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Neai-ly allied to D. longisetmn. Hook. (Muse. Exot. 1 .139), Imt cUffei-s in the more robust habit leaves longer
wider, more rigid, less setaceous above, without serratm-es, the nerve broader and thicker, capsule longer peristomé
smaller, tlie teeth not divided to the base as m that moss.
P l a t e CLII. % . III.—1 , t u f t o f t h e n a tm - a l s i z e ; 3 . l e a f ; 8 , p e i- ic h ie tia l d i t t o ; 4 , t l i e e a ; 5 . c a ly p t r a -
6 , th e c a a n d p e r i s to m e ; 7 , t e e t h :— aR magnified. ’
2 DiciLtNUM? imponens, Mont.; h i Tog. au Pole Sud, Boi. Crypt, p. 298.
H ab. Strait of Magalhaens, iI/47. e f /« y » ;™ ? . Hermite Island, Cape H o rn ; ou the hüls
Not lmTOig-_seen original specimens, it is necessary to mentiou that in the plant we refer to this species the
Eaves ave snbsecmid and entire; whüe in other respects they agi-ee with the description quoted. D.peninüatmn,
Hornsch., to which Dr. Montagne compares his moss, belongs to the genus Campglopm, Brid.
8. D i c e . a n u m w ® , Hook.fil.et W ü s.; caule elongato snbramoso, foliis falcato-secundis longissimis
Imeari-lanceolatis setaceo-atteuuatis convolutis spinuloso-serrulatis, nervo latiusculo excuiTente, perichætialibus
intimis obtusis enervus, theca cybndracea incbnata curvida strumulosa, operculo longirostro. D. scoparium,
ft. reflectens, Mont. in Toy. au Pole Sud, Bo t. Crypt, p. 297 ? (T a b . C L II. fig. V III.)
H ab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; in woods, on tbe trunks and roots of trees, and in the open country,
growing m large tufts, very abundant. Kerguelen’s Land, B r . LyaU.
Oauks 4-imciales et ultra, robusti, parce ramosi, subinde incm-vi, siccitate pai-um fragües. Folia conferta
6-7 lineas longa, apice setacea, inferne convoluta, superne carinata, margine dorsoque spinnloso-serrnlata viridia’
inferiora squabda. penehætialia exteriora squarrosa, basi rotimdato-ovata, acuminata, interiora erecta. convoluta’
3-lineana, eUiptico-oblonga, obtusa cmn mucrone Uneari longiusculo, enenda. Vaginula Uneai-is, elon’o-ata Sd'a
7 - 8 Ini, longa. crassiuscula. siccitate vix tortüis. rubeUa. Theca cylindracea, incUnafa, enrvnla, nrfo-brminea stru
mulcsa. Perktoniii dentes bifidi, rubri. Operculmn tbeca paulo longins. Calyptra straminea, apice fusca.
A larger and more robust moss tban D. pungens, nobis. wHcli it mnch resembles, differing in its longer leaves
which are more decidedly serrated, less convolute, nerve broader and excun-eiit, the perichætial ones much shorter’
and whoUy different m shape, capsule longer and strmnose, peristome larger. In general aspect it is not unUké
the Bntish B . majus. Turn., but is distinguished by the veiy long and attenuated leaves.
P l a t e CLII. Fig. V III.—1 . moss, natural size ; 2 and 3 , leaves ; 4 and 6 . thecæ :—aU magnified.
4. D icranum pungens, Hook. fil. et Wils.; vid. P t. 1. p. 129. t. 59. f. 1.
Var. 2. folüs vix secundis.
Var. .3. fobis minoribus, vix secundis.
Var. 4. lucidum ; foliis aureo-nitentibus falcato-secundis.
H a b . Hermite Island, Cape Horn. Vars. 1 and 4 (barren) on rocks, trunks of trees, and the ground
very abundant. Kerguelen’s Land ; Vars. 2 and 4, Cumberland Bay, E . M ’Corrnici, Esq.
The var. 4 is a very elegant moss, differing in aspect from the other varieties, bnt we are unable to detect saffi-
cient characters to establish it as a species.
