
i l ii;n
Scotland, also ou the east coast of North America, the West Indies, and on the west coast of South America. It
is singular- that Kerguelen’s Land should be its only hitherto recorded locality in the Southern Hemisphere.
3. C o n f e r v a Sandmcensis, Ag. ; Syst. Alg. p. 92. (T a b . CXCII. Fig. I I .)
H ab. Berkeley Sound, Falkland Islan d s; in pools of fresh water, and hanging fr-om wet rocks.
Massa pedalis et ultra, mollissima, pallide sed læte viridis, e filis teiiiussimis ai-achnoideis densissime fastigiatis
constans. M a hyalina, flaccidissima, simplicissima, rix intertexta, aciem oculorum fugicntia. Articuli diametro
duplo longiores, subvitrei ; sacculo endochromatis interno medio constricto, læte virente, pellucido.
Our specimens entirely agree \rith Agardli’s description of a plant brought from the Sandwich Islands by
M. Gaudichaud.
Plate CXCII. Mg. TI.— 1, plant of the natiu-al size ; 2, portion of a thread ; 3 & 4, other portions of ditto ;
—^both very highly inagnijied.
4 . Conferva angulata, Hook. fil. et Harv. ; fluitans reptansve, filis simplicibus tenuissimis breribus
strictiusculis hic iUic incrassatis angulatisque angulis radíenlo ramulove abnormali auctis, articulis diametro
3-5-plo longioribus coloratis, endochromate siccitate contracto. Nobis in Lond. Journ. Bo t. vol. iv. p. 295.
(T a b . C X C I . Fig. I I .)
H a b . Clu-istmas Harbom*, Kerguelen’s Land ; common in streams, pools, and lakes of fresh water,
MU intertexta, tenuissime capiUacea, in massam pallide riresceutem subnitentem conferta. Articuli siccitate
contracti, æquales, nunc medio incrassati, nucleati, rarissime rammn emittentes, sæpissime radicula parva uniarti-
culata aucti, nunc geniculatim curvati.
Alhed to the British C. lomhydna, but readily distinguishable by its greater rigidity, angular flexures, radicles
and different incrassations, which do not appear to us of the same character as those of Mr-. Hassall’s genus ‘ Vesi-
culifera.' The filaments are sometimes ramified, though very rai-ely, and perhaps only at the very base : the branch
is always at right angles to the filament.
P late CXCI. Mg. II.—1, plant in mass, of the natural size ; 2, thread of ditto ; 3, portion of ditto with
branch ; 4, ditto with rootlets ? ; 5, ditto with swollen joint :—aU very highly magnified.
5 . Con fer v a ambigua. Hook. fil. et H a rv .; filis basi intertextis adnatis? capillaribus rigidulis nigro-
virescentibus longe fluctuantibus simplicibus hic iUic spurie? ramosis radicantibus, nunc processubus
lateralibus anastomosantibus auctis diametro 2-3-plo longioribus opacis sacculo endochromatis repletis.
Nobis in Lond. Journ. Bot. vol. iv. p. 295. (T a b . CXCI. Fig. 1.)
H a b . Clmstmas Harbour, Kerguelen’s Land ; iu the sea.
MU 4-5 unc. longa, basi in stratum densum intertexta, deinde Ubera, elongata, massam crinitara efficientia.
P late CXCI. Fig. I.—1, plant of the natural size ; 2, filament from ditto :—magnified.
6. Con fer v a quadratula. Hook. fil. et Hai-v. ; pusilla, fibs tenuibus pallide viridibus ilexuosis intric-atis
cylindraceis, articulis quadratis siccitate endochromate coUapso notatis. (T a b . CXCI. Fig. IV.)
H a b . Christmas Harbour, Kerguelen’s L an d ; in pools and streams of fresh water; very common.
Fila simphcissima, sub A unc. longa, in strato dilute viridia, implicata, crispata, diametro C.fioccosoe duplo
triplove superantia. Articuli longitudine diametrum æquantes, cyhndracei, ad nodos non constricti, pellucidi,
endochromate plerumque in massam lincarem viridcm coUapso medio notati.
