
iìSfT' !
brerioribus apicibus sphacelatis. C. MageUamcum, Hoinh. e t Jacq. in Voy. au Pole Sud, Bot. Dicot, 1. 11.
f. 10. Senecio MageUanicus, D boL et Arn. in Bot. Journ. vol. iii. p. 343.
H a b . Strait of MagaUiaens ; F o rt Famine, Capt. King. Cape N eg ro ; 0. Ba n o in , Esq.
Statura variabilis, 3-poUicaris ad pedalem. Eolia 1 | ad 4 imc. louga, 1-3 lin. lata, plantis humilioribus
latiora, fasciculata, erecta, substricta. Scapi dense lanati. Capitula ad 1 unc. diametro.
I quite agree with tbe authors of tbe Botany of tbe ‘ Voyage au Pole Sud’, in referring tbis handsome plant
to Culcitium, of wbicb genus it is tbe most soutbern s
12. SENECIO, L .
§ I . Discoideæ, la^iatoe.
1. S enxcio candidans, DC., Frodr. vol. vi. p. 412. Cacalia candidans, Vahl, Sy^nb. vol. iii. p. 91. t. 71.
Gaud, in Ami. Sc. N a t. vol. v. p. 103, et in Freyc. Voy. Bot, p. 135. B ’ JJrville in JUm. Soc. L in n . Faris,
vol. iv. p. 610 (sub nomine candicans). Cacalia lanuginosa. B ank s et Sol. M S S . in Bibl. Banks, cum icone.
“ Plante à feuiUes de bouiUon blanc” , Fernetty Voy. vol. ii. p. 60. (Ta b. CIX.)
H a b. Strait of MagaUiaens, tbrougbont Enegia and tb e FaUdand Islands ; abnndant, on sandy
Tbis species is most alUed to one of tbe radiate group, tbe S. Smithii, DC. It abounds wherever sandy beaches
occur, from Cape Fairweather on the Patagonian coast, to tbe soutb part of Tierra del Fuego. In tbe Falkland
Islands it forms a rank herbage about a yard high in such situations.
P late CIS. Fig. 1, receptacle and portion of tbe involucre ; fig. 3, a flower ; fig. 3, setæ of tbe pappus ; fig. 4,
stamens ; fig. 5, ripe achænium :—all 7.
2 . S e n e c io P i z / a / iw t e « - « , Hook, et Am.; fruticosus, arachnoideo-tomentosus, foliis lineari-oblongis oblongo
lanceolatisve subacutis integerrimis supra medio canaUculatis marginibus revolutis, capitulis corymbosis
longius pedicellatis 5-7-cepbalis, involucri late campanulati calyculati foliosis lineari-oblongis subacutis
fuscescentibus corollis brerioribus. S. Patagonicus, Hook, et A rn. in Bot. Journ. vol. Ui. p. 344.
Var. a, foliis hnearibus lineari-oblongisve.
Var. foliis oblongo-v. lineari-lanceolatis. S. Hookeri, Hornb. et Jacq. Voy. au Foie Sud, Bot. Fhan.
Bicot. 1 .13. A.
H ab. Var. a. P o rt Famine; Capt. King. Y^ar./3, Strait of MagaUiaens; M M . Hornbron and Jacquinot.
Rami teretes, lana appressa vestiti. Folia omnia integerrima, uncialia, nuiiquam exemplaribus meis fasciculata.
Capitula \ unc. longa et lata.
Tbis species may be recognized by tbe quite entire somewhat rigid and suberect leaves, by tbe elongated
pedicels of tbe capitula, wbicb are rather rounded at the base, half an inch long and equally broad. Tbe leaves
in JIM. Hombron and Jacquinot’s figure of S. Hookeri are somewhat fasciculate ; tbe same state was gathered at
Cape Fairweather both by Capt. King and Mr. Darwin.
3. Senecio Andersoni, H o o k .fil.; caule ascendente suffrutescente? laxe lanato, foliis suberectis
patulisve anguste lineari-oblongis lineari-lanceolatisve subflaccidis acutis acummatisve integris v. apicem
versus lobatis marginibus recurvis laxe arachnoideo-lanatis, capitulis paucis majusculis longe et gi'aciliter
pediceUatis, involucri late campanulati fohoUs linearibus arachnoideis glabriusculisve disco brevioribus.
Var. a, foliis latioribus inferioribus superne dilatatis lobatis.
Var. f t foliis anguste linearibus acuminatis integerrimis, involucri squamis glabriusculis angustioribus.
H ad. a aud f t Strait of Magalhaens, P o rt F amine; Capt. King.
Kolia l i - 2 unc. longa, integerrima v. versus apices dUatata et 2-4-lobata, acuta v. acuminata, lana decidua.
Pedicelli 2-3 une. longi. Capitula f unc. longa.
Distinguished from the foregoing, of which it may eventuaUy prove a variety, by the larger and more Saccid
foliage, by the very long and slender pedicels, the somewhat larger capitula, and nan-ower involucral scales.
4. Senecio la n y a u s ii, Homh. et Jacq. ; carde suffrutescente gracih basi ramoso laxe lanato, fohis
fasciculatis hnearibus hneari-oblongisve subacutis integerrimis v. apice grosse dentatis margimbus revolutis
subter præcipne lanatis, eapituhs parvis corymbosis pediceUatis campanulatis medio constrictis, mvolucn
squamis hnearibus subacutis arachnoideis disco brevioribus. S. Danyaush, Homb. et Jacq. 1. c. t. 13. B.
Var. a, folhs integerrimis, eapituhs majoribus.
Var. f t fohis apice dentatis lobatisve, eapituhs mmoribus.
H ab. Strait of Magalhaens, var. P o rt P e ck e tt; M M . Hombron and, Jacquinot. Var. ii, Po rt
P e ck e tt; H . and J . P o rt Gregory; Capt. King.
Caules exemplaribus meis varietatis (3 spithamæi, fohosi. Kolia i - f nnc. longa, superiora integerrima,
pleraque apicem versus 1-3-dentata v. lobata. PediceUi unciales, gracües. Capitula | une. longa, medio ex mvolucn
foliolis paulo inflexis constricta.
The figure of the var. ft given in the work quoted above, is very characteristic of Capt. King’s specimens, but
it may belong to a different species from the S. Danyamii, in which the capitida are represented larger and not
constricted at the mouth ot the involucre. A veiy extensive suite of the MageUanic Senecwnes is reqim'ed to settle
the limits of the species, if they reaUy are limited, for every different locality seems to furnish a form not found
in another.
5 . S enecio floccidus, Ilomb. et Jacq. in Voy. a uF o le Sud, Bot. Bicot. Fhan. 1 .12. e .
H a b . Strait of Magalliaens, M 3 L Hombron and Jacquinot.
I do not recognize this species amongst those from South Chili, Fuegia and Patagonia that I have examined.
6 . Senecio exUis, Homb. et Jacq. 1. c. t. 13. C.
H ab. Strait of Magalhaens, P o rt P e ck e tt; M M . Hombron and Jacquiiiot.
7. Senecio Laseguei, Homb. et Jacq. 1. c. t. 13. D.
H ab. Strait of Magalliaens, P o rt P e ck e tt; M 3 L Hombron and Jacqui7iot.
I am quite ignorant of these two species, which seem to belong to this section, but of which no descriptions
have hitherto appeared.
§ I I . Discoideæ, glabrata v. glaherri7noe.
8. S e n e c io vulgaris, Linn. Sp. F l. n. 1 2 1 6 . Engl. Bot. t. 7 4 7 .
H ab. Falkland Is lan d s ; abundant, b u t undoubtedly introduced.