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9 6 F LO EA ANTARCTICA. [Auckland and
duplo longioribus, palea iuferiore late obovato-oblonga superne tnmcata 4—5-deutata quinquenervi nervo
medio aincem attingeute v. supra mediimi in aristam muticam producto, iirferiore minima squamæformi (an
nulla?), foliis pliuamis glabeiTÚnis setaceo-fildbrmibus culmo brernoribus. (T.vb. L I I I .)
H a b . Campbell’s Is lan d ; on elevated and exposed rocks at tlie liigliest summits of the mountains.
Radix fibrosa. Cidini cæspitosi, basi interclimi iiiclmati, stricti v. curvati, sæpius divisi, 1-2 mie. longi, bis
teiTe nodosi, copiose fobosi, una cmn fobis 3 lin. lati, superne niub, stricti," foba 4- superantes, teretes, læves, nitidi,
nodis incrassatis. Folia plmima, basi vaginantia, stricta, cmvata v. superne siibrcciu'va, bneari-setacea, involuta,
rigida, profunde striata, vix 1-14- imciaba, sub lente setis minimis ascendentibus scabenba, læte viridia. Vaginæ
latiusculæ, apertæ, laminæ æquüongæ, Ms latiores, basi submembranaceæ, sibcatæ, ad orem gradatim angiistatæ ;
lìgula scaiiosa, late ovata, obtusa, apice sæpius lacera. Ranicula sub -|imc. longa, contracta, 2 bn. lata, paiici-siib
12-flora ; raclii ramisque erectis, scabridis. Spicidoe majusculæ, brerissime pedicebatæ ; pedicebo valido, scaberulo.
Glumarum valvoe inæquales, supeiior major, I 4- lin. longa, utræqiie lanceolatæ, acutæ, marginibus superne cüiatis,
carina scabrido-deutata. Palea inferior membranacea, glaben-ima, late oblonga, superne abrupte tnmcata, irregiüa-
ritcr erosa v. siibquadiidentata, nervo medio interdum ad mediiun iu aristam teniiem desinente, nimc ad apicem
producto v. infi-a apicem evanido : palea superior mínima, byabna, enervis, apice tnmcata v. rotundata, floscubs
nonmiUis miM non visa. Squanmlæ late eibtrifonnes. Stamina 3 ; filamentis brevibus ; antheris late oblongis, stramineis.
Ovarium late eUiptico-ovatmu ; stylis breriuseubs ; stigmatibus plmnosis. Caryopsis perianthio inclusus sed eo non
adhoerens, ovato-oblonga, teres, paleæ æqmlonga.
A smab tufted gi-ass, nestling in tbe crevices of rocks iu the most elevated places, highly characteristic of the
rigorous climate it inhabits. In general appeai'ance it resembles one or two of the Antarctic American species,
but is quite distinct from them and from any other with ivMch I am acquainted. The upper palea, if ever reaby
present, is extremely smab, what I have taken for it may have been a portion of the lacerated base of the lower ; in
parts of such extreme minuteness and of so membranous and hyabne a textui'e, it is very difficult to ascertain clearly
the trae position and form of tliis organ and of the squamulæ.
P l.a te LIII. Fig. 1, a spikelet ffig. 2, front, and fig. 3, back riew' of floret ; fig. 4, squamida, stamens and ovarium ;
f g . 5, ripe caryopsis :—aU magnified.
§. I I . Palea superiore hasi setula aucta.
4 . A grostis Aucklandica, Hook, fil.; panicula contracta, glumarum valris subæqubongis dorso cbiatis
flosculo breviter pediceUato duplo longioribus, palea iuferiore subsericea basi barbata apice bifida quinque-
n e n l, nervo medio in aristam validam geniculatam producto, palea superiore paulo breriore apice bifida
bicarinata carinis cbiatis basi setula longe plumoso-cbiata aucta, fobis radicalibus erecto-patentibus strictis.
H ab. Lord Auckland’s group ; rocky places on tlie very tops of tbe bibs, scarce.
Culmi cæspitosi, breviusciüi, 3—1 unc. longi, vabdi, erecti, basi foliosi, simpbces v. parce ramosi, superne fobo
unico fobisve duobus vaginati. Folia brevia, sub poUicaria, stricta, erecto-patentia, bneari-subulata, v. subsetacea,
involuta, striata, glaben-ima. Vaginæ himinam subæquantes et paido latiores, foborum superionim elongatæ,
profunde striatæ, utrinque attenuatæ, medio turgidæ, ore contracto ; ligula ovata, scariosa. Panicula f unc. longa,
panciflora; racM ramisque scabridis. Gluma sub I 4-bn. longa ; ©afeig lanceolatæ, acuminatæ, concavæ, uninerves,
acute carinatæ, carina cibata, flosculo incluso bis longiores, superior paulo brevior. Flosculus brerissime pedicellatus.
