Æ : -
i f » !
» î l i i :
Var. ft. foliis laxe imbricatis substriatis, theca ovata, operculo conico.
H.4B. Hermite Island, Cape H o rn ; var. ft. on moist rocks and at tlie roots of tre es; scarce.
Caules a-3-unciales, rami ascendentes. Folia falcato-seonndn, plicato-striata, serrulata, nervo ultra medium
producto, luteo-fhsca, subspadicea, iu var. ft. læte viridia. Seta semimicialis, brunnea. Theca horizontalis, turgida,
sub ore contracta, riifa. Feristomium externum ferrugineum, internum flavum.
This moss resembles B . admicum in everything but the scabrous seta, and the sernilate leaves ; the vai-, ft arain
approaches very nearly to some varieties of H. velutinum. “
P late CLV. F > . II.— l , plant of the natural size; 2 and 3, leaves; 4 and 6, thecæ; 6, peristome:—
18. HYPNDM/îrifofM, Liim.; Hedw. Muse. Frond, vol. iv. p. 36. Fl. Antarct. pt. 1. p. 141.
H.ab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn, in bogs, very common by the margins of mountain lakes. I n fru it
amongst wet stones.
Also found, but bairen, in Campbell’s Island.
19. H ypnum aduncum, DÜ1. Linn.; Hedw. Muse. Frond, vol. iv. t. 24. Hook, et Tayl Muse B r ii
p. 186. t. 26.
Var. e. revolvens, Bridel, Bryol. Univ. Hook, et Tayl. I. c.
H.ab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn, (barren).
2 0 . HïPNUM/u&ai!««, Bridel, Bryol. Univ. vol. Ü. p. 5 2 6 . Schwaegr. Suppl. I I . vol. i. p. 1 6 2 . 1 .1 45.
H ab. PaUdand Islands, common in watery places, rare in fruit.
Apparently the moss mentioned by Gaudichaud under the name of B . aduneum, to whieh indeed it is nearly
aUied. I t differs from H. fluitans, in its very strong, often percun-ent nerve. The leaves vary in length.
21. H ypnum uncinatum, HaU. ; Redw. Muse. Frond, vol. iv. t. 25. Hook, et Tayl. Muse. B r it. p. 187.
t. xxvi.
H a b . Kerguelen’s Land, in bogs, not uncommon (barren). Hermite Island, Cape Horn, also in wet
g. FoliU secundis enerviis.
22. H ypnum lithopUlum, Hornschuch; ramis elongatis, foliis erecto-patentibus secundis siccitate
erectis ellipticis acntuiseulis (rameis elliptico-oblongis obtusiusculis) concavis margine reflexis tenuissime
bnean-areolatis, perichætiaHbus erectis. H . lithophilum, Hornschuch, in Endlieh. et Mart. Flora Bra sil
p. 84, in part.
H ab . Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; iivith/Y (barren).
In the Hookerian Herbarium we find a Brazilian specimen, apparently authentic, of B . lithophilum labeUed
“ supra lapides rivulorum in novo Fnbui-go ” , but consisting of two dilferent species mixed together; and as the
description m Fl. Bras, appears to have been draivn up from both, we append a diagnosis of the other s
* H ypnum succedaneum, nobis; foliis laxe imbricatis sicco ae húmido pariter patulis subsquarrosis late ovatis
concaviusculis margine subreflexis, areohs paraleUogrammis, perichmtiahbus longioribus apices
H ab. Brazil, Province of Eio, New Fribiirg, Martins.
Our specimens agree with B . lithophilum, except that tlicii- branches are more elongated and the leaves
faintly two-nerved at the base. A Brazilian specimen from Eaddi corresponds with the B . succedaneum, which is
allied to H. molle.
23. H y pn u m micans, Wils. ; in Hook. B r it. Flora, v. 2. p. 83. Fngl. Bot. Suppl.
Yar. laxum, foliis secundis patentibus ellipticis concavis serrulatis enerviis.
H a b . Hermite Is lan d ; in moist places in tlie woods, aud on the hills.
Caules semiunciales, prostrati, parce ramosi ; rami gi*aciles.
This variety is alhed to H. gracile, nobis, but differs in the reticulation of the leaves, and in thefr margins being
recurved at the base.
24. H y pn u m amoenum, Hedw., Sp. Muse. p. 292. t. 77. Isothecium amoenum, B r id . Bryol. Univ.
vol.ii. p .382.
H a b . Hermite Is lan d ; on wet rocks by streams of water, generally in woods, grmving in patches, rare
in fruit.
AlUed on tlie one hand to E . tenuirostre, Hook. (Muse. Brit.), and on the other to B . leptorhynchum, Schwaegr.
From the first of these it differs in the longer more attenuated circinate leaves ; from the latter in its larger size and
in the elliptical shape of the lower part of the leaf, which is not reflexed at the mai-gin. The operculum, as in those
species, has a long slender beak and is somewhat longer than the capsule.
25. H y pn u m leptorhynchum, Brid. ; Schaegr. Suppl. I. v. 2. p. 295. t. 93. F l. Antaret. pt. 1. p. 140.
H a b . Hermite Island ; very common on th e rocks and banks, and on trunks of trees, taking the place
of H . cupressiforme, which, strange to say, has n o t liitherto been found in any part of Fuegia or the F a lk land
a. Foliis marginatis enerviis.
1. IIOOKEEI.A apiculata. Hook. fil. et Wils. ; caule compresso subramoso, foliis distiche imbricatis rotundatis
apiculatis marginatis enerviis siccitate undulatis, seta scabriuscula, capsula cernua, calyptra pilosa.
(T a b . CLV. fig. AH.)
H a b . Heimite Island ; on moist shady rocks near th e sea (barren), forming green tufts.
Caules stériles unciales, erecti, densius cæspitosi, parce ramosi, infeme radiculis nigris obsiti, rainis erectis com-
)iressis ; fertiles procumbentes, Immiles, vix semiunciales. Folia laxe imbricata, lateralia patentia, cætera appressa,
rotmidato-ovata, apiculata, rigidiuscula, marginata, enervia, siccitate paulo undulata, apice subinde denticulata, areolis
majusculis bexagonis ; perichætiaha erecta, minora, ovato-lanceolata, acuta. Seta scabriuscula, 2-3 lin. longa, flexuosa.
Capsula cernua vel liorizoutahs, ovata, subapophysata. Operculmn basi bemispliærico-coiiicum, rostratum,
capsula paulo brevius, rostro recto. Calyptra parva, pilosa, albida. Florescentia dioica.
AUicd to Bookeria aspUnioides, Schwaegr., but smaller, and having the margin of tlie leaves tliickened and
undidated when dry. Described from fertile specimens, gatbered on the bai'k of trees, in Tasmania, by Mr. Gunn.
P l a t e CLA’. Fig. AH.—1, tuft ot the natural size ; 2 and 3, leaves ;—»,
1). Foliis marginatis evanidinei'viis.
2. Hookeria Bicksoni, Hook, iu Brewst. Edinb. Journ. o f Science, vol. 2. p. 22G.