
404 P L O E jV ANTAECT ICA . [Fuegia, the
Herbarium), as also tiro description (in Ætlieog. p. 80), prove it to be identical with 0, Luiwigii, Schwaegr,, which
therefore ought to have been named. 0. coarctatum.
E l i t e CLII. Fig, II.—1, plant of the natm-al size ; 3 and 3, leaves ; 4, seta, thcca, &c. ; S, calyptra ; S, theca ;
7, teeth of peristome ;—magnijied.
3 . Okthote ichcm crispum, Hedw.; Muse. Frond, v o l. ii. t . 3 5 . Hook, et Tayl. Muse. B r it. p. 1 3 3 .
t . x x i. Bru c k et Schimper, Bryol. Burop. fa sc . 2 - 3 . p . 2 3 . 1 . 1 2 .
H a e . Hermite Island, Cape H o rn ; on rocks and branches of trees near the sea, always barren.
This species often bears, at Hermite Island, jointed coufei-va-lrke gemmæ among the young leaves.
4 . OiiTHOTBiCHüM Magellanicum, Mont., in Toy. au Bole Sud, B o t. Crypt, p. 2 9 0 . t. 2 0 . f. 2 .
H ab . Strait of Magalhaens ; M . Jacquinot.
1 . M a c eo iiitk ium longipes, Schwaegr.; Suppl. I I . 2 . p. 1 3 1 .? ' Ortliotricimm longipes. Hook. Muse.
Exot. t . 2 4 .
Var. ramis gracilioribus elongatis, fobis luridis erectis lineari-oblongis pbcato-cariiiatis nervo excurrente.
H ab . Hermite Island, Cape Horn, M r . B a r is ; barren.
Perhaps a distmct species ; but though different in aspect, obvious characters are wantmg to distinguish it from
the Hookerian specimens.
1 2 . W E ISS IA , Hedw.
1 . W e i s s i a crispula, Ludw.j «¿f/. P a r t i , p. 1 2 7 . t. Iviii. f. ii. Dicranum interruptum, j?nV/.
Univ. vol. i. p. 438.. Bryum pilosum interruptum, H ill. Muse. p. 376. t. 47. f. 38.
H ab. Hermite Island, Cape H o rn ; rocks on Kateris Peak, alt. 1 ,0 0 0 -1 7 0 0 feet, g iw in g in tufts.
Apparently identical with the European plant, and also found in Campbell’s Island.
2 . W e i s s i a contecta. Hook. fìl. et Wils.; vid. P art. 1 . p. 1 2 7 . t. k iii. f. iii.
H a b. Kerguelen’s Land ; barren, on rocks.
Also a native of Campbell’s Island.
3 . W e is s ia acuta, Hedw.; Muse. Frond, v o l. iii. t. 3 5 . Hooh. et Tayl. Muse. B r it. p. 8 7 . t. 1 4 .
Var. &. theca snbrotunda, seta breviore arcuata, peiistomii dentibus latioribus cribroso-pertusis.
H a b . Falkland Islan d s; at P o rt Louis, barren. Hermite Island, Cape H o rn ; var. /3. on wet rocks iu
and near v»ater-courses, in St. Martin’s Cove ; wet sandy banks on Mount Foster.
V e have uo specimen of Wemia acuta /3., Walilenb.' (Fl. Lapp.), winch seems to differ, according to the
description veiy little from oui’ moss. The capsule of ours is turbinate when dry, with a very wide moutli. The
seta is sometimes equally short in British specimens.
4. W eissia stricta, Hook. iil. et Wils.; caule ramoso, foliis subfalcatis lanceolato-setaceis rigidis canaliculatis
integerrimis crassinerviis nervo longe excurrente, theca subrotuiida, operculo rostrato. (Tab
C L II. fig. IV.)
Falklands, e tc ] FLO EA ANTAECTICA. 40.5
H a b . Kerguelen’s Laud ; on rocks near tb e sea, not uncommon.
