Montagne in Voy. au Pole Sud, Po t. Orypt. p. 2 5 6 (non Jung, coadunata, Swartz.) (Ta b. CLIX.
H a b. Hermite Island, Cape H o rn ; moist places in the woods.
üoespites late extensi, plani, pallide fusco-olivacei. Cauhs 1-2 unc. longi. Volia vix imhricata, patentia. ovata
apioem versus dilatata et m segmenta 2 subulata siibcaiidata fissa, laxe ceUidosa. Stipulæ parvæ, caidi siibæquüatæ.
Folia perichætialia erecta, lateralibus emarginatis dentatisque, intennedio seu stipidari bifido integerrimo. Seta
uncialis. Capsula ovalis.
This is one o fth e many southern foms of Lopiiocolea nearly related to one another, and to / . bidentata of
Europe ; it differs from J. secimdifolia, in the leaves being liorizontahy patent and not secmid ; from J.diadanata, nob.,
of New Zealand, m the calj-x and less spreading fohage ; and from / . physaiitha, nob., of the same country, also by
the totally different calyx, from aU three by the divisions of the mouth of the latter organ being dentate. We are
indebted to om- friend M. Montagne for a specimen of his / . coadmiata, so named by Nees, but which we do not
consider to be the plant of Swartz.
P late CLIX. Ffy. V I—1, plant of the natural size; 2 and 3. leaves; 4 and 6, stipules; 6, calyx, seta, and
capsule :—all
47. J dngeemannia humifusa. Hook. fil. et Tayl.; caule flaccido procnmbente implexe ramoso, foliis
approximatis subimbricatis horizontaliter patentibus planis oblongis antice gibbosis emai-ginato-dentatis
integerrimis, stipulis bipartitis segmentis snbulato-setaceis extus umdentatis quadripartitisve. Nobis in Lond
Journ. Bo t. vol. iii. p. 472. (Ta b . CLIX. E g . V.)
H ab. Kerguelen’s Land ; ou th e rhizomata of Pringlea.
Cmspites lati, explanati, appressi. pallide virides. Caulis uncialis, h-regulariter ramosus. ad stipulas radicans
Foha approximata. vix imbricata, basi latiora. decmrentia, sinu apice foimæ ixregulari. Calyx ovato-oblongus. trigonus ;
ángulo umco alato, subdentato. Perigonia in spicas ovato-lanceolatas secus ramos obvias disposita, foliolis imbri-
catis, veutricosis.
Very nearly aUied to / . Uptanttia and perhaps not distmct from it ; though we have preferred sepai-athnr
species from sueh widely-severed locahties as these affect, when, as in this ease, they present tangible characters“
Those of this species will be found in the more erect leaves, w-ith lax areolæ. wide and deciUTent bases, and more
setaceous stipules.
P late CLIX. Fig. V.— 1, plant of the natmal size ; 2 and 3, leaves; 4, stipule
48. JUNGEEILINNIA alternifolia. Hook. fil. et Tayl.; caule gracili laxe implexo procumbente parce
ramoso, fohis fi-accidis laxe reticulatis alternis patentibus planis triaiigulari-ovatis emarginatis decurrentibus
segmentis spinoso-acummatis integerrimis, stipulis minutis quadripartitis segmentis setaceis, calyce terminali
triangulari-cyhudraceo ore trilabiato cihato. Nobis in Lond. Journ. Bo t. vol. iv. p. 83. (Ta b. CLXI. H g . I I .)
H ab. Falkland Islands ; on moist banks near the sea,
Cæspites Imide virides, ramis substrictis. Folia basi decurrentia, laxe reticulata ; periohætialia ) longitudine
calycis, erecta, concava. subciliata. Capsula oblongo-rotundata.
Belated to J. lamifusa, bnt distingnishable by the deep division of the apex of the leaf, the longer segments
the more decurrent bases and the wider segments of the stipules. This species was erroneously described (Lond!
Journ. Bot. 1. c.) as a native of New Zealand ; from whence we have never seen specimens.
