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T ltt to d som e plant resembles the a M F W » , Nees. of NorM^ Island, more than any other speciesdiffermg.
however, materndly m its gr-eat size, the less rounded tops of tho leaves, their more e o l v firen-e oA
perfectly entire margins, and by the less laciniated stipules. ° ’
PL.1TE CLIX. Ffy.IX.—1 and 2, plants of the natm-al size; 3, stem and leaf; 4, back view of ditto and sti
pules ; 5, stipide ; 6, perichætial leaf; 7, calyx
Hock, fil, et Tayl.; oanle procumbente subsimplici laxe implexo,
surculis plams folim arcte imbncatis patentibus quadrato-rotimdatis antice basi gibbosis margineque re ui-vi
m t e g ™ , stipubs muiutis sub 4-laoimatis. Nobis i® Lond. Journ. Bot. v o l iii. p. 474. ( L . 7 l X
H ab. Hermite Island, Cape Horu ; iu the woods.
Cæspites 3-4 imo. longi, ^ une, lati, superne pallide vii-escentes, biferne riifo-bninnei. Folia ampia mai-aine
( 7 7 1 7 flaccida, erassiiisenla, pellneida, areohs parvis,
ranus cum stipulis imo basi coimexa, plenimque libera.
^ The largest and handsomest species of CMlosoypkus, iu which the disproportion between the leaves and stipules
leaf; “ fr 3. stem aud
a s e e n L ¥ T “ 7 7 “ " ' ^ surcubs
ascendentibus, folns mb ricatis verticabbus patentibus secundis rotundatis integerrimis, stipubs bi onadri
partitis, segmentis radiantibus, calyce in ramo brevi terminali oblongo-campanulato triplicato nrp f f
integro. Nobis m / omí/. vol. iii. p. 474. (Tab. CLIX. Fig. V I I ) ’ mncato
H ab. Hermite Island, Cape H o rn ; forming dense tnfts on the tops of the mountains, alt. 1,700 feet.
Cæspites p a ra , densi, nifo-brmmei, ramis junioribus vii-escentibus. Caules 2 unc loure seen, totnm l ■
tudinem radíenlas danse fasciculatas demittentes. Folia planiuseida, paria opposita 7 fed I I -“ f
opaca, crassiuscida, celluhs parvis. Stipulæ basi breves, in segmenta dua v plui-rsubulata t “PP™™'-“ “.
bini V, pim-es. fohis paUidiores. « a fere uncialis, a a ;« ? a o b longo-rordata
^ The narrow segments of the differently shaped stipules and calyx feford the best means of distinrenshimr h t
this, and / . auslraU, nob,, of Campbeh’s Island. The latter is also a smaher plant, of a darker 7 7 7 l
; r r s . r 4 - . 5 : : : - “ - — • •* ‘■"-■«.•‘.■ • i i a . . , . .™ , . ! “ ” ;
4, stipule; 5, periehæfium. calyx’, L a , * a n V 7 p 7 ™ 7 7 7 7 “ ’
H ab . Hermite Island, Cape H o rn ; on -J. Magellanica
Near the last, but a veiy different plant in size, and in the disposition of its leaves.
Falklands, etc] F LO llA A NTAECTICA . 441
P l a t e CLX. F¿/. I.—1, plant of tlio natural size ; 2, back view of stem, leaves aud stipules; 3, stem and
leaf ; 4, stipule :—magnified.
62. Ju n g e rm a n n ia ret-usata, H o o k .fil.e tT a y l.; caule implexo procumbente subsimplici rectiusculo,
foliis patentibus planis late oblongis obtusis retusisque integerrimis bine stipulæ minutæ setaceo-bipartitæ
connexis. Nobis in Lond. Journ. Bot. vol. iv. p. 84. (T ab. CLXI. Fig. H I . sub. nom. J . r e c lin a ta )
H a b . Falkland Islands; on tbe ground.
Cæspites laxi, pabide fusco-olivacei. Caules unciales. Folia remotiuscula, late oblonga, obscure emarginata,
cura stipula caule æqubata coiinexa.
AlUed to tbe Ch. integrifolius, Gottsclie, of Chbi, but the leaves are more distant, shorter, and wider ; the
stipule more divided and the whole plant of a darker colour.
P l a t e CLXI. Fig. III. (under the name of J. reclinata).—1, plant of the natural size; 2, 3, aud 4, stem and
leaves; 5, stipule
63. J u n g e r m a n n i a Hook., í / kíc. Mxot, t.9 6 . Gottsche, Lindb. et Nees, Sgn. Hep. p. 1 7 8 .
H a b. Staten L a n d ; (in Herb. Hook.).
Not in the coUections of the Antarctic Expedition.
64. J ungermannia amphiboUa, X^ees, in Martius, Flor. Bras. vol. i. p. 334. Gottsche, Lindb. et Nees,
S yn.Hep. p. 178.
II.LB. Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; mixed with J. uncialis.
Also a native of the Brazils.
(8. L epidozea, Nees.)
65. J ungermannia tetradactyla. Hook. fil. et Tayl.; in FL Antarct. P t. 1. p. 158. Gottsche, Lindb.
et Nees, Syn. llep . p. 213.
H ab. Hermite Island, Cape H o rn ; moist places near th e sea.
Likewise found both in Lord Auckland’s group aud New Zealand.
66. J ungermannia plumulosa, Lehm. et Lindb., Bugili, p. 30. Gottsche, Lindb. e tX ’ees, S yn .H ep .’p .% \\.
H ab. Staten Land, Menzies. Strait of Magalliaens, DJJrville. Hermite Island, Cape H o ru ; on
moist banks.
67. J u n g e r m a n n i a /içyi/h/i®, Hook. fil. et Tayl.; in BL Antarct. P t . l . p. 157. Gottsche, Lindb. et
Nees, Syn. Hep. p. 208.
H ab. Falkland Islands ; on moist rocks near the sea.
Fh’st described from Auckland Island specimens ; also found in New Zealand and Tasmania.
68. J ungermannia oligophylla, Lehm. et Lindb., Bugili, vi. p. 26. Gottsche, Lindb. et Nees, Syn.
Hep. p. 201.
H ab. Staten Land, Menzies. Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; in moist places.
69. J UNGERMANNiA tridactylis, Lehm. ct Lindb.? Jid. Montague, in Voy. au Bole Sud, Bot. Crypt, p. 243.
H ab. Strait of Magalhaens ; M .M . llomhron ct Jacquinot.
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