I . L eucodon ia g u ru s . Hook ; Muse. Exot. 1 .126. Fl. Antaret. p t. 1. p. 186.
H ab. Strait of Magalhaens ; P o rt F amin e; I f JJrville et Jacquinot. Hermite Is lan d ; on trees in the
forest and on rocks from th e sea to an altitude of 1200 feet in large tufts.
^ Larger than the specimen ñgm-ed in the 'Musei Esotici'; the capsides inclined, substrumose, the teeth ofthe
peristome united regularly in pahs by transverse bai-s, pide yeUmv. leaves nerved half-way.
28. L E SK IiJ , Hedwig.
1. L e sk ia Hook. fil. e tW 'ü s .; caule vage ramoso. ramis longiuscidis subsimplicibus teretibus,
foliis imbricatis suberectis ovato-oblongis acuminatis concavis integerrimis basi binerriis. seta lævi, tbeca
cylindracea suberecta curvula, operculo brevirostri. (Ta b . CLIV. fig. VI).
H ab. Staten L a n d ; A . Menzies, Esq. { i m ) . Hermite Island ; Cape Ho rn ; bai-ren.
^ Caules sesqniunciales, stcriles longiores, molles, vhides ; rami teretes, filiformes, apice e foliis convolutis cuspidati.
FoIm dense imbricata, erecto-patentia, ovato-oblonga, acuminata, acnmine vix tertiam partem folii æquante, concava,
suhconvolnta, integerrima, nervis basUaribus duobus instructa, lutescenti-viridia, sericeo-nitentia, tenui’ssime
elongato-areolata; perichætiaha longiora. subsquanosa. Seta unciahs. tortihs, gracihs, rabra, Tfem cyhndracea
suberecta, curvula. interdum subcernua„basi atteuuata, brnnnea. Operculum basi conicum. rosteho obliquo. capsula’
dimidio brevius, badium. Annulus operculo adherens. Feristomii externi dentes lutei, hnea media notati, acuminati
; interni processus breviores, angusti, carinati, cihohs nnhis.
This moss has considerable resemblance to Hypnum stramineum, but differs in having the leaves almost
piliferous, in the rostrate operculum and in the structure - of the peristome. It is also aUied to Hypnum cinitum,
nobis, fi-om Van Diemen’s Land.
PL.VTE CLIV. Fig. VI.—1, fruiting, and 2. barren specimen, of the natural size : 8 aud 4, leaves ; B. thecæ ;___
miHnd. J 3 •
9. H YPNUM, B ill.
a. Foliis
1. 'Sxaanv. poUum, Hook, fll et WQs. ; caule ramoso compresso, foliis distichis patentibus oblongis
compresso-carinatis subpiliferis integerrimis enerviis, seta lævi, theca suberecta oblonga. (Tab.CLIV. fig. II.)
H.1B. Hermite Islan d ; common in woods near the sea. Kerguelen’s L a n d ; in rocky places (barren).
Caules unciales et ultra, cæspitosi. subramosi, complanati, distiche ramosi; rami compressi. Folia arcte im-
bncata, patentia, disticha, elhptico-oblonga. scaphæformia vel eompresso-carinata, apice cuculiata, snbpihfera. integerrima,
enervia, læte viridia, sericeo-nitentia. tenuissime areolata ; perichætialia ovata, longe acuminata, erecta iutegerrima,
cauhnis duplo breviora. Seta vix unciahs, læv’s, nifo-fusca. Theoa oblonga, suberecta, sub-apophvéata.
ore patulo. Peristomii externi dentes lutei, ineurvi. linea media notati ; interni ciha ciliolis interpositis. cÀyptra
dimidiata, straminea. Operculum non visnm.
A beautiful species, unlike any bitberto described.
P la t e CLIV. Ffy. IL—Specimen of the natural size ; 2 and 3, leaves ; 4. thecæ; 6, peristome; magnified.
Falklands, etc.] F LO EA ANTAEC TICA . 4 1 7
2. H y pn um denticulatum, DiU. L in n .; JTedw. Muse. Frond, vol. 4. t. 31. Ilook. et Tayl. Muse. B r it.
p. 153. t. xxiv.
I I ab . Hermite Island ; on moist banks, wet rocks, &c., not uncommon, (barren).
3. H y pn u m reticulaturn, Hook. fil. et Wils. ; caule erecto simpliciusculo, foliis distichis patentibus
ovato-lanceolatis acummatis vix pilifcris submarginatis reticulatis apice serrulatis, nervo ten u i subexcurrente.
(T a b . CLIV. Fig. V.)
H ae. Hermite lsland ; on th e ground in damp woods, rare (barren).
Caule's hxe cæspitosi, unciales, subelongati, erecti, plerumque simplices, complanati, mohes. Folia disticha,
patentia, subobliqiia, acutissima, fere, pilifera, areolis marginalibus angustioribus confertis, cæteris majusculis sub-
rliomboideis, recentiora læte vhddia, nitentia.
The many points of correspondence between this moss and Bryum. vagans, nobis, have not escaped our notice.
The specimens being few and barren, we are unable to pronounce with confidence on the vahdity of the species.
I t differs from H. subbasilare in the acuminated distichous leaves and almost excurrent nerve. In habit it much
resembles H. denticulatum.
P late CLIV. Fig. V.— 1, plant of the natural size; 2, leaf ; 3, apex of ditto :—mag.
4. H y pn um riparium, DiU. Linn. ; Hedw. Muse. Frond, vol. 4. t. 3. Hook, et Tayl. Muse. B r it.
p. 152. t. xxiv.
Var. 2. canle elongato rigido, foliis dissitis mmoribus rigidulis.
H a b . Kerguelen’s Land ; both vai'ieties, in the lake near Christmas Harbour (barren).
With the habit of Fontinalis ; probably a distinct species, but tbe specimens are not in a state to be determined
b. Foliis imbricatis, seta radicali.
5. -Hy pn u m mnioides. H o o k .; Muse. Exot. t. 77. Mont. in Voy. au Pole Sud, Bot. Crypt, p. 329.
H. subbasilare (ex errore), Schwaegr. Suppl. t. 256.
H a b . Strait of Magalhaens, B ’ Urville. H e rm ite ls la n d ; abundant everywhere in the woods.
Closely alhed to H. spiniforme, from which it chiefly differs iu its broader leaves.
6. H y pn u m subhasilare. H o o k .; Muse. Exot. 1 .10. H. mnioides (ex errore), Schwaegr. Suppl. t. 257.
H a b . Hermite Island ; in moist woods, a t the roots of trees, very common, growing in tufts.
This species so much resembles H. mnioides, as to be scarcely distinguishable from it until gathered.
Ill our spechnens the leaves are by no means bifarious, as stated in the Musci Exotici, and are compressed only
when dry. The perichætial leaves are erect, almost piliferous, and nerved to the apex ; young calyptra coriaceous,
slightly ventricose, not subulate, at length dimidiate. The operculum is absent from all our specimens.
c. Foliis imhrieaiis ruptinerviis, seta laterali.
7. H y pn um rutabuhm. Dill. Linn. ; Hedw. Muse. Frond, vol. 4. t. 12. Hook, et Tayl. Muse, B r it.
p. 176. t. xxvi. Fl. Antarct. pt. 1. p. 138.
Var. 1. foliis apico attenuatis, perichætialibus erectis.
Var. 2. foliis majoribus læte viridibus.