were radical leaves at the base of the
stem. It is however the conical and elongated receptacle th a t removes this species so far from the 212 described
in DeCandolle ; a character so evident, and of such importance, as almost to induce me to raise the present
plant into a new genus. It is further to be remarked, th a t though the genus is extensively distributed
throughout Australia and Tasmania, where it does not inhabit the mountains, in New Zealand it is represented
by the present species alone, which is confined to the most elevated mountains of the Northern Island, and only
descends to the lower grounds in a much higher southern and more rigorous latitude.
The leaves are rather scattered upon the stems, inch long, elliptical-obovate, produced into a short
petiole, rather membranous in texture, silvery white from the dense appressed tomentum beneath, above pale
green and opake, covered with scattered silky arachnoid hairs, the margins quite entire. The capitula are
of an inch across the ray, pure white or faintly tinged with rose-colour, the outer scales shorter, subulate or
lanceolate, cobweby with a loose tomentum. Flowers of the disc very small, almost concealed by the copious
white or pale straw-coloured pappus. Tube of the corollas 4-cleft, the segments puberulous externally towards
the apex. Anthers biaristate at the base.
P late XXL Fig. 1, receptacle and scales of the involucre ; fig. 2, inner radiating scales from involucre ;
fig. 3, a flower ; fig. 4, seta of the pappus ; fig. 5, flower with the pappus removed ; fig. 6, antheij fig. 7, styles :
—all magnified.
6. P L E U R O P H Y L L U M , Hook. fil.
Capitula multifiora, heterogama; floribus radii 1-3-serialibus ligulatis foemineis, disci hermaphroditis tubulosis
4-5-dentatis. Involucrum depresso-hemisphæricum, sub 3-seriaIe, squamis imbricatis lineari-lanceolatis
disco brevioribus. Receptaculum planum, nudum, alveolatum, dentatum. F lor. R a d ii. Corollæ tubo terete
piloso, ligula bre\-issima v. elongata 3-dentata v. inæqualiter 2-3-fida v. tripartita, segmentis linearibus obtusis.
Stylus teres, gracilis, exsertus, ramis sæpe inæqualibus linearibus elongatis compressis marginibus incrassatis
glaberrimis. Pappus rigidus, pallide stramineus, (siccitate fuscus,) 2-3-serialis, multisetus, setis subæquîlongis
subpaleaceis scabris. Achenium obconico-cylindraceum, compressura, totum setosum, setis erectis appressi?,
breviter stipitatum, stipite tenui gracili alveolo immerso. F l. D isci numerosi. Corolla infundibuliformis,
tubo terete piloso, limbo 4-ó-fldo, segmentis elongato-ovatis obtusis re%’olutis marginibus incrassatis. Antheræ
5, cohærentes, inclusæ, basi obtuse et brevissime appendiculatæ. Pollen echinulatum. Stylus cylindraceus,
ramis exsertis linearibus divergentibus, marginibus incrassatis, apicibus latiusculis conicis acutis extus (dorso
convexo) marginibusque papillosis. Pappus u t in fl. radiì. Achænium obconico-elongatum, subtetragonum,
setosum et stipitatum u t in fl. radii.—Herbæ elate, pulcherrime argenteo-sericeæ,fei'e ut in Argyroxyphio, hic illic
lanate. Folia alterna, basi subvaginantia ; radicalia maxima. Flores racemosi, purpurei. Pappus rigidus, copio-
sns,fioribus disci longior.—Nomen; 7r\evpò>', costa, and tpvWov, folium.
§ 1 . R a d ia t u m ; radii corollis elongatis m in u te tr id en ta tis. (P leu ro p h y llum verum.)
1. P l e u r o p h y l l u m «pedoswm, H o o k . fil. ; foliis villoso-lanatis, caule su p e rn e p ræ c ip u e p e d u n culisque
dense a lb o-tomentosis, cap itu lis rad ia tis rad iis elo n g atis, re c e p tá c u lo co n vexiusculo m a rg in
ib u s alveolarura crassis camosis. (T a b . X X I I . & X X I I I .)
H a b . L o rd A u ck lan d ’s g ro u p a n d C am p b ell’s I s la n d ; chiefly fo u n d u p o n w et b a n k s an d in
ma rsh e s n e a r th e sea, b u t also ascen d in g to th e to p s o f th e m o u n ta in s in a s tu n te d form.
Radix fusiformis, crassa, carnosa. Caulis elongates, 2-3-pedalis, erectus, simplex, teres, v. obscure angu-
lates infeme crassus, carnosus, solidus, dense albo-tomentosus, tomento e pilis simplicibus inarticulatis inferne
demum deciduo. Folia omnia coriacea et subcamosa, multineivia, nervis parallelis, integerrimis, villosis, sub-
sericeis, et pilis fuscis brevibus rigidis moniliformibus subscabrida : radicalia approximata, ovalia, apice obtusa,
patentia, subpedalia, 6-8 uncias lata, fusco--viridia, basi villosissima, margine obtusa subrevoluta, subtus pal-
lidiora ; superiora seu caulina gradatim minora ; suprema lanceolata obtusa. Racemus terminalis, elongates,
foliosus ; folia (seu bracteæ) inferiora flores superantia. Pedunculi crassi, densissime albo-lanati, inferiores interdum
compositi 3-4 flores; superiores simplices, patentes, sub-unciam longi. Capitula majuscula, sub 2 unc.
lata, speciosa, pulcherrime purpurea, disco intensiore. Involucruin piano hemisphæricum, bi-triseriale ; squamis
lanceolatis obtusis imbricatis, exterioribus albo-lanatis, interioribus pilosis, 4 - 6 lin. longis discum subæquantibus.
Receptaculum paululum convexum, epaleaceum, alveolatum, alveolarum marginibus (seu parietibus) crassiusculis
undulatis. Flores Radii elongati, uniseriales, ligulati, circiter 15 ; ligula lineari, ^ unc. longa, patente, obscure
3-dentata; tubo brevissimo patentim pUoso, pilis mollibus laxis pellucidis articulatis. Stylus cylindraceus
bifidus, ramis lineari-oblongis obtusis purpuréis planiusculis marginibus incrassatis. Achænium sub
2 lin. longum. F lores D isci circiter 60, intensius purpurei, tubulosi, infundibuliformes ; tubo pUoso, pilis ut in
fl. rad., 5-fido et segmentis recurvis apicibus extus glabris. Antheræ flavæ. Stylus ramis exsertis.
An extremely handsome and showy species with copious large purple flowers, stems 2-3 feet high, and
ample radical leaves, resembling those of Plantago major, L., but very much larger, strongly ribbed with prominent
stout parallel nerves.
Plates XXII. & XXIII. Fig. 1, receptacle ; fig. 2, setæ of the pappus ; fig. 3, a flower of the ray ; fig. 4,
tube and style of do., showing the hairs on the tube of the former ; fig. 5, front view, and fig. 6, lateral view o f the
achænium of a flower of the ray ; fig. 7, a flower of the disc ; fig. 8, corolla from the same ; fig. 9, a stamen from
do. ; fig. 10, styles from the same all magnified.