
sal, 5-iloris, palea inferiore lineari-ovata obtusa infra apicem ari.sta brevi capiUacea instrue ta 7-nervi inferne
H a b. Strait of Magalhaens ; P o rt Gregory, Capt. King.
Gramen pedale. Calmas simplex, basi genicalatus, ereetus, graciUs, strictus, puberulus. Tolia pauca culmo
..oreora my,»« stn ata; liguh. ovata, lacera; lamina vagina brevior, pilosa, involuta. Panicula 2 unc. lonre
oeusU fere poUicares, ^ nnc. latæ. Ploscull nervosi, superne glaberrimi, nitidi, inferne dorso sericei - arista A
«osculi æquans, scabenüa. Falea superior inferiori æquilonga, sed -i angustior. ^
' I / ' ' * found in the eastern parts of the Strait of Magalhaens, and more eharaeteristic
of the grassy plains of Patagonia than of an Antarctic vegetation.
17. ELYMUS, L .
11 1^' orootas, glaberrimus,panicula spicæformi lineari-oblonga,spiculis binis
collateralibus 2ffioris, glumis subæqualibus lanceolatis aristato-acuminatis integris v. bifidis uei-vosis flosculis
renssime pedicellatis, palea inferiore lanceolata in aristam gluma breviorem desinente 5-nerri superne
puberula, superiore brerfssime bidentata, foliis planis vaginis brevioribus.
H a e . Strait of Magalhaens ; P o rt Eamiue, Capt. King.
tteerlees . stnafa 5 une. longa ; Ugula brevissima; lamina Uneari-snbnlata, utrinque lævis, basi plana, superne »Vmoai
^mbns involutis, gradatim acuminala, 3-4 nnc. longa. Panicula 3^-nnciaUs, stricta, ereota. continua. ^ uno lata
Iwcustce erectæ, imbneatæ. appressæ, scaberulæ. Glumæ liberæ. ad basin onjnsvis artienlationis qnateniæ, quarnm
ex enor latens nmc. sæpe ad medium tissa evadit, fere A u„e. longæ, aristatæ. Mosculi cum aristis | née Ion ri
interior vix, superior longius. pedicellotus ; arista paleis paido brevior.
This a good deal resembles a Chilian species, ivliieh possesses longer aristæ to the glumes and palea and is
othenvise diflerent One glume out of the four at each articulation is often bifid, this is always the outer and all
sueh are on one side o tho panicle only. The general appearance is not dissimilar to that of Elymus Europæus
r.om which the present species may be distingnished at once by the glumes being free to the base.
18. HORDEUM, L .
1. HoEDETiMyÄfim, Linn., S p .P l. 126. Kunth, Kn. Pla n t, vol.i. p . 457.
H a b . Strait of Magalhaens ; P o rt Eamine, Capt. King.
N o rth -Ymerioan specimens do not appear to differ from the Magellanic, or from others gathered at Cape
lairwealher. I find the sheaths of the (old) leaves sometimes pilose, whence it seems veiy probable that the Chilian
II. carnosum, Presi, is only a state of this plant which varies a good deal in size, in the stoutness of the culm and
fongth of Its panicle. H. jubaturn had heen considered as confined to North America, where it ranges from the
Missouri to the Saskatchewan, and from Boston to the Colombia river.
2. ilonDmsipuli/lorurn, ilo o k . SI.; spicis oblongis, glumis æquilongis omnibus setaceis basi pubes-
r-eiitibns superne scabridis, flosculis lateralibus neutris, intermedio basi setula aucto, palea inferiore scabrido-
palois lanceolata arista glumis æqmlonga terminata, foliis caulinis longe vaginantibus radicalibus subsetaceis.
H a b . Strait of Magalhaens ; P o rt Famine, Capt. King.
FalMands, etc.]
Radix fibrosa, snbrepens. Culmi 8-10 unc. alti, basi inclinati, glaberrimi. Tolia radicalia, pauca ; vagi-na
uncialis glaben-ima v. obscure pilosa; lamina subulata, involuta, 2-pollicaris; c a u lin o rum vaginæ elongatæ, tumidæ,
striatæ; lam in a brevissima, subulata. lA-uncialis, fusco-purpurea. G?»«« J-nnciales, recnrvæ, basi flosculique
pube scabrida, pilis brevibus intermixtis vestita.
Very distinct from tbe former (than which it is a good deal smaller) and from any other species, and may be
recognized by the pubescence of the florets ; its general appearance resembles the European H. maritirmm.
I . T e it icum repens, Linn., S p .P l . 128. Engl. Bo t. t. 999.
Far. palea superiore semper pubescente floribusque plermnque majoribus. T. repens, var. pungens,
Brongniart in Bvperreg, Yog. Bot. p. 57. T. glaucum, Lamk. (?) B ’ Urville in Mérn. Soc. L in n . P a n s ,
vol. iv. p .601.-
Sub-var. 1, spiculis majoribus |-uncialibus, glumis paleisque angustioribus, palea inferiore breviter
aristata apice trifida v. integra.
Sub-var. 2, spiculis majoribus, glumis paleisque latioribus, palea inferiore apice mucronata subaristata
integra v. obscure trifida.
Sub-var. 3, spiculis apice majoribus, palea inferiore acuminata pungente trifida.
Sub-var. 4, spiculis minoribus, glumis angustioribus, palea iuferiore apice 3-deutata brevûter aristata
V. mutica.
Sub-var. 5, spiculis minoribus, glumis latioribus, palea iuferiore apice 3-dentata nnnquam aristata.
H a b. Strait of Magalhaens; P o rt Famine, Capt. King (sub-vars. 4 and 5 ); Sonth Fuegia, Good
Success Bay, and Hermite Island, Banhs and Solander, C. Ba n o in , Esq., J . B . H. (sub-vars. 2 and 3) ;
Falkland Islands, abundant, B ’ Urville, ^ c . (sub-vars. 1, 2, and 3).
A very variable plant, and .ill the more perplexing from some of the larger varieties differing more iu appearance
than they do in reality from the common Em-opean T. repens. The lower palea is generally, but not constantly
tridentate at the apex, with the middle tooth sometimes produced into a short own; it is, however, always haiiy,
as may be seen in Siberian, Ai-ctic American, aud Eocky Mountain plants, whicb latter, indeed, are sometimes
villous. The North American specimeus <ire generally larger than the European. This species is also a native of
Cape Fairweather on the Patagoman coast, and exceedingly abundant throughout Fuegia aud the Eolkhiud Islands.
20. LOLIUM, L .
1. J a o u m perenne, Linn., Sp. PI. 12-2, B 'U rv ille , in Mém. Soc. L in n . Paris, vol. iv. p .6 0 1 . Brongn.
in Buperrey, Yoy. Bot. p. 57.
H ab. Falkland Islands, ou tb e sandy sea-sliores, frequent ; B ’ Urville.
The h ab ita t,assigned by D’Urville to tbis plant renders its being indigenous very probable.
1. H ymenophyllum eruentnm, Cav., Prcel. 1801, n. 684. Swartz, -
vol. i. p. 87. t. xxxi. A.
n. F il. p. 146. Hook. Sp. FU.
4 T