
Jacq. Vog. au Pole Sud, Boi. Bicot. 1 .10. f. T. Perezia Magellanica, Lagasc. Ammi. vol. i. p. 31. Cassini,
Opusc, vol. ii. p. 1 6 4 . Rook, et A rn. in Comp. Bot. M ag. vol. ii. p. 4 2 . Perdicium Magellanicum, L in n . fil.
Suppl. p. 376. Vahl, in Skrivt. N a t. Selsk. vol, i. p. 10. t. 4. P. sinuatum. Banks et Sol. M S S . in Bibl.
Banks, cum icone. (Ta b. CXI.)
H a b . Soutli Chili and Puegia. Cape Tres Montes, alt. 2 ,0 0 0 feet, C. L a m ln , Esq. Po rt Pamine,
Capt. King. Hermite Island, Cape Horn, / . D. H . Staten Land, L r . Eights aud Mr. JVebster.
Very variable in size, from two inches to a span or upwai-ds.
Plate CXI., left hand figure. Fig. \ , floret ; fig. 3, seta of pappus ; fig. 3, stamens ; fig. 4, ai-ms of style :—
1. HoiioiANTHUS echinulatus, Cass, in L ic t. Sc. N a t. vol. xxxviii. p. 458. LC . Prodr. vol. vii. p. 65.
Hook. Ic. P la n t, t. 491. Homantlds echinulata, Homb. et Jacq. Voy. au Pole Sud, Bot. L ico t. t. 10. f. S.
Perezia recurvata, Lessing, in Linnæa, vol. v. p. 21. Synops. p. 4 12. P . Doniana, Less. Synops. p. 412.
Perdicium recurvatum, Vahl, in Skrivt. N a t. Selsk. vol.i. p. 13. t. 7. Gaud. in. Ann. Sc. N a t. vol. vi. p. 103.
et in Freyc. Voy. Bo t. p. 135. L ’ JJrville in Mém. Soc. L in n . Paris, vol. iv. p. 611. non L on, et Poeppig.
Chætanthera recurvata, Spreng. Syst. Veg. vol. iii. p. 503. Clarionea recurvata, Lon, in L in n . Soc. Trans.
vol. XYÎ. p. 206.
H a b . Strait of MagaUiaens, Commerson. P o rt Pamine and P o rt Gregory, Capt. King. Palldand
Islands, very abundant, Gaudichaud, Capt. Sulivan, and all succeeding voyagers.
Esther a variable plant in size, in the glandular pubescence, in the number and size of the spinulm on tlie
leaves, which are in a single or double row, iu the sharpness or bluntness of the leaves, and somewhat also in the form
of the involucral scales. I t is one of the most interesting plants of the Falkland Islands from the very sweet scent
of its large pale-blue flowers, which has been compared to Jessamine and to Yholets ; it generally grows near the
sea in rocky places, and has also been found on the S.E. coast of Patagoma. The H. Beckli {Fo'ezia, Hook,
et Am.) of Patagoma is very nearly allied to this, but readily distinguished by the longer spinulose apex of the
narrower leaves, and the recurved lower scales of the involucre. The leaves of the latter ai-e exceedingly variable,
sometimes wholly without marginal spinul«, at others crested with white equidistant spinules much longer than those
of H. echinulatu.,.
2. H ohoianthus MageUanicus, DC., Prodr. vol. vii. p. 6 5 . Aster MageUanicus, Lam. Illu st. Gen.
t. 681. f. 3. Perdicium Isevigatum, Banks et Sol. MSS. in Mus. Banks, cum icone.
Yar. lactucoides, duplo major, foliis paulo angustioribus. Perdicium lactucoides, Vahl, in Skrivt.
Na t. Selsk. vol. i. p. 11. t. 5. Clarionea lactucoides, L o n , in L in n . Soc. Tram. vol. xvi. p. 206. C. glaberrima,
Cass. Opusc. vol. ii. p. 165. Perezia lactucoides, Lessing, Synops. p. 413.
H ab. Strait of Magalhaens, Commerson. P o rt Famine, Capt. King. Cape Negro, C. Larwin, Esq.
Good Success Bay, Bank s and Solander.
Two plants of very different stature have been brought together by De Candolle under the name of H. Magel-
lanicm ; except however in size, I am unable to distinguish them. Lamarck’s figure is highly characteristic of the
smaller variety, and Cassini’s and Lessing’s descriptions of the lai-ger. The variety /3 alone is in Mi-. Danvin’s Herbarium,
the other collections contain both. Sir J. Banks’ specimen of the largest state is upwards of two feet high.
