
1! :
,‘ä I
H ab. .Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; ou moist banks near the sea.
^ e l i t e s raberecti, ilavo-mescentes. Folia disticha, vix imbricata, segmentis plerumque recm-vis, ramis bine
(Siccitate præcipue) squarrosis.
So nearly allied to the previous species that a partie,dar description is hardly required ; it difl'ers conspieaously
in the colom-. These species were never seen passing into one another, .and both are remarkably constant to
aen- charaetcrs. They belong, with the / . voM ra lu , Gottsche (Pt. 1. p. 153), of Lord Auckland's group and
Tasmama, also a very closely allied plant, to a distinct section of the genus. The / . cUoroleuoa difl'ers from * re,-
telraUs m eolour, size, and diflerent textm-e, also in the form of the leaves and ciliation; and from
besides the colom-, mentiouecl above, in the denser tissue of the remote leaves, whieh are much broader at thé
base, and whose areolæ are blended together, in their long cüiation and bifid apices.
P l a t e CLXI. Fig. Y . _ 1, plant of the natm-al size ; 2, portion of stem and \eaS-.— magmjied.
38. J ungermannia clandestina, Mout., in Voy. au Pole Sud, Bot. Crypt, p. 264. 1 .16 f 4 Gottsclie
Lindb, et Nees, Syu. Hep. p. 73. '
H.AB. Strait of Magabiaens; Po rt Pamine and P o rt G alk u t, M . Hombron.
39. J ungermannia scMsmoides, Mont., vid. P t. 1. p. 150. (T.ab. CLXI. Fig IX )
H a b . Hermite Island, Cape H o rn ; creeping through tufts of mosses in the woods.
The leaves of these specimens are slightly sen-ulate along the margins, in whieh respect alone the plant differs
irom that found m Lord Auckland s group.
Plate CLXI. Fig. IX.—1, plant of the natural size ; 2. 3, and 4. leaves -.— imgnifled.
40. JuN-GERM.ANNiAereirt>fia, Hook. fil. e tT a y l.; caule cæspitoso erecto ramoso, ramis suberectis,
fobis carnosuhs arcte imbricatis erecto-patentibus secundis concavis late ovato-rotundatis bilobis, lobis ovatis
subaouüs integerrimis inferiore minore basi dentato v. integerrimo, calyce minimo k te ra li obovato plicato
ore scai-ioso lacimato, lacmns lanceolatis. Nobis in -Journ. Lond. Bo t. vol. iii. p. 467. (Tab .CLVII. F ig .IX .)
H a b . Hermite Island, Cape Horn.
Dense cæspitosa, rufo-brunnea. Caules fere 2 nnc. longi, siccitate fragiles, in-egulariter repetitim ramosi rarins
superne paulo mcrassafi. Foha arcte imbricata, valde concava, marginibus apicibusque madore erectis, lobo sn’perioi-e
majore. inferiore basi supra caulem producto, integerrimo v. uni-dentato. Oafyrea minuti, valde ineonspieui ore
albido scanoso. ^ ’
Closely allied to the .1 . eryptoion, WÜS. MS., of the Andes of Colombia, ivhicb has a similarly toothed lowei-
lobe of the leaf, equally produced at the base across the stem. The present is a larger plant, with more imbricated
and erect leaves, their lower lobe smaller, and tbe produced portion larger in proportion.
P late CLVII. Fig. IX.—1, plant of tbe natural size ; 2 and 3, leaves ■.— magnijied.
f ... I”!- kumitis, Hook.fil, etT ay l.; parvula, caule implexo procumbente radicante ramoso
folns subimbricatis erecto-patentibus secundis rotundatis concavis integerrimis crassiusculis, stipulis miiiutié
ovatis integns v. bifidis segmeutis unidentatis v. irregidaritei- sectis. Nobis in Land. Journ. B o t vol hi
p. 468. (Ta b . C LV III. Fig. VI.) ' '
H a b , Kerguelen’s L-and; aw it&a al Asoretla Selago.
