
35 FLO EA ANTAECTICA. [Fuegia, the
H ab. Strait o f Magalhaens, and tliroughout Fuegia, -, and all succeeding
voyagers. Falkland Islands, 1)’ Urville, ^ c .
The leaves of tHs plant vary from two to four, ttoee being the prevailing number. The flowers, also, are
very much larger in some specimens than others, aud dissimilar in colour aud spotting. Poeppig’s Pogonia tetraplujlla,
from South Chili, is decidedly only a state of Oodoiwrckis Lessonii, the glands on the labellimi affordmg no more
constant character m this plant thau in the beautiful Chiloglottis of Tasmania,
Plate CXXV, Fig. 1. ovarimn, colnmn, and labellum ; fig. 2, labellum ; f g . 3, column ; fig. 4, antlier-case ;
f g . 0, pollen-masses ;—all magnifed.
1. S ISY E IN CH IUM , T o m .
1. SisYEiNCHicji/fi/bfiKi®, Gaud.; caule simplici tereti striato basi folioso, foliis radicalibus fihforimbus
scapum æquantibus brevioribusve, scapo ultra bracteas in spatham elongatam producto, fasciculis florum
sessilibus rarius pedunculatis solitariis v. rarissime geminis bibracteatis 2 - 8-floris, perianthii segmentis
subæqualibus albis purpureo-venosis. S. flhfolium. Gaud, in Ann. Se. N a t. vol. v. p. 101, et in Frege. Vog.
DoAp .1 3 3 . B ’ Urv .inM ém .S o c .Lm u .P a r is ,so \.w .T g .9 9 i. S. Gaudichaudii, Dicfrfc/z./§). i°/. vol.ii. p .505.
H.1E, Strait of Magalhaens; Cape Gregory, Capi. Kin g ; Falkland Islands, Gaudichaud, and aH
succeeding voyagers.
Herha elegans, 4-unc. ad bipedalem. Radix e fibris plmimis borizontalibus carnosis. Caulis basi reliquiis
fibrosis foliorum emortuorum obtectus. Folia pauca, pleraque radicalia, filiformia, scapo breviora v. elongata.
Scapus gi-acilis, teres. Spatlia 2-5-\mc. longa, basi vaginaus, superne in folium filiformem desiuens. Fedunctdi
fioriferi plenunque solitarii, rarius biui, brerissimi v. raro elongati, apice bracteas duaslanceolatas æquilougas unciales
gerentes. PediceUi filiformes, exserti, stricti v. flexuosi. Flores magnitudine varii, Galantki nivalis æquantes
V. dimidio terve minores, late campanulati, albi. Ferianthii segmenta subæqualia, obovata, apiculata, membranacea,
venis sæpius flexuosis purpureis omata. Stamina fere omnino libera, antheris versatilibus brevibus. Stylus apice
incrassatus, trifidus, ramis divaricatis. Capsula membranacea-coriacea. Semina obovata, lævia; testa reticulata,
One of the most abundant and elegant plants in the Falkland Islands, where the grassy plains are, in the
spring month of November, almost whitened by the profusion of its pendulous snowy bells.
A very similar species, if not the same, seems to be common in Chili, from Valparaiso to Concepcion ; but
its flowers are smaller than in the majority of the Falkland Island specimens.
P late CXXVL .Fty. 1, segment of the p erian th ;/ / . 2, ovarium, stamens, style, and stigmata ; / / . 3, transverse
section of ovarimn ; / / . 4, ovule ; fiy. 5, ripe fruit ; fiy. 6, transverse section of the same ; fiy. 7, seed ; fiy. 8,
the same, cut longitudinally :—all mayi
2. SiSYRiNXHiUM laxum, Link., in H ook.in Bot. Mag. t. 2312.
Var. major ; caule bifido foliisque latioribus, spatha bracteisque ajiices versus scaberulis, perianthii
segmentis latioribus.
Var. minor ; caule simplici foliisque angustioribus, spatha bracteisque glaberrimis, perianthii segmentis
H a b . Yar. tnajor, Chonos Archipelago, C. Barvnn, Esq. Var. iS, Strait of Magalhaens ; P o rt Famine.
Capt. King ; Cape Negro, C. Barwin, Esq.
