
92 F LO EA ANTARCTICA. [AucMand and
basi sub barbatis infra apices truncatas aristatis marginibus longe dorsoque ciliatis, hermaplirodito obtuso
apice mucronato v. subaristato, foliis planis glabriusculis, ligulis late ovatis obtusis. H . redolens, Brm m,
Prodi', p. 209 (in obsei’vat.). Kunth Agrost. p. 37 (in part.). H. Banksiana, Mudi. Bemerhungen über die
Flora der Siidseeinsehi, p. 156. no. 549. Holciis redolens. Sol. MSS. et Forst. Prodr. no. 563. no7i Tahl.
Torresia redolens, Boem. et Schultes, vol. ii. p. 516. A. Cunn. Prodr. Flor. Nov. Zel. in Hook. Conip. Bot.
Mag. voi. ii. p. 372.
H a b . CampbeU’s Is lan d ; in marshy places near tbe sea; rare, not observed in Lord Auckland’s group.
Gramen perenne, plerumque elatum tri-quadiipedale, in Insula Campbeb vix bipedale, cæspitosum, odore snavi.
Radices fasciculatæ, intertextse, fibrosæ ; fibris elongatis, 1-3-unciabbus, crassiuscubs, crassitie pennæ passerinæ, descendentibus,
dmis, albidis, hic bbc fibribosis. Culmi basi plus minusve elongati, incbnati v. prostrati, diametr. pennæ
corrinæ et ultra, rarius divisi, nodosi, cybndracei, ad nodos fibribosi, superne vaginis scariosis obtecti, internodiis
sub -4 uncialibus, superne ascendentes, rarius erecti, basi compressi, fobosi, ima cum fobis j-imc. diametr., profunde
striati, læves, nitidi, pabide lorides, siccitate flari, remote nodosi, ad nodos subgenicnlati, nodis coiistrictis,
fusco-brimneis, opacis, intemoclbs -4-2-unciabbus, superioribus 5-8 ime. longis. Folia plurima, culmo subæqiii-
longa, basi longe vaginantia, infima stricta, abbreriata, superiora elongata, 1-2 pedaba, sub i ime. lata, erecto-
jmtentia, demum flexuosa, plana, superne involuta, lierbacea, v. subcoriacea, profunde striata, superne glaberrima,
læria v. sub lente minutissime scaberula, nitida, læte \-iridia, subtus glaucescentia scabriuscula. Vaginæ 3-7 ime.
longæ, compressæ, ad basin fissæ, profunde striatæ, glaberrimæ, nitidæ, lirides, nibro-purpureo pictæ, ad margines
scariosæ, inferiores latiores, lüantes, basi piu"purascentes, vernicosæ ; bgula late ovata, obtusa, scariosa, integra v.
lacera. Ranicula gracibs, elongata, inclinata v. nutans, effusa, 6-10 unc. longa, sub 2 ime. lata, pabide flavo-fusca,
nitida; racbi striata, glaberrima; ramis elongatis, gracibimis, angulatis, bic ibic parce pbosis, inferioribus 2-4 ime.
longis, nutantibus. pediceUatæ, pediceUis spicula f brevioribus, pbosis. Gluma bivalris, membranaceoscariosa,
glabcnama, nitida ; valvæ subæquales floscubs paulo longiores v. æquüongæ, 2-3 bn. longæ, acuminatæ,
nervo medio tenui, dorso subdenticulato ; inferior uniuerris v. rarissime basi nends duobus laterabbus brerissirois ;
superior trinervis, nervis laterabbus medium vis. attingentibus, inconspicuis, midibus. Flosculus inferior subses-
süis, intermedins terminabsque pediceUati. F losculi laterales.—Palea infei'ior ovato-oblonga, superne subtnm-
cata, emarginata v. bifida, dorso aristata, quinquenervis, v. inæqiülaterabs et sexnervis, ad ñervos angulata, inferne
cbiato-subbarbata, superne pubescens v. pbosa, dorso brevissime ad marginesque longe sericeo-cbiata, cibis mai-gi-
umn rectis v. paulo curvatis ; arista erecta, infra apicem inserta, gluma breriore, scabrida : Palea superior inferiore
paulo Imerior, lineari-oblonga, bifida, bicarinata, carinis extus cbiatis. Stamina 3 ; filamentis breriuseubs ; antheris
elongatis, stramineis. F losculus t e r ìiix a l is v. intermedius laterabbus -4 minor. Palea inferior ut in floscubs
laterabbus sed plerumque glaberrima, apice tautum puberula et dorso versus apicem cbiata ; arista brevi, infra
apicem inserta, hispida. Palea supet'ior bneari-oblonga, concava, apice truncata, medio uibnerris, v. rarius nenis
duobus, apice extus nervoque dorso pubescentibus. Squanmlæ 2, ovato-lanceolatæ, acuminatæ. Stamina 2 ; fila mentis
brevibus ; antheris pairis. Ovarium oblougo-lanceolatum, utrinque attenuatum. Styli basi contigui, palea
bis longiores. Caryopsis parva, cylindi-acea.
