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do they agree in habit, that plants regarded by the elder Agardh as varieties of Fl. coccineum (3 and y) are considered
by his son as distinct species of Thamnophora^^.
1. P locamidm coccineum, L y n g b .; Hydr. Dan. p. 39. t. 9. Crev. Alg. B r it. p. 12. t. 98. Hook.
*•;<. J7. vol. ii. p. 293. P . vulgaie, iawo;«-. PI. coccineum, fenestratum, Lyugbyanum, et Binderianum,
Kütz. Phyc. Gen. p. 449 and 450.
H ab. Lord Auckland’s group and Campbell’s Is lan d ; abundant.
This is the only species ot the genus fomid in the northern hemisphere and is apparently common, especially
in aU temperate regions of the globe,
1. R hodomenia Hombroniana, Mont. ; “ fronde cartilagineo-membranacea plana e basi snbstipitata
dichotoma pinnatillssa, pinnis ob axillas obtusas patenti-erectis obtusis, margine ftmbiiato seu rameuta den-
tata conceptaculifera emittente, conceptaculis hemisphericis papillula instructis.” Uo n t. Prodr. Pkyc. A n tarct.
p. 1. Voy. au Pole Sud, Bo t. Crypt. p .l5 7 . 1 .1. f. 2. (Ta b . L X X II. E g . II.)
H ab. Lord Auckland’s group ; on the stems of large Algoe.
Our specimens of this plant are young, and as they differ ii-om the more advanced state in form and iu colour,
vve have added a figure ; the colour- in this state is of a beautiful red purple, sometimes inclining to -violet. When
fully developed, the species assumes the appearance represented by Dr. Montagne in the plate quoted above. We
are indebted for magnifioent specimens, collected at Akaroa, to M, Raoul.
Plate LXXII. Fig. II.—1. a yoimg specimen, ot the natural size ; 2, 3 and 4, marginal leaflets bearing the
fructification ; 5, section of the same :—magnijied.
2 . R h o d om ek ia orHÆfo, Mont.; “ fronde camoso-membranacea oblongo-lanceolatalatissimaplanavi-vide
purpurea utrinque margine proliféra, foliis s. pinnulis obovatis substipitatis tandem cuneatis maximis palma-
tifissis, conceptaculis per totam frondem sparsis.” Mont. Prodr. Pkyc. Antarct. p. 1. Toy. au Pole Sud,
Bot. Crypt, p. 1 6 0 . t. 1 1 .
H a b . Lord Auckland’s group. {Admiral I f Jlrville.)
The plant, from which the magnificent plate given by Montagne was executed, is marked by the lamented
DTrville as a native of Lord Auckland’s Island, where, we regret to say, it was not collected by the Antarctic Expedition.
3. R hodome.xia dichotoma. Hook. ¡61. et Harv.; fronde membranacea rosea basi cuneata latissima dichotoma,
axiUis rotundatis, laciniis patentibus hnearibus v. cuneatis obtusis demum emarginatis et bifidis.
(Tab . L X X II. H g . I.
H ab. Campbell’s Island ; ou rocks in the sea.
* I had long supposed that the sphærospores of these genera were different ; but after a complete examination
of the fruit of T. eorallorhiza, costata, angusta, Merienaii, procera, Cnnmnghamii, Telfairioe and cornuta, and comparison
-vdtii that of Fl. coccineum, I have been obliged to abandon this idea. In all, the sphærospores are cylindrical,
divided into four by three transverse striæ. Kützing separates PI. eornutnm under the generic name of Thamnocarpus,
but I am at a loss to conceive upon wbat grounds.—^W. H. H.
( i J i
Frous rtabcilatim cxpansa, 4-7 unc. lata, basi cuneata, pluries dichotoma. laciniis linearibus cuneatisve, ) - )
unc. latis et ultra, patentibus, apicibus obtusis emarginatis bifidisve. Substantia tenuis, membranacea, e cellulis super-
ficiem versus miniTni.^ coloratis foimata, interioribus magnis hyalinis.— Chartæ non adhæret.
Our specimens of tliis plant are unfortunately barren, it resembles in outline the Fkyllopkora obtusa, but is of a
very different consistence. Its nearest ahy is the R. Ralmetta, to gigantic specimens of which it may be compared.
P late LXXII. Fiy. I.—1. a specimen of the natural size; 2, laeinia of a specimen ivith narrower fronds, also
of the natural size.
Dr. Montagne adds R. corallina, Grev., R. variegata {Ealymenia, Bory), and R. bifida, Grev., as natives of Lord
Auckland’s group, but the specimens are imperfect and they may belong to some of the former.
21. HYPNEAy Lamour.
1. H ypnea ww/ricorm«, M o n t.; “ fronde filiformi tereti compressa inordinate corymboso-ramosissima,
ramis ultimis subdistichis alternis au t subsecundis furcatis, ramulis patenti-recurvis hamulosis, pluribus apice
conformi incrassatis sporophoris.” Mont. Voy. au Foie Sud, F o t. Crypt, p. 153. t. 9. f. 1. Eliodomela, Mont.
Prodr. Phyc, Antarct. p. 4.
H a b . Lord Auckland’s group. {Admiral D Urvillei)
22. G EATELOUPIA, Agardh.
1. Grateloupia? Mont.; “ fronde cartilaginea filiformi tereti vage ramosissima, ramis
ramentisque confertis fasciculatisque snbcompressis basi attenuatis sæpius ex insigni frondis tubérculo singulis
pluribusve enatis, fructu . . . . ? ” Mont. Prodr. Phyc. Antarct. p. 7. Poy. au Pole Szid, Bot. Crypt.
p. 15. 1 .10. f. 1.
H ab. Lord Auckland’s group. {Admiral D Urvillei)
23. PHY L LOPH ORA , Grev.
1. P hyllophora Grev.; fronde corneo-membranacea stipitata basi longe cuneata enervi fiabeUi
formi subdichotome laciniata, laciniis latissimis valde obtusis axillis acutis, coccidiis stipit-atis sporophyllisque
e frondis pagina ortis aggi’egatis. P . obtusa, Grev. in JVern. Trans.
H ab. Lord Auckland’s group ; on shells, &c., in th e sea.
Radix scutata, parva, parce fibrosa. Frondes aggregate, 6-14 unc. longæ, basi cimeatæ, in stipitem filiformem
attenuatæ, 1 - lF unc. longæ, alterne dichotome fissæ v. pahnatæ, simplices v. fm*catæ, valde obtusæ, axillis angustis
acutis. Coccidia pedicellata, in soros elongatos laciuianim paginam occupantes aggi*egata, globosa, pedicello filiformi
V. foliáceo. Sporophylla aggregata, rotimdata, sphærosporas miniitas foventia. Substantia siccitate rigide membranacea
V. cornea, subtranslucens. Color amæne roseus.
The Auckland’s group specimens ai'e small and buiTen, but agree entirely with those of the Cape of Good Hope,
from wliich in part the preceding description has been prepared.
24. GIGARTINA, Lamour.
1. Gigartina divaricata, Hook. fil. et Harv.; caule cartilagineo-carnoso compresso lineari subdichotome
diviso, ramis distichis pinnatis snbpinnatisve, ramulis patentissimis hnearibus subattenuatis.
H ab. Campbell’s Is lan d ; tlirown up on the beach.
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