Falklands, etc.] FLO RA ANTARCTICA. 353
A species which has been erroneously included by Sprengel in the terete stemmed group, and even considered
by Lindley and Dietrich to be synonymous with S. indifolium, Kunth, {Marka iridifolia, Bot. Reg. t. 646). Such
may be the case, but I have seen no specimens decidedly connecting these two species, and therefore hesitate
before adopting a conclusion which would give this plant a geographical range from the equator to the Strait of
Magalhaens. StiU, the var. major is so decidedly scaberulous, so much larger, and so much more rescmbUng
the S. iridifolium than the var. minor, that there is nothing improbable in the supposition that both are varieties of
one tropical species. S. laxum is also a native of Valparaiso.
3. SiSYRINCHIUM (?) sp.
H ab. Strait of Magalhaens ; Capt. King.
A curious plant, unfortunately too imperfect for description, but with very much the habit, foliage, and
fruit of a SisyrincJmm. Root consisting of elongated fleshy fibres, 3-4 inches long. Rhizoma very short, fibrous,
giving off at its apex a terete scape and short leafy stem. Leaves about three, with scariose sheaths at the base,
filiform, terete, six or seven inches long. Scape shorter than the leaves, furnished at the middle with two leaf-like
opposite bracteæ sheathing at the base. Peduncle solitary, one-flowered, shorter than the bracteæ, erect. Fruit
immature, globose, trigonous (?), the size of a smaU pea, three-locular (?), each ceU containing several seeds on
parietal (?) placentæ.
The al)ove diagnosis may serve to distinguish this curious plant, which differs chiefly from Sisyrinchium in the
scape not springing from between the uppermost leaves, but from the base of tbe outer one, and in there being
no spatha to any of the specimens ; though the scape in one instance bears the scar of a faUen leaf, half-way
between the insertion of the bracteæ and the rhizoma.
1. Sympiiyostemox narcissoides, Miers, m L in n . Soc. Trans, v. xix. p. 97. Sisyrinchium narcissoides,
Cav., Biss. vol. vi. p. 347. 1 .191. f. 3. S. odoratissimum, L in d l. Bot. Reg. 1 .1283. Galaxia narcissoides,
ifilld . Sp. F l. vol. iii. p. 583. Gladiolus biflorus, Thunberg, Biss.Glad. n. 5.
H a b . Strait of Magalliaens, ; P o rt Famine, Chp/. .A te /; Elizabeth Island, C. Barwin, Esq.
I quite agi'ee with Mr. Jliers in remoring this plant from Sisyrinchium. Thunberg’s habitat of the Strait of
Magalhaens, from whence he originally described this plant as Gladiolus hifiorus, has been replaced by that of the
Cape in most succeeding authors, except Talil (En. Plant, vol. ii. p. 97), and Villdenow (Sp. PI. vol. i. p. 209).
3. TiVPEINIA, Juss.
Perigoniim corollinum, supcrum, hcxapliyllo-partitum ; laciniis basi connatis, subcarnosis, patentibus, apiculatis,
3 exterioribus majoribus, Stamina 3, imo perigonii inserta ; filamentis in tubum trigonum connatis, supra medium
liberis ; antheris extrorsis, lineari-ovatis, basi profimde emarginatis. Ovarium lineari-obovatmn, 3-loculare. Ovula
plurima, basi anguli centralis loculi affixa. Stylus validus, supr<a medium in stigmata 3 erecta subulata apice
dilatata papillosa fissus. Capsula coriacea, globosa, triloba, trilocularis, apice loculicido-trivalvis. Semina plurima,
obovata, teretia; testa subeoriacea, grosse cellulosa; rhaphe iiuUstincta; chalaza atra; e/nbryo parvus, elongato-
obconicus, basi albuminis diui immersus.—Tapcinia, Juss. Gen. p. 59, e sehedis Commersonii.
1. T a.v e is in Magella?iica, Jnss., l.c . Witsenia pumila, Vahl, Enum. v o l.ii. p. 48. Roem. et Sch.
Syst. Veg. vol. i. p. 371. Spreng. Syst. Veg, vol. i. p. 147. Bietrich. Sp. F l. vol. ii. p. 559. W. Magel-
4 K