P late CXCI. Fig. IV.—1, plant of the natm-al size ; 2, thread li-om ditto ; 3, portion of ditto ;—both very
highly magnified.
Falklands, etc?)
1 C o n fe rv a Hook. ffl. et Haiv. ; fflis simplicibus basi bitcrtextis brereusculis fltetuautibus
flexuosis flaccidis flavo-viridibus cylmcb-aceis, articulis opaeis elongato-quacbatis dmmetro i- 2 - p lo lo n ^ o n b u s
sacculo endocliTomatis repletis integumento externo sæpissime incrassato nodoso. ( I ab. OXUl. i'ig . i i i - J
H ab. Cliristmas Harbour, Kerguelen’s Land ; in streams of fresh water, attached to stones or earth.
Massæ unciam latæ, nunc latius extcnsee, pallide vh-escentes. Mia flexuosa, i unc. longa, laxe intertexta,
opaca, c basi simplicissima, cylindracea, subæquilonga. Articuli cylindracei, sacculo endochromatis replcti, saep.s-
sime, oh tegumentum externum morbo affectum, incrassati et nodosi.
A remarkably distinct little species, forming patches in the water. The threads are densely tnfted, curled, and
ascending rather stont in proportion to their length, hut flaccid and somewhat soft in consistence; they are generally
covered at some part ot their length with a thickened opaque substance, of irregnlar form, extending over
several of the joints at once, hut more or less evidently protubérant on one side of the thread. This appearance
seems due to a diseased condition o fth e outer membrane ; for the sac of endochrome is often seen to be imchanged
beneath this thickening, which sometimes increases the filament to twice its usual diameter.
PL.ATE CXCI. % . I I I . - 1 , plant o fth e natural size; 2, healthy filament; 3, portion of altered d itto ;—
higlily magnified.
1. C la d o p u o ra rupestris, L in n .; B ilh v . IJist. B r it. Conf. t. 23.
H a b . Cliristmas Harbour, Kerguelen’s Land ; on rocks in th e sea.
These specimens are very characteristic of the northem 0. rupestris, which inhabits aU latitudes hetween the
Arctic Circle and Mediterranean Sea on the west coast of Europe.
2. C la d o p h o e a Jlexuosa ; Bilim. H ist. B r it. Conf. 1 .10.
Berkeley Sound, Falkland Islands ; in the sea.
Specimens not very satisfactory, but we think referable to tlds speeies. The raimdi are sceiuul, and the other
characters of C. flexuosa are tolerably erident.
3. CmADOPHORA arcta ; Bilho. B r it. Conf. Suppl. t. E.
Var. centralis, Conferva centralis, Lgngh. et auct.
H ab. Ileniflte Island, Cape Horn, and in tlie Falkland Islands ; very abmidant, in tlie sea.
Decidedly the European plant of the name, which is a native of the German and North Alhintie Ocean.
-1. Cladopuora njicr««, E o tli; E n g l.B o t.
H ab. Christmas Harbour, Kerguelen’s L a u d ; ou rocks near liigli-water maik.
A native also of the German Ocean, tlic North Sea, and West Indian Islands.
5. C la d o p u o ra Falklandica, Hook. fil. et Harv. ; fflis deusissime cæspitosis llaccidis Ilexuosis intricate
ramosissimis læte virescentibus, ramis secundariis longissimis subsimplicibus mididatis flexuosis brevibus
secundis, ramulis patentibus distantibus, articulis graiiidiferis diametro triplo-quintuplo longioribus. Nobis
in Lond. Journ. Bot. vol. iv. p. 29-1. (T a b . C X C IIl. l*ig. I.)
H ab. Berkeley Sound, mid St. Salvador Bay, Falkland Islan d s; on muddy rocks in th e sea, abundant.
Cicspites 0-10 uuc. loiigi, deusissime fastigiati, c fllis flexuosis intertextis gi-acillimis quasi crinitis formati. Rami
llcxuosi, elongati : secundarii valde elongati, simplices. ramidis brevibus longioribiisvo patentibus secundis oniati.