ovato-oblonga v. subquadrata, basi lata deeurrente, plerumque rotundata, apicem versus setis duabus subidatis
divaricatis aucta, bine quasi bicaudiculata, non raro autem truncata v. subemarginata, superiora interdum acuta v.
apiculata. Stipula profunde bifidæ, sæpius in lacinias duas subulatas parallelas v. paulo divergentes partitæ,
37. Ju n g e rm a n n ia planimcida, Hook. fil. et Tayl.;, laxe cæspitosa, caule procumbente ramoso, foliis
membranaceis tenerrimis disticbis laxe imbricatis patentibus ovato-rotundatis basi obliquis latioribus decurrentibus
integerrimis, stipulis ovatis apice bifidis utrinque unidentatis rarinsve integris. (Tab. LXV. Fig. II.)
H ab. Lord Auckland’s group ; on wet rocks near tbe sea, in tbe beds of streams, &c., forming large
Cæspites majusculi, 3-4 imc. lati, fusco-purpurei, innovationibus pallide olivaceis. Caules nigricantes, sub 2
imc. longi, flaccidi, vage ramosi, procumbentes v. prostrati. Folia magnitudine varia, plerumque majuscula, 1^ lin.
longa, laxe cellulosa, tenerrima, pellucida, apicibus rotundatis sæpe recurvis, marginibus interdum imdulatis. Stipulæ
bifidæ, segmentis subulatis erectis approximatis.
This exhibits much the habit and mode of gi-owth of the last, but is a widely different and far larger plant ; it is
very vaiiable in size, some of the shoots on the same branch having leaves not half the length of others.
P late LXV. Fig. II.—1, specimen of the natural size; 2, branch ivith stipule and leaf;*3, leaf; 4 and 5,
stipules; magnified.
(9. Cheiloscyphus, Corda.)
38. Ju n g e rm a n n ia australis, Hook. fil. et Tayl. ; cæspitosa, procumbens, caule ramoso, fobis imbricatis
suberectis rotundatis basi superne sublobatis inferne decurrentibus, stipubs bipartitis varie sectis segmentis
plerumque basi dentatis, fructu in ramis brevibus terminab, cdyce oblongo curvato subcompresso
bialato bilabiato labus rotundatis obscure crenatis. (Tab. LXV. Fig. III.)
H a b . Lord Auckland’s group and Campbell’s Island; moist banks in the woods and on trunks of trees.
Cæspites 2-3 une. lati. Caules robusti, suberecti v. procumbentes, vage ramosi, nunc inter JSepaticas ahas
sobtarii, sub 1 unc. longi, fusco-brunnei, sæpe per totam longitudinem radicantes. Folia inferiora subpatentia,
superiora imbricata, erecta, appressa, oblongo-rotimdata, apicibus rotundatis integerrimis, cellulis plerumque majuscubs
opacis. Stipulæ forma variæ, plerumque oblongæ et bifidæ, utrinque basi unidentatæ, segmentis divaiicatis
acuminatis, rarius subquadratæ, quadrifidæ, v. quadridentatæ. Calyx exsertus, paulo curvatus, oblon^s, basi cybndra-
ceus, superne compressus, bialatus, alis subundulatis, ore obhquo bilabiato, labiis divergentibus obscure crenulatis.
The fertile branches of this plant are short, with about five pairs of leaves, of which the upper, or perichætial,
are oblong, and the corresponding stipule is the largest and most deeply laciniated. A broken capsule, found within
the calyx, contained rounded angular seeds and slender much-twisted spiral filaments, each formed of a double helix,
The barren plant strongly resembles some states of J. polyanthos, L., but in the fertile plant the oblong winged
cdlya, the included calyptra, and the more divided and toothed stipules abundantly distinguish it.
Plate LXV. Fig. III.—1, specimen of the natural size; 2, branch and calyx; 3, leaves and stipule; 4 and 5,
stipules: :
39. Jungermannia Billardieri, Schweeg. Muse. Hepat. Frock, p. 19. Hook. Muse. Exot. t. 61. Chei-
loscyphus, Corda, Nees et auctorum.
