
than the pods when in an early stage, but as the la tter approach maturity, the stigmas shrink and dry.
change is not uniform in all English specimens.”
2 . C a r d a m in e corymbosaj H o o k . fil. ; h irs iitu la v. glab ra , caulibus p c rb rev ib u s rig id is ad basin
ram o sis, ram is g ra c ilib u s flexuosis difFusis p a rc e foliosis, foliis longe p e tio la tis p in n a tlse c tis , foliolis
3 -5 su b p e tio lu la tis ro tu n d a tis te rm in a li majore, la te ra lib u s rem o tis siepe m in u tis , floribus corymboso-
fasciculatis axilla ribus v. te rm in a lib u s , corymbis n u n c proliferis, pedicellis b rev ib u s d emum valde
e lo n g atis, siliquis a n g u s te lin e a rib u s in sty lum brev em a tten u a tis , rep lo an g u s to , valvis p lañ ís, s tig m
a te m in u to .—H o o k .jìL in Icon. P la n t, vol. vii. p t. 2. ta b . 686.
H a b . Cam p b ell’s Is la n d -, on tu rfy g ro u n d neai’ th e sea, common.
Radix perennis, e fibris crassis, subfusiformibus, albidis, ramosis, descendentibus. Tota planta pilis spar-
sis patentibus hirsuta et ciliata, v. glabra. Caiilis perbrevis, crassiusculas, albidus, rigidus, fragilis, fere ad col-
lum ramosus ; ramis 2-4 uncias longis, teretibus, gracilibus, patentibus, adscendentibus, subproliferim divisis.
Tb/i'a perpauca, radicalia subnulla ; ramea remota, longe petiolata, pinnatisecta ; foliolis 3-5, rotundatis seu
late ovatis obovatis cordatisve, integerrimis, petiolulatis, terminali majore 3 -4 lin. longo, lateralibus remotis
ssepe minutis. Petioli gráciles, 1-2 unciales, basi dilatati. Flores parvi, corymboso-fasciculati, axillares et
terminales, nunquam, etiam fructiferi, racemosi. Pedicelli quandoque in axillis solitarii, primum brevissimi,
demum valde elongati, unciam sesquiunciam longi, patentes. Sépala elliptica, ovata, venosa, purpurascentia.
Pétala calycem duplo superantia, obovato-spathulata, venosa, alba. Siliqua erecta, gracilis, stricta v. paululum
cuiwata, -^—1 unciam longa, anguste linearis, compressa, apice in stylum brevem crassiusculum subulatum a ttenuata.
obtusum, vix stylo latius. -Senn'wa uniseriata, fusca. Cotyledones obovatse. Radicala c]a,va.t9..
This is a small and very distinct species of Cardamine, wiry and fragile in every part. The stems are short,
or rather, at once, after springing from the collum, divided into spreading, ascending, filiform branches, with
few and small leaves ; and with corymbs, or more correctly speaking, fascicles of flowers, which at no period
seem to constitute a raceme. Sometimes even the flower is solitary and axillary ; generally several spring
together from the side or apex of a stem, subtended by a leaf ; sometimes a pedicel appears proliferous, running
out into a stem and bearing a fascicle or corymb and a leaf at its apex : so that the inflorescence has little the
appearance of th a t of a cruciferous plant.
3. C a r d a m in e depressa^ Ho o k . fil. ; g lab e rrim a , su bacaulis, foliis confertis p le risq u e radicalibus
longe p etio la tis u n d iq u e p a ten tib u s o b o v a to -sp a th u la tis o b tu sis in fe rn e sinuato-lobatis, racemis
b rev ite r p ed u n c u la tis corymbosis petiolo b revioribus, siliquis longe pedicellatis erectis lin earib u s
com p resso -tetrag o nis stylo b rev i a tten u a to m u c ro n a to te rm in a tis. (T a b . I I I .)
Var. /3. acaulis-, foliis flaccidis tenui-membranaceis longissime petiolatis integris v. infeme subdentatis.—
T ab. IV. B.
H a b . L o rd A u ck lan d ’s g ro u p ; in grav elly m o ist places n e a r th e sea am o n g st g rass. /3, In
clefts o f ro ck s, a lt. 1200 feet.
Radix brevis, subfusiformis, valida, fibrosa, superne multiceps. Caules brevissimi, ramis abbreviatis
fohosis. Folia numerosa, conferta, undique patentia, v. superiora suberecta, petiolata, obovato-spathulata, gla-
berrima, subcarnosa, sinuata v. lobata lobis obtusis, rarius integra, una cum petiolo 1 unc. longa, 3-4 lin. lata.
Flores parvi, subcorymboso-racemosi. Racemi abbreviati, plerumque e collo ipso orti, foliis 1-2 subtensi, te rminales,
rarius, ob ramos subelongatos, axillares, petiolo multo breviores. Pedicelli fioriferi brevissimi ; fructiferi
elongati, gráciles, adscendentes, 3 lin. ad | unc. longi. Sépala concava, ovato-oblonga, obtuse trinervia.
