
446 FLORA ANTARCT ICA. [Fuegia, the
9 1 , JuNBEEMANKIA coiifiuens, Tayl. in lo n d . Jo um . Bot. vol.üi. p .4 7 8 . (Tab .CLX I. K g .V II.in pai-t.)
H a b . Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; on the bare ground in woods. FaUdand Islands and Cluistmas
Hai'boui', Kerguelen’s Land ; on moist banks.
Laxe cæspitosa, Frondes flacddissimi, 2 nnc. longi, erecti. Caulis simplidnscnlus, foliis imbricatis omnino
oeclusns, subrnfescens, gracilis. Folia alterna, teuen-ima, madore camosiuscula, siccitate membranacea, oegre resus-
citeutia, et inter se quasi confluentia (hinc frons prima visu continua et lobata), basi latissima, bis latiora quam
louga, longe decun-entia, fere amplexicanlia, semi-orbiciüaria, apice rotimdata v. retusa, areolis majusculis. Imolu-
erim terminale, sessile, erectum, cylhidi-aceum, compressum, ore eroso-dentato. Seta unciahs, gracilis. Capsula
ovato-globosa, irregulariter v. regulariter rumpens. Flateres brevissimi. Calyptra hregidariter nipta, pai'te superiore
stylo persistente tenuinata. Antheræ ovato-oblongæ, biseriales, substantia frondis hnmersæ, liquido oleaginoso
A geims alhed to Fossomiroiiia, bnt the structm-e of the involucre, apparently formed very much out of the
frond itself, is quite dissimilai-. The involucre is tei-minal in this species, bnt lateral in a Brazihan congener, which
was long regarded as identical, and smooth ; when terminal, winged from the adhesion to its sm-face of the npper
abbreviated leaves : it is either truncated or obscm-ely two-hpped. The young spores are united by fours in a
transpai-eiit membrane. The di-awing of the fruit is taken from Brazilian specimens of an ahied species, or perhaps
variety, collected by J lr. Gardner ; the leaves of the Antarctic plant having become so fii-mly united midei- pressiu-e,
that no maceration would sepai-ate them satisfactoi-ily.
In the ‘ Synopsis Hepaticarnm’ of Nees, Lindenberg and Gottsche, the generic name has been changed to
Androcryphia, with the follow-ing explanation. “ Noteroclada nomen Græce cum sonet neque Groeci esse possit
origiiiis, (scil. vâros tergum non dat varepov, neque x^óBov sive rami character hoc loco succiu-rit) ; substituere
aliiid nomen ægre id quidem meciim sustiniii.” (I. e. p. 470.) The derivation of the name being, however, i/onjpis
“ madidiis,” sufficiently vindicates the adoption of Notei'oclada.
Pl.ATE CLXI. Fiy. VII. (in part.)— 1, Brazihan, and 2, Falkland Island specimen, of the natural size ; 3, branch,
leaves, &c., of the Brazihan specimen ; 4, leaf of ditto ; 5, corolla of ditto :—magnijied.
(1 8 . F ossomekonia, Sees.)
9 2 . J u n g e r m a n n i a L.
H a b . Kerguelen’s L a n d ; on banks amongst moss, &c.
Also a native of New Zealand, and probably not an uncommon plant in tbe temperate parts ofthe Southem
as it is of the Noi-tlieni hemisphere.
1. Marchantía pofjoKuryi/i«, L . Flor. Antaret. P t. 1. p. 1 6 8 .
H a b . Fuegia, the Falkland Islands, and Kerguelen’s Land ; very abundant.
This is perhaps the most ividely dispersed of Hepaticæ, ranging from the Arctic circle to the 57 th degree of
south latitude.
1. Anthoceros yiKiicfofKS, L.
H a b . Hermite Island, Cape Horn, and th e Falkland Islan d s; very common.
FalMands, e lc ] FLO RA ANTARCTICA. 447
(By the Eev. M. J. B e ek e l e t .)