Palea inferior ima basi sericeo-barbata, concava, apice bifida, inter segmenta subacuta aristata, subsericca,
quinqueneiris, marginibus dorsoque cibatis ; arista valida geniculato-curvata, scabrida, imo apice obtusa. Palea
superior inferiore panim brevior v. oequüonga, bneari-oblonga, apice bifida, bincrvis, bicarinata, carinis argute cbiato-
CamphelVs Islands.] PLO RA ANTARCT ICA. 97
denticulatis. Setula palea inferiore ^ brevior, longissime plumoso-barbata ; pibs strictis, sericeis, flosculo æqubongis.
Squamulæ 2, obbque ovato-lanceolatæ, acuminatæ. Stamina 3 ; filamentis breriuscnbs ; antheris subexsertis, lineari-
oblongis, strammeis. Ovarium late ovatum ; stylis basi approximatis ; stigmatibus exsertis, plumosis.
Of this plant I have but very imperfect specimens, nor could I anywhere detect more of it than one or two
culms wMch grew in the highest parts of the island, from whence the snow had but recently disappeared.
Tribe AVENACEÆ, Ku n th .
3. T E ISE TUM, Kunth.
1. T r isetum subspieatum, Beauv. Agrost. p. 88. Brown in Parry’s F irst Voyage, App. p. 2 9 2 .
Richardson’s App. to FrankUn’s 1st Voy. p. 3, and in Franklin’s Journal, p. 7 3 1 . Hooker, App. to Parry’s
2nd Voy. p. 4 0 9 . App. to 2>rd Voy. p. 1 2 9 . Flor. Bor. Am. v. 2. p. 2 4 4 . T. plbeoides, Ku n th Gram.,
vol. i. p. 1 0 1 . Agrost. p. 2 9 5 , {non Trinius). Avena pMeoides, J fU r v . Fl. In s. Mai. in Trans. Soc. L in n .
Par. vol. iv. p. 6 0 1 . Brongniart in Luperrey, Voy. Bo t. Phan. p. 2 9 .
H a b . CampbeU’s Is lan d ; on ledges of rocks a t tlie very summits of the mountains, abundant.
I have veiy closely compared numerous specimens of tliis plant with most copious suites of authenticaUy named
forms of the T. subspieatum from the northern hemisphere, without being able to detect any specific difference. In
Europe and Northern America the plant varies much iu size, in being of a slender or robust habit and in the form
of its panicle ; similar discrepancies are not observed in Campbeb’s Island, where its habitat is very limited ; but in
the Falkland Islands and iu Tierra del Fuego it assumes various foims, whence it has been described by Admiral
D ’Urvibe as a different species, wMch was adopted by Bronginart with much doubt. The T. molle, Kimth and
Trinius, {Avena mollis, Mich.), is decidedly only a variety of larger growth and may be added to the other sjoionjuns
already included by Kunth imder tliis species. Few gi-asses have so wide a range as tMs, nor am I acquainted
with any other Arctic species wMch is equaby an inhabitant of the opposite polai* regions. In Em-ope it is found
at a very gi-eat elevation on the Alps and on the Pjaenees, as also in Lapland. In Asia it frequents the Altai range,
the northern parts of Siberia and Kamtschatka, from whence it crosses to Kotzebue’s Sound, and is apparently more
generaby distributed through Arctic irinerica (than in the Old World), from the utmost limits of Polar vegetation
in Melvibe Island, throughout Greenland and the Ai-ctic Islands, the Ai-ctic sea-coast, Labrador, Canada, and the
Rocky Mountains. We have specimens in no way cbfferent from some of the European states, which were gathered
on the Andes of Peru by Mi-. IMcLean, and it is a pai-ticularly common gi-ass on the sea-coast and upland regions
of the Falkland Islands, foiming a considerable portion of the pastiu-age. In Fuegia and South Chbi it is probably
no less abundant.
Tribe EESTUCACEÆ, Kunth.
4 . BROMUS, L .
1. B romus antarcticus, Hook., fil. ; glaberrimus, panicula incbnata subcoarctata, ramis multifloris,
spicubs ovato-oblongis 6-8-fioris, floscubs pedicellatis basi sericeo-barbatis, arista vabda palea longiore, fobis
involutis ciümuin elatum superautibus. (T a b . L IY .)
H ab. Lord Auckland’s group aud Campbeb’s Is la n d ; a common grass upon th e lubs, forming large
tussacks, particularly at an elevation of between 800 and 1200 feet.
Gramen datum, 3-4 pedalc, cæspites supra terrain 2-3 ped. diametr. foi-mans. Culmi ascendentes, vabdi,
fascicidati ; pars iiifima prostrata, subrepens, crassa, Hgnosa, 3-4 mic. longa, diametro digiti minoris, uncbque
fibras crassas tortas intcrtextas emittens, rebquiis rigitbs fobormn emortuorum obtecta, simplex v. divisa ; culmi