
S ' - f
Gramen. ngidum, cæspitosum, 4 -6 pollicare. Culmi basi ascendentes, pluries divisi, vagims coriaceis nitidis
striatis foliorum vetustorum obtecti, parte superiore usque ad paniculam vaginati. FoUorim vagina 1 - 2 mie. longa,
teres, glabeiTÌma, profunde striata ; Ugula brevis ; lanmia vagina brevior v. superans, erecta, culmo brevior, rigida,
anguste setacea, apice pungeus, folii superioris paniculam fere superans. Panieula unc. longa. pedúnculo
pedicellisque flexuosis, elougatis, lævissimis. Spiculæ pm-pm-eæ, nitidæ, vix 2 lin. longæ. Glmnæ membranaceæ.
lanceolatæ, flosculo paulo breviores, inferiore paulo majore. Flosculm brevissime pedicellatus, pedicello barbato.
Palea inferior in aristam desiuens ; aiàsta unc. longa, siccitate cmwata, madore recta, rigida, sub lente scaberula,
apice gradatim attenuata, basi obseure articidata, haud v. vix torta, angiüata. Squanmlæ 2, lineari-oblongæ,
obtusæ. Stamina 3. Ovarium stipitatum, supra mediiun constrictum.
Allied to M. capillaris of North America, in the form of the locustæ ; but a very different species, and, I
t.biiik, decidedly of the genus Miihlenbergia. The rigidity of the arista is quite Hke that of Stiya, as is the harsh
foUage, while in other respects the plant has more affinity with the Agrostideæ.
P late CXXXI. Fig. 1, locusta ; Jig. 2, floret with portion of the awn removed ; f g . 3, squamula ; fg . 4, ovarium
:—aU magnified.
1. A grostis temiifolia, Bieb., Flor. Taur. Catic. vol. i. p. 56. Trinius, Ic. vol. iii. t. 35. Kunth, Fn.
P la n t, vol. i. p. 220.
F %r. F retends ; locustis paulo majoribus.
H a b . Var. Dreíeííííí, Strait of Magalhaens; Port Famine, Capt. King.
I Lave compai-ed this grass most carefuEy with authentic specimens of A . tenuifoUa from Persia and the Caucasus,
without being able to detect any further difference than in the size of the locustæ, which in the Antai-ctic plant are 4 of
an inch long, the Caucasian scarcely Intermediate between them is a common Eocky Mountain species, coUected
by Douglas, and described a srt. exarata, /3., in the ‘ Flora BoreaU-Americana ’ (vol. a. p. 239). There ai-e, however,
two forms of A. exarata fi., one from the east side of the Bocky Mountains, which has the scabrid broéder leaveé
of the true A . exarata. aud a distinct upper palea (this is the A. Brummondi, Torrey MS.). the other (or Douglas’s),
from the west side of the dividing ridge, is smaUer, more slender, with smaU locustæ. and no upper palea; it agreeé
closely with the MageUanic plant in size and foUage, and hears the name of rt. tmuifoliat Bleb., appended to it by
Dr. Toirey.
The crdms of rt. tenuifoUa f!. are 15 inches to 24 feet long, smooth, erect, and very slender. leaves snbseta-
ceous, obscurely scabrid. Lower palea truncate, 4-toothed and 4-nerved, with or without a short dorsal awn.
Upper palea none, or when present extremely short.
2. A g r o s t i s alba, lm n . , Sp. F l. p. 93. Fngl. Bot. t. 1189. A. cæspitosa. Gaud, in Ann. Sc. N a t.
vol. V. p. 100, et in Frege. Vog. Bot. p. 131. Kunth, Agrost. p. 219.
Var. f t stolonifera. A. stolonifera, L in n . ^ c.
H a b . Falkland Islands, both varieties abundant, b n t possibly introduced; Gaudichaud, M r. Wriaht
J . B .H . '
The lower palea in my specimens is obscurely 4-nerved. or, in var. /S.. 5-nervcd, with occasionaUy a very short
awn, never projecting beyond the glumes. The upper palea is one third shorter than the lower. This grass forms
a very good pasturage, both in the upland and lowland districts about Port Louis, but is not very abundant, which
it may become if it be an introduced plant. Toe sax. stolonifera is the famous ‘ Florin grass,’ or ‘ Sqnitoh’ of
Dr. Eichardson and the Irish agriculturists.
