
: li Mi'
Vni. 3. caulibus 2-3-poUicaribus, foliis angustioribus luteo-viridibus nitentibus inferioribus fuscis.
Var. 4. caule elongato graciliore.
Var. 5. caule elongato, foliis subcirrhosis brevinerviis.
T? trees (barren).
Falkland Islmrds; 5. springy places, forming large green masses. Kerguelen’s L an d ; var. 3. wet places
on the lulls (barren) ; var. 4. wet bogs (bairen).
The second of these varieties resembles very closely the European plant.
8. H ypnum subpilosum, Hook. fll. et W ü s .; caule fastigiato-ramoso, foliis cordato-ovatis imbricatis
suberectis acummatis subpiliferis coucavis striatis serndatis ruptiuerviis. (T.yb. CLIV. Fig. IV.)
H a b . Hermite Island, Cape H o rn ; in moist eartb, near the tops of the hdls, altitude 1500 feet.
Monoicum. Caules laxe cæspitosi. ,esquiuneinles, vage ramosi, subfastigiati ; rami patentes, snbrecnrvi
Foha arcte imbricata, suberecta, cordato-ovata. repente acuminata, acnmine fere pdiformi, reflcxiuscula concava
snbpbcata, serrulata. nervo orasso medio exarata, læte viridia. inferiora squadda, areoHs angustis. Seta inferne lævis’
superne scabriuscula. (Cætera desunt).
Closely allied to B . rutabulum, but smaller and more rigid, the leaves more closely imbricated and almost
Plate CLIV. Fig. IV.—1, plant of the natm-al size; 2, ieaS magnified.
H ypnum albicans. Did. Neck. ; Hedw. Muse. Frond, vol. 4 . t. 5. H o o k et Tayl. Muse. F r it. p. 1 6 7 .
t. XXV.
V’ar. caule elougato, fodis luteo-viridibus.
H ab. H e rm ite ls la n d ; in moist places and streams, not uncommon (barren).
This resembles Var. 4. of Ä rutabulum, but has more distinctly striated leaves.
10. H ypnum serpens, Did. L in n .; Hedw. Muse. Frond, vol. iv. t. 18. Hook et Tayl. Muse F r it
p. lo 3 . t. xxiv.
Var. 1. foliis subsecundis subsolidinerviis.
Var. 2. foliis ovatis brevioribus latioribus.
H ab. Kerguelen’s L an d ; both varieties on the rhizomata of the “ Cabbage” , Pringlea, (barren),
d. Foliis imbricatis subenerviis, seta laterali.
11. H ypnum chlamydophyllum, Hook.fil. e tW ils .; Fl. Antaret. pt. 1. p. 1 3 9 . t. d x . flg. i.
H ab. Hermite Is lan d ; moist rocks on the hid-tops, altitude 1400 ft., rare.
Also a native of Tasmania and Campbell's Island.
12. H ypnum a urieulafum-, Montagne in Voy. au Pole Sud, Fot. Crypt, p. 3 3 1 . t. 20. f. 3.
H ab . Strait of Magalhaens, M, Jacquinot.
13. H ypnum ludduhm.. Hook. fil. et Wds. ; caule ramoso humili, foliis erecto-patentibus ovato-acumi-
uaris apice attenuatis integerrimis margine reflexis basi 1-2-nerviis, seta lævi, theca cemua ovato-oblonga.
(iAB. OLV. hig. I.) °
Falklands, e tc ] F LO EA ANTAECTICA. 419
H ab. Hermite Is la n d ; on banks and moist rocks in th e evergreen beech-woods, ab u n d an t; also in
crevices of rocks on th e hdls.
Caules semiunciales et ultra, cæspitosi, ramosi, molles, fragiles. Folia confetta, imbricata, erecto-patentia vix
secunda, ovato-acnminata, concaviuscula, apice attenuata, siibpilifera, tenera, margine reflexa, basi 1-2-nervia,
pallide viridia, nitida, tenuissime areolata ; perichætialia ovata, hreviter acuminata, erecta, integerrima. Seta 7-8
lin. longa, læris, apice incurvata, rubra. Tìieea ovato-oblonga, basi attenuata, curvula, e setæ apice curvata cemua,
bi'imnea, Feristomium externum luteum, internum albescens, ciliolis binis.
Tills moss bears some resemblance to H. Silesianurn, Schwaegr., but is quite distinct in character, and allied
also to IL adnalum., Hedw., from which it differs in the flaccid leaves, recurved at the margin.
P late CLV. Fig. I.—1, plant of the natural size ; 2 and 3. leaves ; 4 and 5, thecæ ;—magnified.
ills squarrosis.
14. H ypnum aciculare, Brid. ; Schwaegr. Suppl. I. vol. ii. p. 280. t. 92. Fl. Antarct. p t. 1. p. 140.
H ab. Staten Land, A . Menzies, Fsq. Hermite Is lan d ; in woods near th e sea, not uncommon.
A very abundant plant in the South temperate and colder regions.
f. Foliis secundis nervosis.
15. H ypnum eonspissatum, Hook. fll. e t WUs. ; caule elougato ramoso, fodis patentibus secundis ovato-
lanceolatis acuminatis integerrimis margine incrassatis soddinerviis. (Ta b , CLV. Fig. I I I .)
Ta r. 2. caule longiore, foliis latioribus.
Var. 3, foliis longioribus magis acnminatis.
H ab. Kerguelen’s L and ; var. 1, boggy places, common (barren). Falkland Islands ; var. 2, (barren).
D r. L y a ll ; var. 3, growing in waters (barren).
Caules fluitantes, biunciales ad semipedales, ramosi, fastigiati; rami simplices. ascendentes. Folia laxe imbricata,
plus minus falcato-secunda, rigidula, crassiuscula, opaca, margine valde incrassata, nervo continuo exarata,
-uniora intense viridia, cætera lurido-viridia, interdum fuscescentia, inferiora nisi nervus margoqiie incrassata plerumque
tabcscentia, (Cætera desunt.)
In the leaves this moss has a close afiinity with Cinclidotus, but the aspect is that of Hypnum rusdfolium.
P l a t e CLV. Fig. H I.—1, plant of the natural size ; 3 and S, leaves ; 4, apex of ditto magnified.
16. lU-nritìU filicinicm. Did. Linn. ; Hedw. Sp. Muse. p. 258. t. 76. Hook, et Tayl. Muse. B r it. p. 183.
t. xxvi. Fl. Antarct. p t. 1. p. 141.
Var. 2. I'obustius, foliis eldptico-lanceolatis angustioribus.
Var. 3. omnia var. 2, sed foliis vix secundis.
A^ar. 4. foliis vix secundis latioribus erectis acuminatis.
H a b . Falkland Islan d s; var, 1, rocky fresh-water streams, and wet sandy places; var. 3, I)r . LyaU.
Hermite Island ; Cape Horn ; var. 4, wet rocks and sandy places. Kerguelen’s Land ; vai. 2, boggy places,
These varieties are all very similar to the plant mentioned in the first part of this work.
17. I I ypnom yiaraifo.™». Hook, fil e t AVils. ; caule repente subpinnato, fodis falcato-secundis ovato-
lanceolatis acuminatis striatis serrulatis ruptinerviis, seta scabra, theca cernua obovato-oblonga. (T a b. CLA’,
Fig. II.)
ï - ” I