[Fuegia, the
1. BAETEAMiAyjÆfoîM, SchwacgT., Suppl. I. vol. i. p. 55. t. 62. Fl. Antarct. p t. 1. p. 133.
Var. infei'media; caule minore.
H a b . Hermite Island, common in the woods, from the sea to the tops of the hills, in crevices of rocks
growing HI dense soft tufts. Falkland Islands, common on wet elay-slate rocks „ear the sea, not found o i
th e lulls, abundant m frmt. Var. f t on clayey ground and rocks neai- tlie sea.
The variety ft. differs only in its smaller size and in the general aspect, winch resembles that o fth e British
IS, itIiypliyUa.
2. 'Bi.As.'m.wj,penduta, Hook,; Muse. Fxot. t. 21. Fl. Antarct. p t. 1. p. 133.
Vai-, 1. foliis e basi erecta patnlo-sqnarrosis, margins evidentius recurvis parcius denticulatis.
Var. 2. caule longiore robusliore rix tomentoso, foliis latioribus subsecundis.
Henmte Island, in rocky places near the tops of th e hills, scarce, abundant in frnit near the spray
of a waterfaU on the soutli side of St. Mai-tin’s Cove, forming large patches. Var. 2, alivays barren.
In some respects cm- moss resembles B. tonwntosa. Hook. (Muse. Exot. 1 .19), which we scarcely consider to
be a distinct species, but the capsule is oblong and pendulous. '
The var. 3 may he distinct. I t resembles Hypnum elongatum, nobis. We have seen only the male inflorescence,
which is truly that of Bartramia.
3. S^^RAMXApomiformis, Hedw.; var. crispa. B. crispa, Swartz. Mont. in Fog. au Pole Sud, Bot.
Crypt.-p. 291. •'
H a b . Strait of Magalhaens; Admiral H JJrville et M. .TaegvAnot.
1. B iia o h y m e n iu m ? ovatum. Hook. ffl. et WUs.; caule humUi, foliis laxe imbricatis erecto-patentibus
qumquefaius ovato-oblongis nervo valido apiculatis. (T a b . C L III. fig. IV.)
H a b . Falkland Islands, amongst dry quartz rocks on the hUls, (barren),
Caules cæspitosi, inferne dense radiculosi, spongiosi. 1-3-unciales, pai-ce ramosi. Jolia erecto-patentia S-faria
ovato-oblonga, planiuscula, integerrima, luteo-vh-idia, siccitate subincurva, nervo vahdo exeim-ente apionlata, areolié
mmunis, rotundis. In axillis foliorum fasciculi coi-porum fuscorum confervæ instar evadunt.
This moss resembles letrapKs pellucida, but differs in the excun-ent nei-ve and in the disposition and texture of
the leaves.
P iate CLIII. Jig. IV.—1, tuft of the natural size; 2 and 8, leaves : rnsg
22. ORTHODONTIUM, Schwaegr.
1. Oethodonticm australe, Hook. ffl. et WUs. ; caule ramoso fastigiato humili, foliis erecto-patentibus
subrecurvis anguste linearibus subflexuosis, nervo subcontinuo, theca suberecta oblonga brcvicolla, operculo
brevirostro. (Tab. C L III. fig. V.)
H ab. Falkland Islands, alt. 900 feet, upon the fibrous roots of the Tussac grass; observed in one
spot only. Hermite Island, in clefts of rocks on the hills aud on wet banks, uot uncommon.
Falklands, etc?] FLO RA ANTARCTICA. 413
Caules cæspitosi, 2-3 lia. longi, ramis brevibus apice coma incrassatis. Folia densa, e basi lineari longissime
attenuata, subflexuosa, carinata, integerrima, viiidia, nervo conspicuo sub apicem evanido, cellulis elongatis : perichætialia
longiora, similia, antheridiis in axillis eorum positis, paraphysibus paulo longioribus immixtis. Seta 4-5
lin. longa, gi-acilis, rubra, siccitate tortilis. Vaginula angusta, oblonga. Theca lanceolato-oblonga, inclinata, subinde
erecta, ore angustato, demum rufescens, siccitate substriata. Sporangium internum paulo brevius. Annulus
obscuims, operculo adhærens. Operculum basi conicum, rostello brevi obliquo, interdum conicum, acuminatum,
rectum. breve ; dentes externi hyalini, transverse trabeculati, siccitate inflexi; interni processus 16
longiores, carinati, linea media notati, membrana basilari connexi, siccitate erecti, subincm-vi. Sporæ minimæ, luteæ.
Calyptra latere fissa, pallida, apice brunnea.
This differs from Orthodontium lineare, Schwaegr. (Suppl. 1 .188), in the oblong suberect capsule, and in the
absence of teminal male flowers, thus deviating from the generic character proposed by Schwaegiichen. In the
inflorescence it agi*ees with the British Orthodontium gracile, Bruch and Schimper, but differs in the form of the
capsule and the stronger nerve of the leaf.
P l a t e CLIII. Fig. V.— 1, plant of the natural size ; 2, leaf ; 3 and 4 , thecæ ; 5, peristome :—all magnified.
23. BRYL'M, B ill.
1. B kytjm nutans, Schreb.; Kook, et Tayl. Muse. B r it. p. 203. t. 29. Fl. Antarct. pt. 1. p. 134.
H a b . Falkland Islands ; from th e sea to th e liiR-tops, varjring in size aud habit. Hermite Island,
Cape Ho rn ; in clefts of rocks in th e woods, and on hard soil by streams.
A common Antarctic moss ; also a native of Lord Auckland’s group.
2. B ryxjm lacustre, Brid.; Bruch et Schimp. Bryol. Burop. Monogr. p. 16. t. 2.
H ab. Hermite Is lan d ; on sandy banks close to th e brushwood a little above high water mark,
St. Joacliim’s Bay.
3. B ryum hmum, Schreb.; Bruch et Schimp. I. c. p. 50. t. 21.
H ab. Kerguelen’s Land (barren).
4. B ryum Billardieri, Schwaegr.; Suppl. I.vol.ii. p. 115. t. 76 {non Bruch et Schimp. I. c. p. 58. t. 26.)
H ab . Falkland Is lan d s ; on clay-slate rocks at P o rt Louis, rare and barren.
The Em'opeou specimens, described by Bruch and Schimper, belong to B. Canariense, Schwaegi-. (Suppl. t.214 ¿);
we do not however contend for that moss being a really distinct s
5. B ryum argenteum,'\Fmx,; Kook, et Tayl. M mc. B r it. p. 199. t. 29. Bruch et Schimp. I.e. p .7 8 . t.4 1 .
Var. foliis arcte imbricatis angustioribus acuminatis.
H a b . Falkland Islan d s; in sandy places near th e sea, common. Cockburn Island, (barren).
This \'ariety is connected with the ordinary states of the species by intermediate forms which JIathews gathered
at Casapi (Peru). The Hookerian Herbarium contains a Bryum, collected by Humboldt in South America, with
muticous convolute leaves, allied to this, but probably a distmct species.
6. B ryum ceBSpititium,lAm\.; Hook.et T a yl.M u se,B rit. p .2 0 1 .t.2 9 . B ru ch e t Schimp.I.e.xg.7Q. t.3 4 .
Var. /3. gracilesceus, Bruch et Schimp.
H ab. Strait of Magalhaens, M . Jacquinot. Falkland Islands, with u n n p e fruit. Var. )3. Falkland
Islands (barren).