Falklands, e tc ]
S. A g r o s t i s prostrata. Hook, fil.; culmo longe procumbente geniculato stolonifero, panicula erecta
contracta lineari-oblonga densiflora, glumis latiusculis acnminatis carina scabrida flosculum basi glaberrimum
superautibus, palea inferiore truncata apice erosa enervi superiore bis longiore, arista nulla, foliis breviusculis
planis glaberrimis v. obscure scaberulis.
H ab . Falkland Islan d s; boggy ground on Hog Island, Berkeley Sound, rare, J .B .H .
Oramen humile, glaberrimum, repens. Culmi prostrati, 3-4 une. longi, parie ascendente hi- tri-pollicare,
nodosi, stoloniferi, fohosi, glaberrimi, internodo terminaU solummodo erecto, unifoUato. Foliorum vagina elongata,
profunde striata, glaberrima ; Ugida breviuscula, late ovata, membranacea ; lamina vagina brevior, patens, sub 1 unc.
longa, plana, striata, e basi latiuscula ad apicem acuminatum gradatim angustata. Fanimla uncialis, 4 unc, lata,
interrupta, densiflora, ramis ramuhsque brevibus, fastigiatis. Locustæ glaberrimæ, I 4 Un. longæ, nitidæ.
To all appearance a very distinct species, aUied to rt. alba, var, stolonifera, but diffei-ing in the much smaUer
size, coarctate panicle, smaUerTocustæ and florets, absence of an arista, &c.
4. A g r o s t i s FalUandica, Hook, fil.; deuse cæspitosa, glaberrima, pauicula gracili ramis erectis,
glumis æqualibus ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis glabratis carina scaberula flosculis basi nudis 4 longioribus,
palea inferiore apice erosa truncata obscure 5-nervi nervo medio infra medium evanido, arista glumis breviore
V. nulla, palea superiore nuUa, foliis radicalibus filiformibus cubuo gracib erecto longioribus.
Var. a, cubuo folia bis terve superante.
Var. ciümo folia vix superante.
H a b . Ealkland Islands ; var. a and ^ in marshy places, on rocks near th e sea, and on th e lulls,
Gramen dense cæspitosum, gracile, 3 unc. ad pedalem. Culmi e basi erecti, fohis interdum duplo triplove
longiores, basi fohati, superne exemplaribus elatioribus longe nudi, læves, obscure striati, glaberrimi, Foliorum
inferiorum vagina breviuscula, gracihs, striata, 1 unc. longa, snperiorum elongata profimdius striata, 2-3 unc.
louga; ligula membranacea, truncata; lamina augustissima, filiformis, erecta, herbácea, glaberrima, 3-5 unc.
longa, apice gi'adatim angustata. Panicula -I—l y unc. longa, ramis erectis elongatis paucifloris, in var. S
brevioribus. Locustæ sub hn. longæ, jimioi'es puberulæ, demum glabratæ.
Apparently a variable plant, its very narrow filiform leaves are characteristic of this species amongst its Antarctic
5. KGVuQsms MageUanica, Lanik.(?); glaberrima, cæspitosa, panicula elongata laxiflora nutante v.
inchnata, ramis pediceUisque scabridis, glumis majusculis æquilongis glaberrimis nitidis carina scabridis
flosculo basi barbato fere triplo longioribus, palea inferiore apice truncata 4-dentata obscure 5-ner\d,
nervo intermedio ad medium iu aristam recurvam glumas superantem desinente, palea superiore inferiore
4- breviore, fohis planis longe Hnem’i-lauceolatis gradatim angustatis, culmis cæspitosis vaginatis. A. Ma
gellanica, Illu st. Gen. n. 807. Poiret, Encycl. Méth. Sitppl. vol.i. p. 207. Kunth, Agrost. p. 221.
I Iab. Strait of Magalhaens ; Povt Famme, Capt. King.
Culmi erecti, basi cæspitosi, 1-14- pedales, glaberrimi, nitidi, herbacei, fohis vaginati, stricti, infra paniculam
scaberuli. Folia pauca; vagina elongata, 3-5 uuc. longa, jirofuude striata, glaberrima; ligula membranacea,
oblonga, obtusa ; lamina suberecta v. patens, plana, hnearis, striata, gradatim acuminata, herbácea, vaginæ suæ
subequilonga. Panicula subcoiitracta, elongata, 3-5-poUicai*is, nutans v. mcliuata; ramis verticihatis, erectis,
divisis pedicchisque scabcruhs. Locustæ sub 2 hu. longæ, micantes. Glmnanim valvæ subæquales, compressæ,
dorso scaberulæ, acuminatæ, flosculo fere ter longiores. Flosculi basi barbati. Falca inferior membranacea,
4 p