Plate CLXI. % . II.—1, plant of the natural size; 2 and 3, branch and leaf; 4, leaf; 6, stipule :—all
49. J u n g e rm a n n i a divaricata, Flook. fil. et Tayl. ; caule implexo procumbente ramoso, foliis approximatis
suberectis secundis e basi angusta oblongis convexis bifidis segmentis lanceolatis acuminatis divaricatis
subfiexuosis, stipulis bifidis segmentis subulatis extus unidentatis. Nobis m Lond. Journ, Bot. vol. v. p. 367.
(Ta b . CLXI. Fig. V III.)
H a b . Hermite Island, Cape Ho rn ; in tufts of mosses, &c.
Cæspites pallide flavo-virescentes. Caules 1 unc. longi, basin versus præcipue ramosi. FoUa laxe imbricata,
grosse reticulata, ad medium in segmenta dua acuminata divaricata fissa, margine dorsali decun-ente et recurvo. Perigonia
m spicas teiminales disposita;. foliolis arcte appressis, basi tumidis, antheriferis, segmentis fobis eaubnis
Albed to J. leptantha, but a smaUer plant, witb leaves of a different shape, being nan-ower at the base and
deeply divided beyond the middle. The stipules are bipartite.
P late CLXI. F ig .Y lll.— 1, plant of the natural size; 2 and 3, branch and leaf; 4, leaf; 5, stipule :—all
50. J u N G E R M A N N L V Hook. fil. ct Tayl.; minima, caule cæspitoso crassiusculo prostrato
ramoso, ramis ascendentibus apice recurvis, fobis approximatis subremotisve erecto-patentibus secundis subquadratis
angubs obtusis integerrimis apice retusis laxe ceUulosis, stipulis minutis ovatis lanceolatisve bipartitis,
segmentis subulatis incurvis. Nobis in Lond. Journ. Bot. vol. ib. p .469. (TzLB. C LY III. Fig . Y I II.)
H ab. Falkland Islands ; on wet sand and clay-slate.
Cæspites sub 2 unc. lati, paUide flavo-virides. Caules breves i t s y une. longi. Rami e caule prostrato erecti,
curvati, demum horizontales. Folia versus apices ramorum laxe imbricata, parva, madore homomalla, apice plerumque
retusa v. emarginata, rarius rotundata, basi late adnata, laxe ceUulosa, paria ultima sæpissima appressa, apicibus
ramulorum hinc compressis. Stipulæ caule subangustiores.
Perhaps the most minute of the Lophocoleæ, from aU the species of which its habit and the form of the leaves
amply distinguish it.
P late CLYIII. Fig. Y III.—1, plant of the natui-al size ; 2, portion of branch, leaves, and stipules ; 3, leaf ;
4, stipule ;—magnijied.
5 1 . JuNGERMANNLL Hook. fil. ct Tajd.; flaccida, canle cæspitoso ascendenti v. erecto ramoso
gracüi, folbs disticlbs laxe imbricatis approximatisve inferioribus remotis teneribus flaccidis oblongo-
quadi-atis angubs obtusis integerrimis basi late adnatis decui-rentibus apice retuso, stipubs ovatis bifidis
segmentis integerrimis v. extus unidentatis. Nobis in Lond. Journ. Bot. vol. iii. p. 469. (Ta b . C LY III.
Fig. Y II.)
H a b. Falkland Islan d s; on wet rocks, &c., near the sea, abundant.
Cæspites laxi, basi sæpe submersi, atro-fusci, superne paUide obvacei. Caulis 1-2 unc. longus, ramosus, ramis
erectis gi-acibbus, laxe foliosis. Folia tenerrima, membranacea et flaccida, minute areolata, basi lata decun-ente,
oblongo-rotundata v. subquadrata, apice plerumque obsciu-e retusa. Stipulæ caule vix latiores, basi subrotundatæ,
V. late ovatæ, bifidæ ; segmentis integerrimis mii-dcutatisve.
Albed to J.planiuscula (Pt. 1. t. 65. f. 2), wliich is a larger plant, with differently shaped stipules. Also near
the foUowing, 11411011, again, is smaber than either, with leaves of another form.
P late CLYIII. F ig .Y ll.—1, jilant o fth e natiual size; 2 and 3, leaves; 4 and 5, stipules;—magnified.
5 II