H ab. Tierra del Fuego j abundant in marshy places on th e mountains from P o rt Famine to Cape Horn,
Banhs and Solander, and all succeeding voyagers.
The very pale colour of the ray of tMs plant seems to have deceived the older authors iu regard to its
genus. In this respect it differs from the majority of Senecio?ies, as also iu the apices of the involucral scales not
being sphacelated. I t is allied to the discoid S. Kingii, mihi.
P late CVIII. Fig. 1, receptacle ; Jig. 2, floret of ray ; Jg . 3, arms of style, a n d / / . 4, pappus of ditto ; f g . 5,
floret of disc; fig. 6, stamens, a n d / / . 7, ai-ms of style aud ditto; fig. 8, achænium :—aU magnified.
19. Senecio acanthifolins, Homb. et Jacq. ; herbaceus, erectus, glabriusculus v. pubescens, caule simplici
sulcato, foliis inferioribus longe petiolatis oblongo-ovatis basi cordatis secus margiucs lobatis lobis
grosse crenatis petiolis subalatis basi vaginantibus superioribus sessilibus semi-amplexicaulibus, capitulis
corymbosis, involucri campanulati squamis glabriusculis sub 1-seriatis. S. acanthifohus, Homh. et Jacq.
Vog. au Pole Sud, Bot. Bicot. Fhan. 1 .11. S. Cineraria pui'purascens et C. leucantbema, Baiihs et Sol.
MS S . In JBiS. Banhs. cum iconihus.
H ab . Strait of Magalhaens ; Houibron aiid Jacqimiot. P o rt Famine, Capt. K in g ; Good Success Pay ;
Banhs and Solatider. South p a rt of Fuegia, C. Barwin, Esq.; Hermite Island, Cape Horn, J . B . H .
Herha bipedalis, sylvicola, succulenta. Caulis subfistulosus. Folia inferiora xma cum petiolo 6-8 uuc. longa,
lamina petiolo subæquilonga, læte viridis, subter sæpe discolor et piupiuascens. Fedunculi imciales, bracteolis
foliaceis subulatisqne aneti. Capitula 1 -H unc. diametro, paUide straminea, disco intensiore.
A very handsome species, abundant in the woods of Fuegia.
20. Senecio cuneatus, Hook. fil. ; herbaceus, glaberrimus, caule ascendente sulcato infeme folioso,
foliis plerisque in ramis abbreviatis dispositis obovato-spathulatis basi cuneatis in petiolum attenuatis grosse
et irregulariter dentatis subcoriaceis, caule superne longe nudo apice corjmbifero, corymbo tricephalo,
capitulis pedicellatis, pedicellis basi unifoliatis, involucri campanulati squamis linearibus glaberrimis uni-
H a b . Strait o f JIagalhaens ; P o rt Famine, Capt. King.
Caulis crassitie pennæ anatinæ, herbaceus. Rami axillares, abbreviati, superiores elongati, floriferi. Folia
patula, plana, subeoriacea, siccitate nigrescentia, lY unc. longa, ^ lata. Fedunculus caide continuus, elongatus,
nudus, 3-uncialis, erectus, apice 3-cephalus. PediceUi basi foho unico aucti, inferiore unciali. Capitula L unc.
longa, f lata, basi bracteolis paucis suffulta.
Apparently a most distinct species, of wMch I have but a very imperfect specimen, collected by Capt. King; it
resembles the S. nigrescens II. and A., of South Chili, but the foliage is different.
21. Senecio littoralis, (exclud. var. a, lanatus,) Gaud., m Ann. Sc. N a t. vol. v. p. 104, et in Freyc.
Fb/. Do/, p. 468. D ’Urville in Jlem. Soc. L hm . Faris, YoX.ÌY. p. 8 1 \. DU. ProTr. vol. vi. p. 412. Hooh.
Ic, Pla n t, t. 494. S. vaginatus, Hooh. et Arn. in Bot. Journ. vol. iii. p. 331.
H ab. Falkland Islands, very abundant ; Gaudichaud, and aU subsequent collectors.
