
i l i mi
glaberrima, profunde c«analiculata ; marginibus recurvis. Capsula lineari-oblonga, trigona, angulis obtusis, peri-
antbio | brevior, unilocularis, trivalvis, polysperma. Valvoe lineari-lanceolatæ, acuminatæ, concavæ, coriaceoe,
pallide fuscæ, medio intus dissepimento incompleto carinatæ, dorso canaliculatæ. Seinina — ?
I much regret not finding the seeds of this fine species amongst my dried specimens ; a few were contained
in the old capsules when first collected, of which I neglected to make any note a t the time : if my memory does
not deceive me, they wære small and covered with a pearly white, very lax and much elongated outer membrane,
not unlike th a t of Narthecium ossiß'agum. It is most remarkable for the apparently entire suppression of one
of the bracteolæ at the base of the flower, and also differs from the two other species in having a coriaceous,
not indurated capsule. I t is more nearly allied to the R. grandiflora {Marsippospeimiuni grandiflorum, Desv.)
than to R . Magellanica in size, in the creeping rhizoma, the solitary leaf sheathed at the base, the unequal outer
leaflets of the perianth, and in the long capsule and lax outer coat of the seed ; that plant is however of a much
larger size, has longer rhizomata and scapes, with two or three bracteolæ below the flow'crs, and an almost woody
capsule. The seeds of R . grandiflora, like those of Juncus castaneus and especially of J . ti-iglumis, are fusiform,
invested with a loose, pale yellow, lax, glistening membrane, thickened on one side, denoting the position
of the raphe, and produced at both ends ; it is formed of elongated cellular tissue. The albumen is covered by
a rather thick inner coat, composed of hexagonal cellular tissue, and is pendulous in the cavity of the outer membrane
by the vessels of the raphe, w'hich, arising from near the funiculus, terminate in a broad dark-coloured
chalaza at the top of the inner coat. The small quadrate embryo is placed at the lower or opposite extremity,
close to the apex, which is acute and discoloured.
P late XLVII. Fig. 1, flower and bractea; fig. 2, stamen; fig. 3, ovarium, style and stigmata; fig. 4,
transverse section of ovarium, showing the young ovules ; fig. 5, an ovule ; fig. 6, a ripe capsule :—all magnified.
3. L U Z U L A , DeC.
1. L u z u l a crin ita , Plook. fil.; foliis plan iu scu lis crln ito -cilia tis, spicis p lu rim is in cap itu lum
ma ju scu lum so litarium sessile la te ovatum foliaceum arc te co n g e stis ra riu s unico p ed u n c u la to b ra c te
a e lo n g ata foliácea su b ten sis, bra c teo lis scariosis fimbriato-laceris, p e rian th ii foliolis ovato-lanceola
tis coriaceis ex te rio rib u s c a rin atis ap icib u s su b re cu rv is, stylo elongato, m em b ran a exteriore seininis
fugacea. (T a b . X L V I I I .)
H a b . L o rd A u ck lan d ’s g ro u p an d Campbell’s I s la n d ; in th e fo rme r locality found only nea r
th e to p s o f th e hills, a lt. 1 2 0 0 - 1 4 0 0 fe e t ; more ab u n d a n t in th e la tte r, from th e sea to a lt. 1 2 0 0 feet.
Herba cæspitosa, magnitudine sat varians, summis montibus locisque algidis vix pollicaris, sole sub calidiore
8-pollicaris ad pedalem evadit. Radix descendens, perennis, elongata, 1-2 unc. longa, valida, reliquiis copiosis
foliorum vetustorum vestita, ubique fibras tenues, elongatas, fasciculatas emittens ; sæpius superne pluries divisa,
non raro autem simplex vel biceps. Culmi plurimi, rarius solitarii, basi præcipue et plus minusve per totam
longitudinem foliosi, erecti, stricti, validi, glaberrimi, striati, superne obscure trigoni, ad apices mono-dicephali,
plerumque ultra folia extensi, interdum abbreviati foliisque multoties breviores. Folia plurima, erecto-patentia,
seu omnia v. infima solummodo squarroso-recurva, plantis junioribus planiuscula, demum marginibus plus
minusve incurvis involuta, subcoriacea, lineari-subulata, ad apices obtusas incrassata, 3-5 unc. longa, unc.
lata, margine pilis elongatis, flexuosis, albidis ciliata et crinita, læte viridia, basi vaginantia, superiora abbreviata,
omnia vaginantia; vagina elongatæ, erectæ, striatæ, integræ ; ore obliquo, laxe lanuginoso. Spicoe
paniculæ, multifloræ, ramis pedunculisque abbreviatis hinc infiorescentia capitata; solitaria,
terminaba, v. rarius 2, unico pedunculato, late ovata. obtusa, v. globosa, integra v. lobata, | unc. longa, atro-
fusca, opaca, basi lanuginosa, medio 2-3-bracteata, et bractea unica v. bracteis duabus foliaceis, inferne concavis.
