f i í i
DC. Prodr. vol. iv. p. 53. Hooh. Ic. Pla n t, t. 16. Polycarpon Magellanicum, L in n . fi l. Suppl. p. 115.
Forst. Comm. Goett. vol. ix. p. 23. t. S. Orites depressa, Danks and Sol. in Mus. Banks, cum icone.
H ab. South Chili and Fuegia ; from th e Chonos iVrclhpelago to Cape Horn ; Forster, B ank s and
Solander, Capt. K ing, C. Darwin, Esq., J . D. II.
I have examined several specimens of this plant in the collections of Capt. King and Mr. Darwin, and find
imiformly three stamens and three styles ; the flowers seem occasionally incomplete, and then are scarcely half the
size of the fertüe ones, and with much shorter stamens and styles. Tube of the cdyx conical, its limb hregu-
larly cut into 5-7 segments of unequal length, there are also one or two bracteæ, so placed on the ovarium that
they are with difflculty distinguishable from the calycine lobes. The petals are also inserted with the latter and they
seem to pass the one into the other; they are white and of unequal size, much smaller in the incomplete than in the
fertile flowers. Within the petals is a broad flat disk, from the centre of which arise the stamens, tlu-ee in number,
alternating with, bnt almost united at their base to. the three long diverging styles : the filaments are elongate and
subulate ; the anthers extrorse ; the pollen globular, rough, and containing an obscm-ely three-lobed nucleus. Ovarium
tlu-ee-celled, each cell bearing at the upper portion of the inner angle a somewiiat fleshy placenta, covered with many
series of horizontal or ascending ovules. Apparently only a few seeds ripen iu each cell.
Dmiatia is a very anomalous genus of Saxifrageæ, though I entirely agree with M. St. Hilaire that it does belong to
that Order. The gradual passage of the leaves into hi-acts, of the bracts into calycine lobes, aud of these again
into the petals, together with the adnate tube of the calyx, and the extrorse anthers, (a sufficiently obvious, but
hitherto unnoticed character, foreign to SaxÀfrageæ), are what may he observed in Calgcantheæ. The analogy
between this plant and Siglideæ, through Forstera, is very sti-ikhig, especially in the tufted habit and linear leaves,
in the often abortive flowers, the form of the inferior ovary, and the irregtilai- insertion of the calycme lobes and of
the bracts on the tube of the calj-x, in the variable nmnber of the unequal petals, which, though gamopetalous in
Forstera and Stglideæ, are occasionally separate in the allied Orders Lobeliaxeæ and Goodmovieæ, in the flat disk
intervening between the base of the petals and the stamens, in the close application of the filaments to and their
alternation with the thi-ee styles, altogether forming, as it were, one body in the centre of the flower, in the
extrorse anthers and somew-hat too in the form of the poUen ; in the axile placentation and numerous ascending
ovmles, and in the form of the seed, so far as I can compare it with immature ones of Forstera clavigera, excepting
tliat the raphe in Bonatia is prominent.
Tlie Bomiia fascieulark is veri' abimdant thi-oughout Fuegia and the western portions of South Chili^ covering
the sm-face of the gromid in densely-matted and widely-extended, hard, bright-green patches : composing, with
a few other plants, such as Caltha appendiculata and particularly Astelia pumila, the gi-eater proportion of the
peat-earth in those countries. It is one of the few bog plants, characteristic of the South Fuegian Flora, that has
not been detected in the Falkland Islands,
1. AZORELLA, Gaud.
liis subsessilibus arete imbricatis coriaceis,
is :— Chamitis, Bank s et Sol.
I . Caulibus
1. Azobella cæspitosa, Cav.; dense cæspiîtosa, foliis arcte imbricatis basi latioribus vaginantibus
patentibus subrecurvis linearibus acutis integerrimis coriaceis vagina filamentosa, umbella fiorente abbreviata
inter folia summa sessili, calycis tubo piloso margine obtuse et brevissime 5 -lobo, fructu immaturo oblongo
subquadrato dorso compresso. AzoreUa cæspitosa, Cav. le . vol. v. p. 57. t. 4 84. f. 2. Poiret, Encycl. Suppl.
vol. i. p. 551. DC. Prodr. vol. iv. p. 77. A. gummifera, Poiret, 1. c. A. crassifolia, Persoon, Syn. vol. i.
p. 303. A. aretioides, TFilld. Herb. A. ctespitosa, y, Willd. Sp. P I. vol. i. p. 1366. Muliiium acaule,
Pers. Syn. vol. i. p. 309. Bolax aretioides, Spreng. Spec. Umbell. vol. i. p. 11. B. cæspitosus, Spreng. in
Bremer et Schultes Syst. Veg. vol. vi. p. 359. {exclud. syn. Selini acaulis. Cav.) Bolax foliis ovato-acuminatis
&c.? Commerson, fid . Cavanilles. Hydrocotyle gummifera, y, Lamk. Encycl. vol. iii, p. 156.