As is stated under the S. Falklandicus, the varieties a and /3 of S. littoralis belong to two veiy different
species. The one for wMch I have retained the name, is generally a maritime plant, usually gi-owing in marshy
places and never altogether woolly, or more so in its youngest state than when older. The leaves are extremely
variable, straight or falcate, obtuse or generally acute, one hne to nearly one third of an inch broad, strictly linear
or obovato-lanccolate, sometimes, though rarely, obscurely sinuato-dentate.
A fully grown plaut of this is very handsome; I possess a specimen only a foot high, and with a simple stem,
though brandling so copiously above as to bear upwards of a huncb-ed flowers, all fuUy blown and each nearly an
inch and a half in diameter.
1. Ch ev e eu l ia igcopodioiiks, VC. Frodr. m l. vii. p. 45. Gnaphalium lycopodioides, O'UrviUe in
Mem. Soc. L in n . Paris, vol. iv. p. 610. Gaud, in Frege. Fog. Bo t. p. 135.
H a b . FaJldand Islands, on dry grassy places, ra re ; D 'Urville, J . D. IL.
A scai-ce species, as far as I have observed in the Falkland Islands, and exceedingly inconspicuous. My
specimens are in an imperfect state.
1. N assauvia suaveolens, Willd., S p .F l. vol. iii. p. 2396. Bam..Lllust. Gen. t. 721. Brongn. in
Dnperreg Tog. Bot. F lm i. t. 56. f. B. DC. Frodr. vol. vii. p. 49. N . Commersonii, Cass. Diet. Sc. Na t.
vol. xsxviii. p. 457.
H ab. Strait of MagaUiaens, Commerson ; P o rt Pamine, Capt. King.
2. N a s s a u v i a serpens, D’UrviUe, in M a n . Soe. L in n . Paris, vol. iv. p. 610. Lessing in Linnæa, vol. v.
p. 4. Brongn. in Dnperreg Yog. Bot. Phan. t. 56. f. A. N . D’UrviUei, Gass. Diet. Se. N a t. vol. xxxGii.
p . 456. (T a b . C X T V . )
H a b . Falkland Islands, abnndant, especially amongst loose quartz rocks on th e liills ; 1 / Urville, Capt.
Sulivan, Mr. Chartres, J . D. H . -
A very handsome and singular plant, almost confined to the “ Streams of stones,” which are those cnrious
tracts of land covered with loose blocks of quartz, abounding in some parts of the Falkland Islands. There the
Nassauvia serpens grows, sending its brittle stems, several fathoms long, down amongst the masses of rock, tiU they
reach the sod. often nt a considerable depth. The plant varies somewhat in the foliage, the leaves being suberect
or recurved, and more or less silky.
P late CXIV. F ig .l, capitulum ; f g . 2, portion of receptacle and involucre ; f g . 3 , a floret ; f g . 4, palea of
the pappus ; f g . 5, stamens ; f g . 6, achænium :—all magnified.
3. N assauvia Gaudichaudii, Cassini, ex Gaudichaud in Ann. Sc. N a t. vol. vi. p. 103. D ’Urville in
Mém. Soc. L in n . Paris, vol. iv. p. 609. DC. Prodr. vol. vii. p. 50. Mastigopliorus Gaudichaudii, Cassini,
Diet. Sc. N a t. vol. xxxiv. p. 222. Gaud, in Frege. Tog. Bot. p. 470. Homb. et Jacq. in Yog. au Foie Sud,
Bot. Phan. Bicot, 1 .16. f. G.
H ab. Strait of Magalhaens, MM . Hombron and .Jacquinot. Falkland Islands, Gaudichaud, fye.
A very abundant species, especially in the Falkland Islands, on rocks near the sea. I have never seen Fuegian
or Magellanic specimens.
4 . N assauvlipggmoea, Hook.fil. Ti-iaclme pygmæa, Cass. B u ll. Philmn. I S I S , p. 4 8 . Diet. Se. N a t.
vol. xxxiv. p. 2 2 1 . ct vol. Iv. p. 1 8 2 . Lessing Sgnops. p. 397. BC . Prodr. vol. lui. p. 50. Crymatea
rigida. Banks et Sol. MSS. in M us. Banks, cum icone.
H .ab. Strait of MagaUiaens, Commerson; P o rt Famine, summit of Mount Tarn, Capt. K in g ; Good
Success Bay, Banks and Solander; south part of Tierra del Fuego, C. Barwin, Esq.