Tbe above described plant is veiy nearly albed both to tbe Hierochloe antárctica, Br., and to the H. Magellanica,
Pal. de Beauv., if indeed these three be truly distinct. Wlien describing tbe first of them, Mr. Brown remarks,
“ buie quam maxime affinis est Holcus redolens, Forst and be draivs tbe chief distinction from the inner glume
of tbe latter being tbree-nerved and tbe cibæ on tbe margin of its lower florets being cmwed. In tbe Tasmanian
spccbnens of H. antárctica, which I have examined, I find tbat tbe upper glume is often furnished iritli two short
lateral neiwes at the base, and in tbe New Zealand species {II. redolens) tbe cibæ alluded to are as often straight as
cui-vcd. Perhaps a more constant character between tbe plants of these two countries exists in the sm-face of the
leaves of the H. antárctica læing decidedly scabrid, not only to tbe touch but under a moderate magnifying power,
its florets also are not so abruptly truncated ; I have not been able to detect any otber points of dift'erence. Tlie South
Camphell’s Islands] FLO RA ANTARCTICA. 93
American plant again, which is the lioiras Vahl, (notof Forster), is considered by A. Brongniart as a variety
(redolem) of the Hkrochlae ciutarctica, Br. (A’oy. de la CoquiUe, Bot. Phan. p. 144. t. 23.), and he quotes Baspail
(Ann. Sc. Obs. vol. ii. p. 83.) in confh-mation of bis views ; it certainly differs but slightly from the plant of the Old
World, and cHefly in the longer ciliæ at the back of the lower fforets, in having the glumes three-nerved, the panicle
more contracted, and rather larger glumes. The leaves are generally quite smooth and glossy, the under surface
only obscurely scabrid.
Besides tbe above mentioned species there are four more very distinct ones in the Southern Hemisphere, (as well as
tlu-ee natives of tbe Cape of Good Hope); one, tbe D’.RrMwo»/«, mihi (vid.iiifra), from Lord Auckland’s group ; anotlier,
the II. utrlculata, Kunth, a native of Chib ; and two bitlierto undescribed species. Tbe fii'st of these is from Austraba,
II. rariflora, mihi*, and was discovered by Mr. Baxter in King George’s Sound ; it may reacbly be distinguished by
its slender culms, branching upwards, and its narrow scabrid leaves, loose few-flowered panicle and smab locustæ.
The other, H. Fraseri, MS., wffil be described in the Flora of Tasmania; it is tbe smaUest of any of the soutberji
species, and has a more coarctate panicle of smab locustæ, reserabbng tbat of H. australis, R. and S.; tbe florets
themselves arc marked with pm-ple as in H. paucifiora, Br., tbe glumes are large, broad and three-nerved, the lower
palea silky, acute, irith a short awn, the leaves are much shorter than the culm.
Mr. Broivn’s remarks upon the structm-e of the florets of tlbs genus, in the ' Plantæ rariorcs Javanicæ’ are very
important (vid. fasc. 1. p. 8. sub genere Ataxia), especiaby regarding the nature of the upper palea of the middle
flower. I have described that organ as sometimes two-nerved in II. redolens, wlbcli is a strong ai-gument in favour
of that author’s assumption that “ the median nerve is here formed of two confluent cords,” and hence that the real
natiu-e of the upper palea is the same as in other genera of grasses. Mliere I obseiwed two nerves to exist, both
were rather faint, but distinctly scabrid on the back. The frequently emargbiate or bifid apex of this palea in the
other species of the genus, where I have not seen a double nerve, is also worthy of remark.
The Hierochloe redolens is a scarce plant in Campbeb’s Island and of stunted growth ; it was not obseri'ed in
Lord Auckland’s gi'oup.
2. H ierochloe Brunoiiis, Hook, fil. ; panícula ovata snbeffusa imtante, gliunarum valris æqualibus
floscubs longioribus lanceolatis acuminatis basi trinerriis nerris laterabbus brevibus, floscubs masculis 5-nervbs
pubescentibus basi pilosis superne bifidis inter segmenta acuta aristatis dorso scabridis marginibus breviter
cibatis, hermaplirodito apicem versus integrum breriter aristatum pboso, fobis involutis glaberrbnis, ligulis
late ovatis scariosis. (Tab. L II.)
H ab . Lord Auckland’s group and Campbeb’s Is lan d ; in tb e former islands groiring towards tlie tops
of the mountabis, alt. 1 0 0 0 -1 4 0 0 ft. ; abundant near tb e sea in the latter.
Gramen pulcbrum, siiariter odorum, 1-1-4 pedale. Radiv fibrosa, fibris tenuibus, elongatis, fibiibosis. Culmi
parce cæspitosi, basi incbnati, bgnosi, crassitie pennæ corrinæ, rebquiis pabidis fibrosis folionim vetustoriun obsiti,
ad collum sæpe bis terve dirisi et sm-culos nodosos ad nodos radicantes emittentes, superne erecti, graciles, cinvati,
foliosi, striati, una cum vagims fobormn i mic. diametr., remote nodosi, nodis constrictis, flavo-fiiscis. Folia siibcb-
stiche inserta, suberecta, stricta v. paido ciuvata, 1 ped. longa, longe bneail-siibidata, gradatim attenuata, imo
apice acuta, involuta, subcoriacea, extus læria v. obsciue striata, glaberrima, mtida, straminea, intus profimde striata,
opaca, sub lente scaberula, pabide viridia. Vaginæ erectæ, subcompressæ, culmo appressæ, latiusculæ, usque ad
* H ierochloe rariflora. Hook. fil. ; paniciüalaxa effusa paucifiora, glumarum valris inæqiiabbus flosculis ^ brevioribus,
palea inferiore obtusa, arista iiuba, flosculi intermedii palea superiore apice bifida ciliata, fobis auguste
linearibus scabridis, culmis elongatis basi ramosis foliosis.
I I ab. Austraba. King George’s Sound, Baxter.