H a b . Lord Auckland’s group and Campbell’s Island; abundant in the woods and in marshes on the
40. J ungermannia Hook.; Muse. Exot. i. 12^. Cheboscyphus,
H a b . Lord Auckland’s group; on the trunks of dead trees. Sec., in the woods,
41. J ungermannia sinuosa, Hook. ; MurSc. Exot. 1 .113. Cheüoscyphus, auctorum.
H a b . Lord Auckland’s group ; at the roots of trees, growing mixed with mosses.
Om’ specimens arc quite white, the leaves, and especially the stipules, broader than in the figure quoted above ;
the latter renifonn, with shorter laciniæ.
4 2 . J u n g e r ä ia n n ia leucophjlla, Hook. fil. et Tayl.; laxe cæspitosa, caulibus erectis elongatis subramosis
gracilibus, foliis arcte imbricatis patentibus membranaceis convexis subtriangularibus una cum stipulis
coalitis marginibus recurvis cüiato-dentatis, stipulis oblongis erectis marginibus recurvis eroso-dentatis,
calyce elongato oblongo compresso bñabiato labiis denticulatis, perigoim foliis confertis abbreviatis. (T a b .
LXV. Fig. IV.)
IL yb. Lord Auckland’s group ; on the ground in the woods, generally mixed with other species.
Caules laxe cæspitosi, dispersi, flavo-fusci v. paRide brunnei, tenues, curvati, vage ramosi, vix 1 unc. lati, cum
foliis stipulisque subtrigoni. Folia una cum stipulis in laminam triangulärem horizontaliter patentem perfohatam
omnino coalita, marginibus recurvis seu potius deflexis, substantia tenera pehucida laxe cehulosa. Pei-igonia ter-
miualia v. lateraba, ramis angustiora, conspicua, fohis brevioribus quam foba caubna magisque confertis. Antheræ
3-4, pediceUatæ, minimæ.
A weh raai'ked and beautiful species.
P late LXV. Fig. IV.—1, a specimen of the natural size; 2, front, 3, back, and 4, side view of a branch ;
43. Ju n g e r m a n n i a Hook. fil. etTayl.; caule prostrato subramoso, foliis disticliis obbque
patentibus densis arcte imbricatis ovatis obtusis apices versus grosse dentatis, marginibus decurvis inferiore
integerrimo basi decurrente, superiore cum stipula rotundata fimbriato-lacera coabto. Cbeiloscyphus fissi-
stipus, Gottsche, Lehm. et Lind. Spec. Hepat. (ined.)
H a b . Lord Auckland’s group ; on the dead and decaying trunks of trees, in the woods.
This beautiful and strongly scented species is a near aby of J. coalita. Hook.; but in that the leaves are simply
bifid at the apex, in this they are toothed repeatedly, and the stipules are much more divided, besides being generaUy
distinctly bifid at the apex owing to the terminal pah of teeth being more remote than the others.
(1 0 . L epidozea, Bumort.)
44. J ungermannia lævifolia, Hook. fil. etTayl.; cæspitosa, implexa, caule elongato pimiato, ramis
breviuscubs patentibus attenuatis recurvis, fobis stipulisque quadrato-rotundatis quadrifidis rarius tri-quinque-
fidis segmentis' acutis incurvis, calyce in ramis inferioribus abbreviatis terminab lanceolato acuminato sub
orem denticulatum pbcato.
H ab. Lord Auckland’s gi-oup and CampbeU’s Island; at the roots of trees, &c., abundant.
Cæspites plani, appressi, subdensi, dilute flavo-brunnei v. obvacei. Caules graciles, 1 -2 unc. longi, ramis divaricatis.
Folia horizontaliter patentia, caule obhque inserta, remota, lævia, paUida, pehucida. Stipulæ F magnitudinis
folii. Perichætium perbreve, e fobis paucis erectis appressis quam fohis caulinis minus profunde sectis.
cylindi’acea ; semina numerosa, luride-brimnea, globosa ; fila sphabter torta, elongata, hehce duplici.
2 H
■ m