5. D icranum Boryanurn, Schwaegr., Suppl. I I . vol.i. p. 7 1 . 1 .1 2 1 . Cecalyphnm dichotomum, P .B e am .
Frodr. p. 4 1 . Oncophorus dichotomus, B rid . B r . Univ. vol. i. p. 4 0 1 .
H ab. Kerguelen’s Land, common on the hills in large dense tufts, barren.
Falklands, etc?) F LO EA ANTARCTICA. 4 0 7
Our specimens agree precisely with an original one from P. de Beauvois himself. The leaves are more falcate
and wider at the base than those of D. Billardieri, to which this moss is very closely allied.
6 . Dicbanum Bilia rd ie ri, Schwaegr., Suppl. I I . vol. i. p. 1 7 0 . 1 . 1 2 1 . Fl. Antarct. p. 1 1 9 .
Var. caulibus apice ramosis, ramis brevibus confertis flagelliformibus.
H a b . Falkland Islands, amongst stones on Mount Vernet, n o t common, and always barren.
Tliis peculiar condition of the moss is probably the result of its exposure to a dry atmosphere. Similar appearances
occur in such British species as Campylopusfiexuomoe.
7. D ic r a n u m StarUi, Web. et Mohr, Bot. Tasch. p. 189, 471. Eook. et Tayl. Mmc. B r it, t.xvii. p. 97.
Var. 2. foliis vix secundis.
ILvn. Hermite Island, Cape Horn, both varieties, th e first in clefts of rocks, common, b u t rare in fruit.
Thecæ smaller and more erect than in European specimens. Intermediate between the usual form aud
B. Sphagni, Wahl.
8. tenuifolium, Hook. fil. et Wils.; caule ramoso, foliis cfrcinatim falcatis basi lanceolatis
longissime capillaceis integerrimis nervo lato percursis, tlieca turbinata, operculo longirostro. (T a b . C L II.
fig. V II.)
H a b . Hermite Is lan d ; moist shelving rocks on Mount Foster, above Deep-water Bay, scarce.
Caules unciales, parce ramosi, cæspitosi, cuiwuH, luridi. Folia longissima, angustissima, conferta, eleganter
circinato-falcata, lurido-viiidia, inferiora atrata ; perichætialia hasi latiora, vaginantia. Seta 3 -4 lineas metieus, crassiuscula,
pallide lutescens. Theca parva, suberecta, turbinata, ore patulo, senior fusca. Feristomii dentes rubri.
Opei'cidum oblique longii-ostrum. Calyptra dimidiata, scariosa, fusco-lutea.
Our specimens are uot in a veiy good state, being too far advanced. Allied to the European B . falcatum, from
which it differs in having narrower and longer leaves, and a very small nearly erect capsule destitute of a struma.
P late CLII. Fig. VII.—1, moss, natural size ; 2 and 3, leaves ; 4 -6 , thecæ ; 7, peristome :—all %
9. D ic r a n u m vaginatum, Hook., M m c . Exot. 1 . 141.
H a b . Hermite Island, ou moist banks of sea-sand in St. Joachim’s Bay, rare.
Our moss diflcrs from original specimens gathered by Humboldt on the Andes of New Grenada, in the folloring
particulars : teeth of the peristome broader ; capsule erect, short aud turbinate ; seta shorter aud thicker ; leaves
entire, acute.
14. CAMPYLOPUS, Bridel.
1 . C a m py l o pu s introjlexus, Bridel; B r . Univ. v o l.i. p. 472. EL Antarct. pt. 1. p. 1 3 0 . Dicramm
iiiirollexum, llediv. Sp. Muse. p. 147. t. 29.
H a b . Falkland Islands, couinion on the ground, especially iu peaty situations.
Also a native of Lord Auckland’s group and Campbell’s Island.
2. CAMPYL0Pus/f?.r«(?5«5, Bride l; B r . Univ. vol. i. p. 469. FL Antaret, 1. c.
Viu". foliis pilifcris. Dicraiimu clavatum, Schwaegr. SuppL t. 255 ?