Pétala anguste spathulata, alhida, calycem plus duplo superantia. EíVamenía compressa, inferne dilatata. S iliqua
erecta, -i—1-pollicaris, | lin. lata, pedicello longior v. subsequilonga, linearis, compresso-tetragona, valvis pianis
V. subtorulosis medio unincrviis; replo latissimo; stylo brevi an g u sto ; stigmate parvo. Semina sub 20,
testa rufo-fusca.
A very distinct species, which will come under the small section with undivided leaves, to which also the-
C. hellidifolia, L., of Northern Europe, belongs; a plant to which the present is unquestionably nearly allied.
In both these species the leaves vary much, being sometimes, but rarely, almost entire in this, whilst in the C.
hellidifolia they are more seldom sinuate or lobed. The very great breadth of the septum, which is winged on
both sides, and forms an acute angle with the valves, is a most remarkable character, peculiar, as far as I am
aware, to this and the following species ; at times it is almost as broad as the valves themselves. In South
America this form is represented by C. chenopodiifolia, Pers., which is however a larger and caulescent plant,
with very conspicuous showy flowers,— a similar species, or perhaps variety, inhabits the Andes of Chili, at an
elevation of 10,000 feet. The var. ¡3 was gathered in a very imperfect state with young flowers only. In
general appearance it differs much from the normal form of the plant, and more especially in the flaccid membranous
texture, long petioles, with shorter, rather broader, and nearly or quite entire leaves. It may prove
distinct, but the specimens are not in a fit state for satisfactory determination.
Plate III, Fig. 1, flower ; f g . 2, s ep a l; f g . 3, p e ta l; f g . 4, stamens and ovarium; f g . 5, stamen ; f g . 6,
siliqua; f g . 7, side-view of same ; f g . 8, siliqua, with valve removed ; f g . 9, seed; f g . 10, embryo ¡—more
or less magnifed.—Plate IV. B. var. (3.
4 . C a r d a m in e stellata^ H o o k . fil. ; p a rv a , acaulis, p ilo so -h isp id a , foliis co n fertis ste lla tim
p a te n tib u s longe p etio la tis ellip tico -sp a th u la tis in te g ris v. in fe rn e sin u a to -p in n a tifid is, floribus
corymbosis, corymbis sessilibus, pedicellis gracilib u s, siliq u is ab b rev iatis lin e a rib u s com presso-
te trag o n is, rep lo latissimo, s ty lo b rev i su b u lato . (T a b . IV . A.)
H a b . Cam p b ell’s I s la n d ; on th e d eb ris a t th e base o f p recip ice s in v e ry ex p o sed p la ces.
Planta pusilla, depressa, plag® inclementis typica, tota pilis albidis subhispida. Radix perennis, ad collum
crassa, deinde fusiformis et fibrillosa. Caulis 0. Folia omnia radicalia, numerosa (circiter 15-20), ho-
rizontaliter et undique stellatim patentia, longe petiolata, una cum petiolo -^-1 unc. longa, 2-3 lin. lata, ciliata,
subcamosa, e petiolo sensim dilatato-spathulata, v. elliptico-oblonga, obtusa, integra v. basi sinuato-lobata, seu
pinnatifida, lobis obtusis. Flores corymbosi. Pedicelli elongati, e pedúnculo brevissimo inter folia radicalia orti,
hinc scapos s®pe simulantes, sub 3 lin. longi, erecti ; fructiferi magis elongati. Sépala lineari-oblonga, obtusa,
3-nervia, extus pilosa. Pétala lin. longa, obovato-spathulata, albida, calyce paulo longiora. Antlierct
dorso gianduia parva. Siliqua parva, erecta, ^ unc. longa, pedicellum sub®quans, compresso-tetragona, recta
V. paululum curvata, pilosa v. glabra, gradatim in stylum angustum acuminata; valvis planis medio uninerviis ;
replo latissimo ut in C. depressa. Semina quoque loculo 6-8, rufo-fusca.
The habitat of this plant is remarkable, as it grows only in the most exposed situations on the weather
shores, about 100 feet above the sea. In the form of the leaves it resembles the C. pusilla. Höchst., an Abyssinian
species, but these are here more crowded and spathulate, and the inflorescence is quite different. The
siliqua, though shorter, has very much the same form as that of C. depressa.
P late IV. A. Fig. 1, flower ; Jig. 2, sepal ; fig. 3, petal ; fig. 4, stamens ; fig. 5, siliqua ; fig. 6. seed all
1. S t e l l a b ia decipiens. H o o k , fil.; g lab ra , caule d e cum b en te dich o tome ramoso, foliis rec tir-
vis omnibus (etiam supremis) p e tio la tis o b ovato-rhombeis a cu tis apice callosis cariiosulis sicc ita te
p u n c tis m in u tis elevatis asperis, petiolis su b ciliatis, p ed u n cu lis d i-trich o tom is (ra riu s unifloris) folia