H a b . Strait of Magalliaens; P o rt Gregory, Capt. K in g ; W e st Falkland Island, Née, Capt. Sullivan.
Caules plerique unciales, exemplaribus FalkUndicis 3 ^ pollicares, ramosi, rigidi, e foliis subrecurvis squarrosi.
Folia \ unc. longa, læte viridia. inferiora sæpe discolora. Umiella 6- 8-flora, Fedieelli florum brevissimi, post
anthesin verosimiliter elongati, ut in icone Cavaufllcsii. Fetala oblonga, subobtusa. Stylopodia majuscula. Fructus
immatiirus ad siituram vix contractus, dorso planiusciilus.
I t it exceedingly difiicult to unravel the synonymy of the species belonging to this genus. The name of
Chamitis -«ms applied to A . fihinentosa, Lam., and A. trifureata. Hook., by Gaertner in 1788, adopted from the
MSS. of Banks and Solander. These voyagers discovered a thii-d species, Cluuaitis trifureata, a name which Gaertner
has accidentally affixed to his plate of A. tricuspidata.
The AzoreUa cæspitosa, according to a statement made by Cavanilles, 1. c., was probably first detected by
Commerson ; the specimens figm-ed by the author just quoted are from the CordiUera of Chili, and Mr. Danvin
having gathered it at Port Desire, and Capt, King at Cape Fail-weather, it is probably a very general plant thi-oughout
tlie southern parts of Patagonia.
2. Ajion-ELJaAfilamentosa, Lamk.; laxe cæspitosa, caulibus diffusis ramosis, ramis congestis interdum
elongatis, foliis lineari-lanceolatis subspatliulatis subcymbiformibus marginibus inflexis integerrimis in
petiolum æquilongum basi vaginantem longe setoso-ciliatum desinentibus, umbellis b reriter pedimculatis
6- 8 -floris, fructu ovato subtereti, mericarpiis dorso convexis 5-jugis. A. filamentosa, Z am L Encycl.
vol. i. p. 344. I l l Gen. t. 189. f. 1. {pessime, e icone Gaerineri imitala). Vahl, Symbol vol. iii. p. 47.
DC. Prodr. vol. iv. p. 77. H o o k Ic. P la n t, t. 541. Hombron et Jacq. Voy. an Pole Siid, Po t. Bicot. Phan.
t. 15. B. A. Chamitis, Pe is. Synops. vol. i. p. 303. D Urv iUe in Mém. L in n . Soc. Paris, vol. iv. p. 614.
Gaudichaud in Freyc. Voy. Bot. p. 136. Chamitis integrifolia, Gaertner de Fruct. vol. i. p. 94. t. 22
{e MSS. Ba n k sii et Solandnn in 3Ius. Banks, cum icone). Bolax filamentosa, Spreng. in Schult. Syst. Veget.
vol. vi. p. 359.
H a b . Strait of Magalliaens, Commerson; Good Success Bay, « r e / ; P o rt Famine, Chy/.
K in g ; Hermite Island, J . B . I I ; Falkland Islands, B ’ Tjrville, 3 Ir. Chartres, J . B . I I .
The geuiis Azorella was founded upon this species and is probably a name of Commerson’s ; for Lamarck, who
adopted it in 1783, remarks that, not knowing the fruit, he cannot see how it differs from Hgdrocotyle.
The present is a very common plant tlu-oughout Fuegia and the Falkland Islands. Gaertner mentions having
examined specimens in the Banksian Herbarium, with three cai-pels.
3. il^ORELLA trifureata, Gaertn.; dense cæ.spitosa, foliis ai-cte imbricatis patentim recn iiis rigidis oblongis
superne dilatatis in lacinias 3 paido divai'icatas cuspidatas fissis basi I'aginante marginibus obscure
ciliatis pilis deciduis, umbella subsessili, involucri foliolis parvis subidatis subciliatis, fructibus late ovato-
oblongis teretiusculis, mericarpiis 5-jiigis dorso convexis, calycis limbo obtuse 5-dentato. A. trifureata.
Hook. Ic. P la n t, t. 539. A. tricuspidata, Lamk. Illu st. Gen. vol. ii. t .l 8 9 . f.4 . Hombron etJacq. Voy.au Pole
Sud, Bot. Bicot. Phan. t. 15. C. Chamitis trifureata. Banks et Sol. M S S . in Mus. Bank s, cum ic. Gaertner
de Fruct. vol. i. p. 95. C. triciispidata, Gaertner, I c. t. 22. f. 4 {non Bank s et Solander). Species ita cum
sequentc et Bola.v glebaria confusa u t sjmonyma L-amarckii, Poiretii, ‘Wilklenoiiique extricai-e nequeam.
IIab . Fuegia ; Good Success Bay, Bayiks ayid Solander. Cape Gregory and P o rt Famine, Cagit. King.