
162 F LO EA ANTAECTICA. {Auckland and
! lati, appressi, plani, olivaceo-bnmnei. Caults 1-4 une. longi, irregulariter pinnati, rainis divaricatis.
FoVm basi angusta, concava ; lobo inferiore basi tumido, superiori obtuse angidato arcte appresso.
Found abundantly in Ireland, aud according to Lindenberg iu Switzerland ; in the former locality, as in its
southern habitat, prefeiTing wet rocks. It may be distinguished from J. complanata, L., by its smaller size, more
convex leaves, thin texture and brown colour, by the lesser lobe being tumid at the base and not sharply reflected ou
the larger or upper, and by the deflexcd perichætial leaves ; besides these characters we may remark that the peri-
gouia are usually terminal aud not upon lateral short branches, and that the augniate portion of the lower lobe is
shorter than in J. comp~
61. JtJNGERiUNNiA Hook. fil. et Tavl. j caule implexo procumbente piimatim ramoso, foliis
imbricatis patentibus integerrimis, lobo superiore majore convexo late oblongo-rotundato apice recnrvo basi
rotundato, inferiore superne truncato v. rotundato ovato-oblongo obtuso inferne subtumido apice lobo superiori
appresso, perigoniis lateralibus filiformibus sub folhs latentibus, calyce obovato-oblongo valde compresso
subcochleariformi utrinque marginibus acutis subalatis lateribus basi ad medium 4 -5 costatis, ore truncato
H a b . Lord Auckland’s group ; on th e bark of trees, &c., abundant.
Cæspites planiusculi v. tumidi, late extensi, olivaceo-bnmnei, implexi. Caules 1-2 imc. longi, crassiusculi,
valde ramosi, folhs convexis undique imbricati, apicem versus sæpe purpurascentes. Folia subrecmwa, late obovato-
rotundata ; lobo superiore nunc deorsum in auriculam producto, nunc angustiore, lobo inferiore F magnitudhie su-
perioris, superne eo arcte appresso inferne tumido, forma varia, substantia opaca læte sed pallide flavo-brannea.
Innovationes infra folia plurimi, breves, parvi, perigoniis sæpe alternantes. Ferigonia omnino inter folia occlusa,
minuta, fihformia, folhs 8-10 urceolatis arete imbricata. Perichætium e foliis duobus erectis constans, apicibus latis
rotundatis, lobo inferiore subinvoluto.
This species is closely allied to the R. pedinata, Nees, but the upper lobes of the leaves are more elongated
and the lower are broad at the apex, the perigonia also are shorter. The calyx is here remarkable for the compressed
margins being almost winged and the two sides furnished with several elevated costæ. The smaller lobe of the
leaf is at first very tumid, more appressed when older.
(16. Mabotheca, JDnmort.)
62. J ungermannia elegantula. Madotheca elegantula, Mont. in Toy. au Foie Sud, Bot. Crypd. t. 18.
f. 3. et in Ann. Sc. Na t. 1843. p. 255.
H a b. Lord Auckland’s g ro u p ; on tru n k s of trees in th e woods.
Very closely allied to the European J. platyphylla, differing chiefly in the less decidedly pinnate ramification,
in the more distant branches, in the frequent toothing of the lower lobe (not shown in Montague’s figure), and in the
plane margins of the stipules, which are recurved only at the tip s ; the capsule also is split down to the very base
into four valves. Montague compares it with M. subsfjuarrosa, Nees and Mont., from Juan Fernandez.
Hook. Muse. Exot. 1 .115.
(1 7 . F rullania, Nees.)
63. J ungermannia Magellanica, Lamarck, Encycl. Bot. vol. iii. p. 28.
H ab. Campbell’s Is lan d ; on alpine rocks.
The foliage is paler in colom- and more lax than in the specimens figured in the ‘ Musci Exotici.’ It is also a
native of Tasmania, from whence we have specimens with fully formed calyces.
CamphelVs Islands] F LO EA A NTAECTICA . 1 6 3
64. J ungermannia clavigera, Hook., Muse. Exot. t. 70.
H ab. Campbell’s Is lan d ; on rocks, and on the trunks of trees.