1-1^ unc. longis subtensa. F/orespan-i, sub 1 lin. longi. numerosissimi, dense conferti, brevissime pediceliati;
pedicelli bracteolati; bracteolæ parvæ, late ovatæ, longe acuminatæ,pilosæ, concavæ, membranaceo-scariosoe,
fimbriato-laccræ, laciniis longe püifcris, ultra florem productis. Perianthii foliola 3 exteriora lanceolata, longe acuminata,
versus apices leuiter recinva, concava, superne carinata, coriacea, atro-fusca ; interiora breviora, planiuscula,
oblongo-lanceolata, acuminata, medio coriacea, rufo-brunnea, marginibus late scariosis, pallidioribus. Stamina 6,
perianthio \ breviora ; filamenta elongata, hnearia, compressa ; antheræ breviusculæ, oblongæ, ad apices brevissime
unguieidatæ. Pollen stramineum, globosmn, immatm-um ti-igonum, liyalinmn, nucleo opaco, intus tripartito.
Ocarinm elliptico-ovatum, trigonum, utrinque angustatum, superne in stylum attenuatum, uniloculare, triovidatum ;
stylm ovario bre\dor, erectus, gracilis, in stigmata 3 inclusa filiformia desinens. Omda 3, e basi locidi erecta,
anatropa ; funicidis brevibus. Capsula perianthio inclusa et subæquilonga, membranacea, obovata, acuta, tm-gida,
t;rigona, angulis obtusis, unilocularis, trisperma, trivalvis ; valvæ late obovato-oblongæ, acutæ, concavæ, dorso cana-
licuiatæ, intus medio carhiatæ. Semina 3, parva, ovoidca, fimdo loculi funicidis brevibus adnexa, valvis opposita ;
membrana exterior laxa, tenuis, hyalina, albida, latere unico ad raphem incrassata, lacera, demum decidua, reliquiis
cii’ca chalazam tantum et fimiculum persistentibus ; interior albumini appressa, brunnea, striata v. reticulata, ad
chalazam lutaiu apicemque pendulum atra. Albumen carnosum. Embryo panais, ovato-oblongus, teres, funiculo proximus
albumine inclusiis.
This appears to be a veiy distinct species, most nearly allied to the L. Alopecurus, Desv., of Tierra del Fuego
and the Falkland Islands, a plant which ili-. Kimth considers as a foim of L. Pemviana, Desv., and which much
resembles the present in size, general appearance, and in aU particidars but the segments of the periaiitli, which aiæ
iu T. Alopecurus lacerated and fimbriated at the scarious margins, like the bracteolæ. I t also resembles some states
of L. campestris, I). C., as that plant appears in Tasmania, but the leaflets of the perianth are nearly scarious throughout
ill that species, more plane and not so thick and coriaceous ; the outer ones are also in this very coniæx and
distinctly carinated above the middle.
P late XLVIII. Fig. 1, flowers; fig. 2, outer leaflet of the perianth; fig. 3, inner do. ; fig. 4, a stamen; fig. 5,
immature pollen ; fig. 6, the same more advanced ; fig. 7, ovarium ; fig. 8, longitudinal section of the same ; fig. 9,
a ripe capsule ; fig. 10, seed ; fig. 11, vertical section of the same ;—all magnified.
1. G aimardla ciliata, Hook, fil.; dense cæspitosa, foliis erectis undique arcte imbricatis lineari-subulatis
obtusis tcretiusculis compressis fistulosis basi vaginantibus dorso versus medium marginibusque vagi-
narum ciliatis, pedmicidis fi’uctiferis folio longioribus.
H ail Lord Auckland’s group ; exposed places on the liiUs, very abundant, forming large green patches.
Radlv fibrosa; fibris simphcibus, tortuosis, spongiosis, albidis. Caules erecti, ramosi, 2-3 unc. longi, dense
fastigiatim compacti, foliosi. Folia pliuima, erecta, cauli appressa, ^ unc. longa, lineari-subulata, gradatim attenuata,
apicibus obtusis, teretia, lateraliter compressa, intus fistulosa, dorso ad medium ciliata, basi longe vaginantia, læte
idi-kha, nitida, vetustiora fiavo-brmmea; vaginæ folio adiiatæ, scarioso-membranaceæ, hyalinæ, superne iu ligidam
brevem, apice rotimdatam, integrain productæ, marginibus dorsoque ciliatis, pilis elongatis, albidis, articulatis.
Pedunculus anni præteriti elongatus, validas, erectus, folio longior.— Cætera mihi omnino ignota.
A close examination of this species with the Gaimard'ia australis (Gaudicliaiid iu Freyc. Voy. Bot. p. 418. t. 30),
has satisfied me that they are, as far as I can judge without flowers or fruit, congeneric. The habit of the tw'o
plants is entirely the same, and both form extended plane hard gi-een tufts on the bare hoggy smface of the hills in
their respective islands, often of two or three yards across. The present is rather the smaller species, with much
smaller leaves, not flattened on the upper surface, ciliated at the back about the middle, as also on the sides and
margins of the sheaths, which arc produced upwards into a shorter ligula than in G. australis.
I r !■