Cæspites lati, paUide flavo-olivacei. CanMs vix uncialis. irregulariter ramosus. Folia laxe imbricata basi late
caule adnata sed non decurrentia. patentia, bomomalla, Sliputæ cauli æquilatæ, varie sectæ, emarginatæ bifidæ
V, iri-egulariter smuato-dentatæ. ’
Allied to J. turgescens, nobis (Pt. 1. p. 150, t. Ixiv. f. 2,), of Lord Auckland’s group ; but the present may be
readily distinguished by its smaller size, more olive colour, its toothed stipules, more patent and differently shaped
leaves, whose attachment is also different, and which are not decurrent ; and by their larger areolæ.
P late CLVIII. Fig. VI.—plant of the natural size. 2, stem, back view of leaf and stipule ; 8, front view of
leaf ; 4, stipule :—mag\
42. JuNGERMANNLA minuta, Crantz, vid. Fl. Antarct. P t. 1, p. 152.
I I a b . Kerguelen’s L a n d ; on tufts of mosses, &c., on tbe lihls.
Also found in Lord Auckland’s group, but hitherto not elsewhere in the Southern Hemisphere ; nor out of
Lurope ill the Nortliem.
43. J ungermannia quadripartita. Hook,, Muse. Fxot. t. 117. Gottsche, Lindb, et N e e s ; Syn, Hep.
p. 14-6.
H ab. Staten Land, Menzies (in Herb. Hook.); Hermite Island, Cape H o rn ; ou moist banks,
M r. Bavis.
(5. G ymnanthe, Tayl.)
4 4 . J ungermannia Urvilleana. Mont., vid. Ft. Antaret. P t. 1. p. 158.
H a b . Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; iu th e woods.
Also a native of Lord Anckrand’s group aud Tasmania.
(6. L ophocole.a, Nees)
45. J u n g e rm a n n i a textilis, Hook.fil. etT ay l.; caule laxe implexo prostrato parce vage ramoso piano,
foliis distichis horizontaliter patentibus complanatis approximatis late ovato-quadratis apice bifidis planis
laxe ceUulosis segmentis subulatis acutis integerrimis, stipulis ovatis bipartitis segmentis linearibus divaricatis.
Nobis in Lond. Journ. Bot. vol. iii. p. 468, (Ta b . CLA I I I . Fig. IX.)
H a b . Hermite Island, Cape H o rn ; in woods. F-alkknd Islan d s; on wet rocks near tbe sea, very
Cæspites late extensi, pallide sed læte flavo-vh-ides. Caules 2 unc. longi, laxe intei-texti. terræ appressi. Folia
disticha, omnia horizontaliter patentia, basi lata, cauli adnata sed non decurrentia, margine superiore subrotimdata
inferiore recta ; substantia tenera, laxe areolata, Stipidæ parvæ, cauli æquilatæ, bipartitæ, segmentis subulatis
acimiinatis. Perigonia nunc secus ramos obvia, plerumque apices versus ; foliis arcte appressis erectis, basi tumidis.
lu some pai-tieidai-s resembhiig om J. planiuscula (Pt. 1. p. 136. t. Ixv. f. 2 ), of Lord Auckland’s group, -n-liicb
is a larger jilant, with leaves rounded and otherwise of a very dift’erent form. The whole stratum is very flat and
apjn-csscd, wide, of a fine shilling green coloni-, aud soft textui-e.
P late CLAHII. Fig. IX.—1, plant of the natm-al size ; 2, stem and leaves ; 3, stipule ■.— magnified.
46. J ungermannia leptantha. Hook. fil. et Tayl.; caule flaccido implexo procumbente ramoso, foliis
distichis planis subimbricatis patentibus ovato-oblongis iiitegei-rimis margine superiore subrecurvo apice
cmarginato-bidcntatis dentibus elongatis sinu rotundato, stipulis porrectis minutis bipartitis segmentis sub-
u k tis extus unidentatis 4-partitisve, calyce terminali liiicari-oblongo trigono ore trifido segmeutis emargiiiato-
bidcntatis serratis rarius subintegris. Nobis ¿ » ¿ o » * / o k « , ilof. vol. iii. p. 471. Lopiiocolea coadunata