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234 F LO EA ANTAECTICA, [Fuegia, the
long and consists of a single stem (probably one of several from ti e same root) beai-ing linear, obtuse, and entire
radical leaves, scarcely an inch long; tie ascending portion is erect and scm-cely branched, with three sessile, ovato-
oblong leaves; the raceme 3 inches long; pods erect, 4 lines long and less than one in breadth, borne upon stout
pedicels shorter than themselves; seeds immature, small, pale red brown. In this genus, characters taken from a
solitaiy though complete specimen are invalid, and since it is imdistinguishable from some North American and
Em-opean states of B . incana, I am obliged to unite it with th em ; for I can find no reason to suppose that they
will eventually prove distinct.
I t is very- singular that this plant, apparently identical with one so abundant throughout the Arctic regions
and the elevated mountains of the north temperate zone, should not have been seen in the southem by any collectors
save Dr. Gillies, who is stated (Bot. MisceU. vol. iii, p. 138), to have found a solitary specimen on the
Andes of Mendoza, and Commerson. It certainly does not appear amongst the plants of the Colombian Andes that
have been published by Humboldt, or more recently discovered by Col. Hall and Professor Jameson. Variable as
the species of this genus are in the Northern Hemisphere, they are equally so in the Southern; stiE, as they seem
to present tangible characters, I have availed myself of them here in drawing up the subjoined Mst of the South
American species known to me*. With regard to the sections proposed for these tir'enty species, they are tolerably
* DEiUÎA, L.
§ I. Racemo inter f olia summa sessili.
1. D. eryptantha, n. sp.; cæspitosa, ramosa, tota incano-tomentosa. foMis imbricatis obovatis obtusis, racemo
foliáceo abbreviato inter foha suprema sessiM paucifloro, floribus parvis brevissime pediceUatis, petalis spathulatis
albis unvuicnlatis, siMcuMs longe pediceUatis ovatis incanis stylo brevi terminatis.
H.VB. Peru; Cerro Pasco; Matheas
Caules robusti f - -2 unc. longi. JWia i unciaUa, ramis appressa. Flores inconspicui. Sepela i Un. longa,
oblonga, obtusa. Petala sepalis vix longiora, apice emarginata. Siliculee 2-j- lin. longæ ; seminibus paiwis rufo-
§ II. SiAacaules v. caul Aim cæspitosis, pedúnculo nudo, Jlor Ans corymiosü, stylo ¡revi.
2. D. areiwide-Sj H. B. K. ; Noo. Gen. et Sp. Amer. vol. v. p. 77. t. 435.
H.VB. Andes of Colombia ; Antisana, 10,800 feet ; Humboldt and Bonpland. Pichincha, 16,000-16,000 feet ;
Í Heri. Eooher (n, 885.)
3. D. dbmata, Benth. ; Plant. Eartwey. p. 159. n. 885.
H ab. Andes of Colombia; Antisana, 15,000 feet; Eartwey, (n. 885) in Eerh. j
The species in the Hookerian Herbarium, received as n, 885, from M. Hartweg, is the same as Professor
Jameson’s D. aretmides and Humboldt’s figure ; but it is not the P>. otovata, n. 885, of Mr. Bentham’s herbarium,
apparently a very different species.
4. D. depressa, n. sp. ; cæspitosa, incano-tomentosa, cauUbus brevibus prostratis ramosis foliosis, foliis confertis
obovato-spathulatis apice rotundatis integerrimis, racemis abbreviatis foUa summa paulo superantibus, sepaUs late
oblongis dorso pubescentibus, petalis flaris, pediceUis fructiferis elongatis, silicuUs latissime ovato-rotundatis acutis,
stylo brevi. valvis planiuscuUs incanis, seminibus majusculis late obovatis.
H ab. Colombia; Chimborazo, 17,000 feet ; Col. Eall.
