136 FLORA ANTAECTICA. [/luckland and Camphett’s Islands] F LO EA ANTAECTICA, 137
m I . L eccodon la g iin is , Hook. ; caule ramoso tomentoso, foliis imbricatis ovatis concaris acuminatis
püiferis seminerriis, tbeca erecta cylindracea., operculo acuminato. L. Lagnrus, Hook. Muse. Bxot. 1 .126.
Sehwaeg. Suppl. voi. i. p t. 1. p. 1 2 1 .1 .133.
A’ar. (3, foliis majoribus ima basi binervns.
H ab. Campbell’s Island ; on rocks, at an elevation of 1000 feet, barren.
In the original specimens the leaves are generally nerved half-way up ; in the present they possess two very
short nerves ; but the variety is not otherwise distinguishahle from the Antarctic American plant.
23. LESKLA, Iledmig.
Feristomiim duplex ; exterius dentes sedecim acuti ; interius membrana in dentihtts sedecim æquilongis fissa.
Calyptra cucullifonnis.
1. L e sk l i concinna, H o o k .; caule erecto bipinnatim ramoso, foliis distichis oblongis acuminatis mar-
giuatis apice serratis evanidinervüs stipubs conformibus duplo brevioribus, tbeca suberecta oblonga, opercido
subulato. L. concinna. Hook. Muse. Exot. t. 34. Sclmaeg. Suppl. t. 269. Hypopterygium, Bridel, Bryol.
Univ. vol. Ü. p. 711.
H ab. Lord Auckland’s gro u p ; sbady rocks on the tops of tbe IrOls, altitude 1 2 0 0 -1 4 0 0 feet.
This moss, which is furnished with nccessorj’ leaves (stipules) on the lower surface of the stem, belongs to the
same group as Hypnum. laricimm, Hook. (Muse. Exot. t. 35), and X. rotidata, Hedw., they should perhaps be separated
from lesl-ia and from nookeria, to which they are in some respects allied. Bridel’s genus Eypopteryginm is so
constructed as uot to admit of these, the fertile flowers being lateral and not covered by the stipules, and the caljqitra
trulv dimidiate instead of mitriform. In Fterigynaudruvi ciliatum, Hedw., which has the habit of this group, the
peristome is single.
2. L eskia tamariscma, Hedw. ; caule flabeUatim ramoso, ramis subdivisis, fobis disticbis oblique
lanceolatis serrulatis evanidinerviis, stipubs rotundatis mucronatis, theca oblonga subpeudula, operculo conico
rostellato. L. tamariscina, Hedw. Sp. Muse. p. 2 1 2 . t. 5 1 . (excl. syn. Smartziifid. Hook.). Ilypoptery-
gium, B rid . Bryol. Univ. vol. ii. p. 7 1 5 .
H a b. Lord Auckland’s group ; barren. [Br. Lyall.)
According to the remark iu Hooker’s Muse. Exot. (sub. t. 35), the name Leskia taniariscina of Swartz (EL Ind.
Occ.), should be substituted for that of L. rotulata, Hedw. Tie are not aware that any subsequent author has noticed
the curious tubular setiforiu processes in the axillæ of the leaves and sometimes of the stipides in this moss.
3. lÆ sa .s Novee-Hollandim, Schwaeg.; caule erecto simpbci, fobis disticbis oblongo-lanceolatis apice
denticulatis nervo in cuspidem excurrente, seta basüari elongata, theca ascendente cybndracea. L. Novæ
HoUandiæ, Sclmaeg. Suppl. vol. i. pt. 2. p. 160. t. 83. Elbzogonium, Brid . Bryol. Univ. vol. 2. p. 664.
H ab. Lord Auckland’s group ; on the trunks of trees in the deepest and darkest recesses of th e woods ;
scarce aud barren.
2 4 . IIY PN UM, B ill.
Peristomium duplex; dentes sedecim, lanceolati, reflexiles ; interius membrana carinata, in cilia totidem
interdum pertusa ciliolis interjectis fissa. Calyptra cucuUifonnis.— Isotbecium, Hypnum et Stereodon, Bridel.
a. Foliis distichis.
1. H ypnum l i farimi, Hook. ; caule erecto subpinnatim ramoso, foliis remotis erecto-patentibus distichis
lanceolatis marginatis duplicato-serratis solidinerviis, theca hoi-izontali ovata, operculo conico acuminato.
I i. bifarium. Hook. Muse. Fxot. t. 57. Sclmaeg. Suppl. t. 257, a. Isothecium, Brid. Bryol. Univ. vol. ii.
p. 350.
H a b . Lord Auckland’s group ; on th e dead trmiks of trees.
The serratiu-es of the leaves are composed of a double row of spines, as in H. spiniforme. The operculum is
half the length of the theca, shorter and less acuminated than in the figure in ' Musei ExoticL’
b. Foliis imbricatis.
* Foliis solidinerviis. *
2. H ypnum spiniforme, L . ; caule erecto subsimplici, foliis patentibus Hneari-subulatis marginatis du plicato
spinuloso-serratis solidinerviis, seta subbasilari, theca ovata arcuata, operculo obhque conico rostrato.
H. spiniforme, Linn. Sp. PI. p. 1587. Hedwig, Muse, vol, iii. p. 59. t. 25. Brid. Bryol. Univ. vol. ii. p. 557.
Var. /3, caule gracih, foliis brevioribus lanceolato-subulatis Im-idis.
H ab. Lord Auckland’s group ; var. /3, under large tussacks of grass on th e hihs, rare and barren.
Neither in this nor in any other specimens of II. spiniforme have we seen the leaves to be bifarious.
3. H ypnum elongatum, Hook, fil. et Wils. ; caule elongato robusto subramoso, ramis elongatis, foliis
erecto-patentibus ovato-lanceolatis nervo excurrente apiculatis serrulatis striatis. (Ta b . LX. Eig. I I I .)
H a b . Lord Auckland’s group and CampbeU’s Is lan d ; in dry rocky places on th e hills, rare and always
Caules 4-6 unciales, basi procumbentes, deinde ascendentes, incurvi, pai'ce et vage ramosi. Folia suberecta,
dense imbricata, semilata, phcato-striata, siccitate erecta, subtorta, neiwo tenui in apiculum exsertmn subelongatiun
desinente instructa, flavo-viridia, nitida, inferiora sordide viricUa, dorso papblosa, ai-eohs minutis oblongis, basi marginibusque
pellucidis reticulatis.
This moss closely resembles the H. densum\, Swartz (El. Ind. Occ.), which is but iH represented in Hedwig’s
‘ Species Musconun.’
P l.yte LX. Fig. I I I .—1, a specimen, of the natural size ; 2, leaf :—magnified.
4 . H ypnum consimile, Hook. fil. et Wils. ; caule elongato subramoso debbi, fohis erecto-patentibus
supremis secundis ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis serrulatis striatis nervo subexcurrente. (Ta b . LX. Eig. T\^.)
H a b. Lord Auckland’s group ; hi marshy places on th e liiUs, barren.
* Tlic subdivisions here proposed appear to us more natural than those in general use, of which they are iu
some respects modifications.
t An original specimen of this iu Herb. Hook, may be thus characterized ;
H. densum, Sw. ; folhs lanceolatis acumbiatis ai-gute seiTatis fragbibns siccitate striatis evanidinemis (areolis
rotiuidatis) margine basi piuictatis. H. densum, Swartz, Fl. Ind. Occ., p. 1829,
H ab. Jamaica; roots of trees on the Blue Mountains, {Sxcartz).