1 . A g a r ic u s longinquus, Berk.; pileo obhquo suborbiculari albo demum palhde fusco glabro nitente,
strato superiore gelatinoso, stipite curto quandoque brevissimo palhde flavo-fusco basi albo-floccoso, lamehis
albis subfui-catis, interstiths lævibus. (T a b . C L X III. Fig . V.)
H a b. Hermite Island, Cape Ho rn ; on dead wood near th e sea.
Fileus i uno. et ultra latus, tennis, obhque ovatus vel semioi-bicularis, primum subtihter priiinosus, mox autem
glaben-imus, nitens; margine striato; stratum epidermale gelatinosum. Stipes sìa hneam exsiiperans quandoque
ohsoletus, æqualis, primum centrahs, deinde excentricus aut omnino lateralis, subtihter pruinosus, demum glaber,
pallide flavo-fuscus, ad matrioem basi tomentosa affixus. Lamellæ albæ, distantiusculæ, snbfurcatæ, prope marginem
præsertim snbventricosæ, decma-entes, intei-stitiis lævibus, non reticulatis.
The neai-est ally of this species is perhaps Ag. rnitis, Pers., but the stem is not dilated upwards and the pileus is
seldom perfectly lateral. Its colom-, too, is different, and it has not the same opake appearance when di-y. The
upper stratum is gelatinous, though the pileus is dry externally ; a character common to several closely alhed species.
I t resembles also some smaller forms of Ag. algiius, Fr.. but that is at first resupinate, whereas in the present speeie-s
the stem is normal, though, as in most of the smaller exoentric Agarics, occasionally obsolete. I do not know any
otber species with which it is necessary to compare it.
P late C lS J l l . Fig. F .— \ , Agaricus Berk., of the natural size, from rather young specimens ;
2, another :— m
2. A garicus exquisitas, Berk.; minimus, tenerrinms, pileo ferrugineo subtihter pulverulento, stipite
brevi filiformi sm-smn incrassato pulverulento pileo concolori, basi dilatata irregulariter floccoso-membranacea,
lamellis paucissimis ventricosis siibliberis albo-marginatis interstitiisque lævibus ferrugineis.
H ab, P o rt Louis, Fatkland Islands ; on stems of Chiliotrielmm amelloides.
Fileus membranaceus, 1 hn. latus. orbiculm-is, subtihter pulveriilentus, ferrugmeus. Stipes 2 liu. altus,
filiformis, sui-smn inci-assatiis. flexuosus, piilveriUentus, pileo concolor. basi disco ii-regulari flexiioso-membrauaceo
aflixus. Lameïlæ paucæ (6), subliberoe, ferrugmeo-fnscæ, interstitiis latis lævibus.
This elegant httle Agaric differs fi-om Ag. horizontalis. Bull,, an ünperfectly known species, which I have received
from Dr. Léveülé and have myself gathered on the tnmks of trees in the park at Burleigh, near Stamford, in being
altogether more dehcate, in the membranaceous pileus, and especially in the absence of smaller giUs between tbe
larger. The pileus of Ag. horizontalis also is much darker when dry.
3. AG.AEICÜS Glebarum, Berk.; pdeo carnoso late nmbonato glabro pallide fusco, stipite brevi glabro
sursum subincrassato solido, basi mycelio fioccoso affixa, lamellis latiusculis adiiatis horizontalibus fulvis.
(Tab. CLX II. Fig. I I I .)
H a b . Berkeley Sound, F-alklaud Islands ; gr-owing out of tufts ot B olax on th e hills, where it endures -a
great degree of wet and cold.
Fileus 4 unc. latus, glaberrimus, subhemisphericus, umbouatus, pro ratione valde carnosus, senectute rugosus ;
nequáquam viscidus. Stipes f unc. altus. H 'k - ™5siis, solidus, subtihter fibrillosiis, sm-sum incrassatus, basi ad