A D.cryptantha, oni proxima, differt statura, racemo elongato. floribusque ter majoribus ; ad D. aretioidem statura
accedit, sed folia incana obtusa patentia et laxius imbricata, süicnlæ minores latiores caulesque prostrati.
Fatktands, etc] F LO EA ANTAEC TICA . 233
natural, tbe styles and foUation forming very evident and nearly constant characters ; though B. cnjptantka in having
the flowers entfrely sessUe amongst the leaves, stands alone in the genus : unfortunately the specimens of tlus are not
6 D siUqmsa.rr.zx,.-. caule brevissimo basi ramoso, foUis versus apices ramorum rosulatis Unean-obovatis
viUoso!serieeis,peduneMo incano sm-sum pedioelUs sepaUsque dorso hirsutis, floribus in eorymbmn subcapitatnm
nudum dispositis p a ra s albidis, petaUs elongato-spatbulatis unguieulatis retusis, sdiqms hneanhus obtusis glaber-
rimis, stylo nuUo.
Var. /3, Antisana; foliis majoribus laxius confertis obtusis.
H a b . Colombia ; Cotopaxi. 13,000 feet ; Professor Jameson. Var. f t on waUs at the Hacienda of Antisana.
Professor Jameson (n. 28.).
Radix descendens, multiceps. Folm \ (in var, d f ) une. longa. Pedunculi 4 unciales. simpUees, nudi. Siliquoe
4 lin. longæ, Uneares ; valvis planis. sæpe purpureis ; seminibus oblongis, rufo-fuscis.
6 D Macleam.i, n. sp. ; incano-tomentosa, caule brevissimo diviso, foliis confertis obovato-oblongis obtusis,
corymbo suboapitato nudo, floribus parvis breviter pedicellatis albidis. siUcuUs glaberrimis ovatis in stylum brevis-
simum attenuatis, valvis planis.
H ab. -Andes of Peni ; J. Maclean, Esq.
A priori dilîert foUis incano-tomentosis, formaque valde diversa siUcularum attenuatarum.
7 D afflnis n sp. ; caule brevissimo diviso, foUis confertis patentibus obovato-lanceolatis subacutis sericeo-
liii-sutis, pedúnculo puberulo, floribus corymbosis subcapitatis parvis, siUcuUs pubescentibus pediceUatis elliptico-ob-
longis stylo brevissimo terminatis, valvis subconvexis.
H ab. Colombia; Hacienda de Antisana, on old waUs, at an elevation of 13,400 feet; Professor Jameson.
D. siliquosoe proxima sUicnUs latioribus brevioribus pubescentibusque præcipue differt. Hæc cum tribus præ-
cedentibus habitu et statura omnino convenit.
8 . D. Falllandka, 11. sp. ; vid. supra.
H a b . Falkland Islands ; Lieut. Robinson, R.N.
Forma siUculæ D. affini proxima, sed magnitudine, valvis convexis, stylo longiore. siUcidisque racemosis
9. J). fmiculosa, n. sp. ; vid. supra.
H ab. Falkland Islands ; J .B .H .
Species nuUi arcte afimis.
10. D. australis, 11. sp. ; annua, gracUis, caule simpUciusculo patenti-pUoso, folUs radicaUbus paucis rosulatis ob-
lougis oblongo-lanceolatisve plenimquo integerrimis obtusis supra subscriceo-hirsiitis subtus steUatim pubescentibus,
pedmicuUs glaberrimis nudis paucifloris, floribus albis pediceUatis, pediceUis fr-uotiferis flUformibus sUioula glaberrima
Uneari-obloiiga utrmque obtusiuscula \ brevioribus, valvis planis, seminibus plurimis parvis. D. australis, Broton,
MSS. in Herb. Banks.
Hab. Patagonia; Mus. Banks. Baliia Blanca; C. Darwin, Esq.
Species D, lineari, Boiss., D. cuneifoliee, Nutt., et D. mkranllite, Nutt. simUUma.