Caides unciales, laxe cæspitosi, ramosi. FoUa suberecta, conferta, rigida, siccitate vix crispata, nervo lato
crosso longe excurrente instructa, luteo-vMdia ; perichoetialia longiora, basi latiora, erecta, convoluta. Seta
3-Enearis, erecta vix tortilis, pallide rufa. Theca suberecta, subrotunda, ore contracta, rufo-brunnea, demum atro-
rubens,vernicosa. Feristomii dentes 16, parvuli, conniventes, pyi-amidati, obtusiusculi, linea media notati. Operculum
coaico-rostratiim, capsulæ longitudine, rostro cmwato acuto. Calyptra dimidiata. snbventricosa, fusco-lutea.
Floresceniia monoica.
We know of no described species with which this can be confoimded. I t is somewhat allied to the European
W. acuta, but tbe capsules are larger, of a firm texture, retaining their shape when dry. In Dr. Lyall’s specimens the
leaves are more falcate and the seta shorter.
P l a t e CLII. Ffy. nC—l , tufts o f th e natural size; 3, leaf ; 3, young seta ; 4, capsule; 6, the same before
the fall of the calyptra aU magnijied.
5. W e i s s ia tortifolia. Hook. fil. et AVils.; caule ramoso, foliis piatentibus flexuosis siccitate crispatis
lineari-subulatis canabculatis integei-rimis nervo excurrente, pericbætialibus brevioribus convolutis, seta
brevi, theca subrotunda, operculo rostrato. (T a b . C L II. fig. V.)
H a b . Kerguelen’s Land, common on graveUy banks, from tb e sea to 1,000 feet.
Caules subunciales, dense cæspitosi. ramosi. Folia patentia, varie flexuosa, siccitate crispata vel tortuosa, nervo
gracili excun-ente instructa, lutescenti-viridia; inferiora fuscescentia ; perichoetialia bre-s-iora, ovata, acuminata, convoluta.
Seta -ifix 3-linearis, crassiuscula. fusco-brmmea. Theca erecta, subrotunda, rufo-bi-unnea, vernicosa, demum
indurata. Peiistomii dentes 16, pj-ramidati, conniventes. Operculmn conico-rostratum, capsulæ longitudine, rostro
obliquo. Calyptra cuculiata, capsidam æquans iUamque obtegens, bnmnea. Florescentia monoica.
Very closely allied to Weissia strida (nobis), but diffei-iug in tbe crisped widely spreading leaves, wbicb are
only ball as long as in tbat species.
P l a t e CLII. Fig. V.— 1, tuft of the natm-al size ; 2 and 3. leaves ; 4 and 6, capsules ;—all magnified.
• 13. DICRANUM, Hedw.
1. D 1CE.1NÜM aciphyllum. Hook, fib et tVils.; caule ramoso, foliis erecto-patentibus strictis rigidis
lineari-lanceolatis integerrimis canabculatis, uei-vo latissimo continuo, tlieca subcylindracea erecta, peristomii
dentibus angustis subintegris, operculo lougirosti-o. (T a b . C L II. flg. I I I .)
Var. 2. foliis secundis.
Var. 3. caule graciliore, foliis brevioribus siccitate subflexuosis, nervo tenuiore.
H a b . Staten-Land, A . Menzies, Esq., (1787). Hermite Island, Cape Horn, on rocks aud ou branches of
trees on tlic hills, alt. 700 feet. Falkland Islands, on rocky ground among the liills, rare in fruit. Patch
Cove, Cape Tres Jlontes, C. Harivin, Esq. Vars. 2 and 3, Hermite Island ; var. 3 forming small tufts from
th e sea-side to the tops of the liills, alt. 1,740 feet.
Caules biunciales, parce ramosi, cæspitosi, siccitate parum fragiles. Folia erecto-patentia, vix secunda, siccitate
crccta, lateribus inflexis, canaliculata, integerrima, luteo-riridia, nervo latissimo idtra laminam in acumen
longum rigiduin subulatum producto ; perichætialia ovato-lanceolata, vaginantia, cauhnis breviora. Seta uncialis,
tortilis, fusco-lutea, superne pallida. Theca subcyhndi-acea, erecta, subæqnalis, basi attenuata, fusca, demum siccitate
substriata. Peristomii dentes 16, breves, angusti, trabeculati, perforati, vix apice fissi, siccitate erecti, rubri. Spora
miimtoe, vhides. Operculum conico-rostratum, thecæ longitudine, vostro obliquo. Calyptra luteola.
4 z