These specimens vaiy much in colour, in general they are of a richer brovm, and less olivaceous than in the
figm-e quoted, at other times they are nearly black.
65. JUNGEEMANNIA ptijclmntlia. Frullania ptyeliantha, Mont. in Toy. au Vole Sud Bot. Crypt. 1 .19.
f. 3. et in Ann. Sc. Nat. 1843. p. 257. J . Myosota, nahia in Lond. Journ. o f Bot. v. 3. p. 393.
H ab. Lord Auckland’s group and Campbell’s Island ; on th e trunks of trees, and on rocks on th e liiUs,
The perichætial leaves in tliis species are three, closely embracing the base of the calyx ; the two lateral entire,
obovate, having a strap-shaped acute cm-ved inner lobe with reflexed sides; the thii-d or stipular lobe is oblong,
deeply dirided into recmwed linear segments, whose margins are imeven Imt not toothed. Calyx cyhndncal and
smooth for ) way up, then ovate-rotundate, exserted, laciniated ; in the young state it appears terminated by a short
This species may be known from aE others by the minute, divergent am-ioles below the leaves, and more par-
ticulm-ly by the plicate calyx. Montagne compares it with F. yracilü, noiulosa and mterjrhtipula, and adds that besides
the difference m the caljx, the fii'st of these has the involucral leaves serrated, and in the two others the stipules are
66. JUNGEEMANXIA allopliylla, Hook. fil. et Tayl. ; caulibus laxe dispersis flaccidis gracilibus flexuosis
subramosis, foliis distantibus erecto-patentibus patubsve late ovatis obtusis acutisve integiiuscubs laxe reticulatis,
auriculis anguste oblongo-pyriformibus clavatisve incurvis a folio divergentibus, stipulis minutis bifidis
segmentis lanceolatis sæpius clavatis. (Ta b, LX V I. Fig. I.)
H a b. CampbeU’s Island ; on tb e liiUs, rare, growing w-itb other Jungermanniæ.
Caules 2-3 lin. longi, parce ramosi ; rami alterni, siccitate subatri, madore læte sanguineo-pmpurei. Folia
forma sat varia, inferiora longiora, late ovata v, elliptica, obtusa v. rarius acuminata, integerrima v. bi-tridentata,
celluhs pro planta maximis, auriculis pediceUatis majuscuhs erectis interdiun deflexis.
A beautiful little species and one of the smaUest that is known of this subgenus ; as in / . clavigera the lobes
of the stipules are often replaced by club-shaped aimeles.
P l.it e LXVI. Fig. I.—1, a specimen of the natural size ; 2 and 3, front and back slew of leaves ; magnifed.
67. JusGEEMANXiA rostrata. Hook. fil. et Tayl.; caule exiguo repente subpinnatim ramoso, foliis snbap-
proximatis patentibus rotundatis subapiculatis integerrimis lobo inferiore oblougo-lanceolato appeudiculato,
stipuhs minutis rotundatis bifidis mtegei-rimis, perigoniis obovatis rotundatis, perichætiis oblongo-rotimdatis,
calyce obovato apice tubuloso basi angusto liueiu-i.
H a b . Lord Auckland’s group ; on Parmelia enteromorjiha, Ach.
Cæspites 1-2 une. lati, riifo-bnmnci. Caules minuti, graciles. FoUa rotundata, lobulo inferiore A magnitudine
superioris ; perichæüatia oblonga, apiculata, inciu-va, margmibns lobifli inferioris reflexis. Calg.v pericbætio bis longior.
The present species bears imicli general resemblance to J. lohulata. Hook., differing from it m the smaller size,
the narrow base of the calyx, which is of a ditferent and less trigonous form, being wider above, and in the acute
or apiculate leaves of the pcricliætium. It is as smaU as the previous species.
68. JuNGEEMAUNiiV reiicKfafa, Hook. fil. et Tayl. ; cavdihus implexis prostratis subpimiatim ramosis.