
FLORA ANTARCTICA. [A u c k la n d a n d
obtusis integerrimis concavis subbinerviis, seta brevi, tlieca erecta ovata. H. Ai’buscula, Smith, in L in n .
Trans., vol. xix. p. 280. t. 23. Hook. Muse. Exot. 1 .112. Isothecium, B rid . Bryol. Univ. vol. ii. p. 372.
Yar. foliis snbdisticMs. H . Arbuscula, Schwaeg. Suppl. t. 800.
ILyb. Lord Auckland’s group aud Campbell’s Is lan d ; rocky places on the 'liiUs; and on the gi’onnd
in the woods, where it was found iu fruit by Dr. LjuU. Yar. /3, Lord Auckland’s Island ; barren. [Dr. Lyall.)
The original specimens, figni-ed in the ‘ Musci Exotici,’ ai'e there correctly described as having the leaves imbricated
all round the stem, but the seta is represented too long and slender. The stems of the var. /3 are somewhat
compressed, and the leaves thus become in a measure distichous, as shown iu Schwaegiichen’s figure, wliich may
indicate a different species. The majority of our specimens agree well with the figm-e in ‘ Muse. Exot. ; ’ except
that the theca is more ti-uly eUiptical and somewhat apophysate, gi-aduaUy tapering dowuwai-ds into a thick slightly
curved seta, wliich is vei-y little louger than the capsule and bai'cly exserted beyond the perichætial leaves. We
have nei’er seen the seta so short, or the theca so globose, as they are represented by Schwaegi-ichen. The arcuate
stems sometimes root at the apex.
e. Foliis p a tu lis squarrosis.
12. H y tn ih i aeicidare, B rid .; caule vage ramoso, ramis simplicibus, foliis squarrosis ovatis acuminatis
apice iuciso-serratis subenerviis, theca inclinata cylindracea arcuata, operculo aciculari longissimo. IT. acicu-
lare, B r id . Bryol. Univ. vol. ii. p. 505. Schwaeg. Suppl. vol. ii. p. 280. t. 92.
H a b . Lord Auckland’s group and CampbeU’s Islan d ; on the ground in the woods, rare in fr*uit.
The calyptra is remarkably long in this moss, lanceolato-subulate, shghtly inflated when young, of a rich chest-
nut-brown colour.
d. Foliis secundis.
* Nervosis.
13. H y pn um comosum, Lab. ; caule repente, ramis erectis superne fastigiatim ramosis subdendroideis,
foliis imbricatis snbscopariis patentibus ovato-lanceolatis apice serratis nervo excurrente superioribus subse-
cundis, theca pendula sulcata, operculo curvirostro. H. comosum. L a Billard. Fl. Nov. Holl. vol. ii. p. 107.
t. 253. f. 2. Sclmaeg. Suppl. vol. i. pt. 2. p. 265. t. 91. Isothecium, Brid . Bryol. Univ. vol. ii. p. 374.
H a b . Lord Auckland’s group ; forming large tufts in the woods near th e sea, rarely fruiting.
In habit this fine moss resembles some species of Bartramia.
14. H y pnum hispidum. Hook. fil. et Wils. ; caule ramoso curvato v. arcuato, foliis imbricatis falcato-
secundis ovatis longe acuminatis integerrimis snbplicatis nervo crasso longe exserto, seta lævi, theca ovata
æquali, operculo longirostro. (T a b . LX I. Eig. I I .)
H a b . Lord Auckland’s group ; rocky places near the tops of the liiUs, barren.
Caules 2 ^ unciales, vage ramosi, ramis rigidis simpliciusculis, curvatis. FoUa dense imbricata, rigida, basi
ovata, deinde setaceo-subulata, nervo vahdo excurrente longe acuminata, subconcava, basi obscure phcata, atro-
lùrìdia, siccitate suberecta, areolis minutis ; perichcetialia minora, ovata, nervo longe exserto. Seta valida, flexuosa,
k unc. longa, rigida, rubra, apice arcuata. Theca æqualis, subhorizontalis, fusco-lutea, operculo oequilongo, rostro
obliquo. Calyptra non visa.