1. A chykophoecs tenuifolius, DC.; glabriusculus v. subaraneosus, caule smp licq foHis grammeis
omnibus radicalibus filiformibus v. angustissime lineari-spatliulatis Uneari-lanceolatisYe integemmis smuatis
piimatifidisve segmentis patentibus remotis linearibus, scapo monocephaio, involucri ovato-campanulati
squamis linearibus lineari-lanceolatisve acummatis plus minusve araneo-tomentosis basi sparse hispido-pilosis.
A. tenuifolius, BC. Prodr. vol. vii. p. 94. Seriola tenuifoUa, Hook, et A n . in Ccmp. Bo t. Mag. vol. i. p. 31.
S. incana. Hook, et A n . I. c. vol. Ü. p. 42. Oreopliüa tenuifoUa, Bon, U 8 S .
H a b . Strait of Magalliaens ; P o rt Gregory, Capt. King. EUzabetli Island, C. B a rwm , Esq.
A very variable species in tbe foUage, wbicb is nan'ow and gi-ass-bke. Mr. Darwin has gathered a vanety at
Port St. Juban on the Patagonian coast, ivitb rather larger capitula, hut which does not appear otherwise distmct ;
it is SerMa incana, H. and A. I t has also been collected by Capt. King at Cape Fahnveather.
2. A c h y e o p h o e u s arenarius. Gaud.; parce lUspido-pubescens v. glabriusculus, radice elongata coUo
1-3-cephalo, foliis omnibus radicaUbus Uneari-obovato-lauceolatis interdum anguste Uneari-elongatis longe
petiolatis obtusis acuminatisve sinuato-dentatis pinnatifidisve, scapo folüs longiore monocephaio nudo folnsve
1 - 2 aucto, involucri campanulati squamis araneo-tomentosis glabratisve exterioribus parce lüspido-püosis.
A arenarius BC. Prodr. vol. vü. p. 95. Hypoclioeris arenaria. Gaud, in Ann. Sc. Hat. vol. v. p. 103, et m
Frege. Vog. Bot. p. 134 et 461. B ’ U n . in Mém. Soc. L in n . Faris, vol. iv. p. 609. H . minima ? WiUd.
B ’U n . I.e . Seriola apargioides. Less. Hook, et A n . in Comp. B o t. Mag. vol.U. p. 42. (Ta b. CX II.
H ab. Strait of Magalhaens, P o rt Gregory, Capt. King. Falkland Islands, Gaudichaud, B ’ Urville,
C. L a rw in , Esq., J . L . II.
This again is a highly variable plant, the majority of the Falkland Island specimens scarcely agreeing with
Gaudiehaud’s description (as given in Freycinet’s Voyage), in which the peduncles are said to he elongated and
branched though in the notes on the species, M. GaucUchaud states that they are either branched or simple.
Small splcimeirs entirely coincide ivith D’Urvffle’s character of J7. » « « ? Willd. The other species of this genus,
as H. apargioides, and H. twraxacoAes, are. however, so vai-iable that the chai-acter of the single or many-flowered
peduncle loses its value as a mark whereby to distinguish them.
P late CXII., middle dissections. Fig-1> plumose pappus ; fig. 2. ripe achænium, transversely ragose both
21. TAEjYXACUM, Hall.
1. T aeaxacum dens-leouis, Dcsf.; Lcoutodon Taraxacum, L in n . Sp. F l. n. 1122.
K w . Imiigatum. T . lævigatiim, DC. Cat. Hort. Monsp. p. 149. P ro * -, vol. n i. p. 146. B ’ Urv. in
Mém. Soc. Linn. Baric, vol. iv. p. 604. Gaud, in Frege. Vog. Bot. p. 134. Leontodon Lycodon, B ank s et
Sol. MSS. in Mus. Banks, ami icone. (Tab. CXII.)
H .a b . Fuegia, Good Success Bay, Banks and Solander. F-olklaud Islands, B ’ Urville, J .B .H .
This vai-iety has also been collected at Port St. Jifiiaii on the Patagonian coast, by Mi-. Darwin.
P late CXII., right hand figure. Tig. 1, floret ; f g . 2, stamen ; f g . 3 . seta of pappus ; f g . 4, ripe achænium ;
—all magnfied.