This is a very common moss in the northern island of New Zealand, gi-owing on rocks, on the exposed roots of
large forest-trees, especially of the Podocarpus dacrydioides, and upon stones iu streams of water ; under the last circurastances
ti e stems become much elongated, and the whole plant resembles the Anoedangmm a qmtmm, Hedw. The
drawing is made from New Zealand specimens.
P l a t e LXI. Pig. II.—1, a specimen of the natural m e ; 2, another, of the aquatic state, also of the natural
size ; 3 aud 4, leaves ; 5, young theca ; 6 and 7, mature thecæ ;—magnified.
15. H y p n um //iriwMw, L. ; canle compresso pinnatim ramoso, foliis falcato-secundis lanceolatis acnminatis
basi cordatis solidinerviis perichætialibus striatis, theca cernua subcylindracea, operculo conico acuto.
H. filicinum, L in n . Sp. F l. p. 1590. Hed/w. Sp. Muse. p. 258. t. 76. f. 7 -1 0 . Hook, et Tayl. Muse. B r it.
p. 183. t. 26.
Yar. /3, minor ; caule gracili, fohis suberectis lanceolatis.
H a b . Yar. Lord Auckland’s group ; in woods by the banks of streams. {Hr. Lya ll.)
Though the habit is more dehcate than that of British specimens, we are unable to separate this moss specifically
from II. filicinum, of which a perfectly intermediate variety occurs in the Falkland Islands.
16. H y p n u m L. ; caule erecto v. natante subpinnatim ramoso, foliis laxe imbricatis falcatis
lanceolatis acuminatis nervo ultra medium producto, theca cemua oblonga, operculo conico. H. fluitans,
Linn. Fl. Suec. Ed. 2. p. 399. Hedw. Muse. Frond, vol. iv. p. 94. t. 36. Hook. Muse. Brit. p. 185. t. 24.
H a b . Campbell’s Island; in swampy places, barren.
* * Foliis enerviis.
17. H y pnum gracile. Hook. fil. et Wils.; caule ramoso, ramis gracihbns subrecurvis, foliis imbricatis
secundis erecto-patentibus elhpticis obtusiusculis concavis subdenticulatis subenerviis, perichætiahbns squarrosis.
(T a b . LXI. Eig. III.)
H a b . Lord Auckland’s group ; dry rocky places near the tops of the liills, scarce and barren.
Caules unciales et ultra, curvati, subsimphces, nunc valde ramosi ; ramis gracihbus. Folia elhptica, subspathulata,
minutissime denticulata, nervo infra medium evanido v. nervis duobus brcribus, areohs huearibus supremis latioribus
', pei'ichoetialia ovata, acuminata, serrulata, enenia.
AUied to II. micans, Wils. (in Hook. Brit. El. vol. ii. p. 86), but different in the branched stems and larger
leaves, which are not reciu-ved at the margin.
P late LXI. Fig. III.—1, a specimen of the natural size ; 2, a portion of a branch ; 3 and 4, leaves :—magnified.
18. H ypnum cupressiforme, L. ; caule decumbente vage pinnatim ramoso, ramis simphcibus incurvis,
fohis circiunato-falcatis secundis ovato-lanceolatis integerrimis subenen'iis, perichætiaUbus conformibus, theca
snbceniuacyhndracea, operculo conico cuspidato. H. cupressiforme, Linn. Sp. Fl. p. 1592. Hedw. Muse.
Frond, vol. iv. p. 59. t. 23. Hook, et Tayl. Muse. Brit. p. 189. t. 27.
H a b . Lord Auckland’s group and CampbeU’s Island; abundant, but barren.
19. H y pn um leptorhynchum,B>n(\..; canle subpinnatim diviso, fohis falcatis tortis hneari-lanceolatis
acuminatis apice denticulatis cnerriis, tlieca nutante oblonga, operculo longissime et tenuissime rostrato. II.
(Stereodon) Icptorliyncluim, Brid. Bryol. Univ. vol. ii. p. 621. Schwaeg. Sippl. vol. i. pt. 2. p. 295. t. 93.
Yar. /3, seta brevior.
H a b . Lord Auckland’s group ; both varieties on the trunks of prostrate trees, rare.
2 D