
Caules 3—4 unciales, gi'acbes, laxe cæspitosi, parce ramosi; ramis erectis. Folia laxe imbricata ut in II. elongato,
sed multo minora et e basi subquadrata gi-adatim attenuata, minute serrulata, nervo valido apice incrassato
subexcuiTentc instructa, ai-eoEs minimis subrotundis v. pimctiformibus.
This moss might readily be taken for a slender state of the H. elongatum, nobis, from which it is tndy distinct
in the lower part of the leaf being subquadrate, angled on each side a little above the base, thence tapering gradually
to a point, in the margin being more minutely senated, the nerve stronger, and in the smaller reticulation.
P late LX. Fig. IV.—1, a specimen of the natural size ; 2 and 3, leaves ; 4, portion of a leaf, shelving the reticulation
5 . H ypnum scabrifoliim, Hook. fil. et W ils .; caule pinnatim ramoso, foliis laxe imbricatis ovato-lan-
ceolatis acuminatis margine scabris dorso papiUosis nervo valido subexcurrente. (Tab. LX. Eig. VI.)
H a b . Lord Auckland’s g ro u p ; barren. [Dr. Lya ll.)
Caides unciales et ultra, ramis interdum divisis. FoUa caulina dissita, patentia, snbreciuva ; ramuhna minora,
laxe imbricata, erecto-patentia, vix secunda, siccitate inciuva, nen'o continuo, omnia mai'gine scabra subdenticulata,
glaucescentia, areolis miiiimis punctiformibus opaeis.
TMs is one of the discoveiies of my zealous friend Dr. Lyall, the value of whose collection is particularly noticed
in the preface to tMs work. The number of mosses aud sea-weeds especially, brought home from the Antarctic
regions, was much increased tM'ough that officer’s unwearied exertions.
Nearly allied to the H. crispifolium, Hook. (Muse. Exot. t. 31), but smaller, with the leaves neither plicate nor
P late LX. F ig .Y l.—1, a specimen of the « « ¿ « r « / 2, a branch; 3 (and 4, leaves; 5, apex of ditto:—
* * Foliis ruptinerciis.
6. Hybnujm rutabukm, L . ; caule procnmbente vage ramoso, ramis snbcompressis, foliis patentibus
laxe imbricatis ovatis acuminatis subserrulatis nervo ad medium evanido, seta scabra, theca cernua ovata,
operculo conico. II. rutabulum. Limi. Sp. Fl. p. 1590. Hedw. Muse. Frond, vol. iv. p. 2 9 . 1 .12. Hook,
et Tayl. Muse. Frit. p. 176. t. 26.
H iYB. Lord Auckland’s group and Campbell’s Is lan d ; in marshy situations.
There are two varieties in the collection, both of them barren.
7. H ypnum serpens, L. ; caule subpinnatim ramoso, ramulis simpliciusculis filiformibus suberectis,
foliis patentibus ovatis acuminatis evanidinennis, theca cemua oblonga, operculo convexo subconico acuto.
H . serpens, Linn. Sjo. Fl. p. 1596. Hedwig, Muse, Frond, vol. iv. p. 45. 1 .18. Hook, et Tayl. Muse. Brit.
p. 155. t. 24.
Var. /3 ; foliis subsolidinerviis.
HjYB. Lord Auckland’s group ; the var. ^ only. {Lr. Lyall.)
Except in the more defined nerve, this does not materially differ from British specimens.
* * * Foliis subenerviis.
8. H ypnum acutifoUum, Hook. fil. et "Wils. ; caule fastigiatim ramoso, foHis dense imbricatis suberectis
elliptico-lanceolatis acuminatis integerrimis enerviis. (Tab. LX. Eig. V.)
H ab. CampbeU’s Island.
Cmlh procumbens, unoiaHs, Harm conferti, fastigiati, subsimpHces, graciles, fragües. Folia subsecunda, sic-
citate erecta, subappressa, rix pilifera, concava, liuide viridia, areolis linearibus.
Allied to H, extenuatum, Brid., hut sraaUer, the leaves more erect, and tapeiMg gradually to a very narrow
P late LX. Fig. V.—1, a specimen, of the natural size ; 2, portion of branch and leaves ; 3, leaf -.-rnagnified.
9. H y p n um cUarmjdophjlUm, Hook. fil. et Wils.; caule prostrato snbramoso, ramis simpHcibus elongatis
cuspidatis, foliis imbricatis patentibus quadrato-rotundatis integerrimis basi truncatis concavis nervo breviusculo
evanido, seta elongata gracili læri, theca cemua ovato-oblonga, opérenlo conico. (T a b . LXI. Eig. I.)
H a b . CampbeU’s Island; on the ground, barren.
Caules sesquiunciales, vage ramosi ; ramis 1 mic. longis, ad apices e foliis arcte convolutis cuspidatis. Folia
valde coucava, ad apices rotundata, obtusissima, basi latissima, truncata, subauriculata, pallide luteo-viridia, subscariosa,
peUucida, spleudentia, nervo simplici infi-a medium evanido v. nerris duobus brevibus, areoUs anguste oblongis
inferioribus multo majoribus ; perichoetialia erecta. Seta fere l-j unc. longa, graciUs, læris, torta, mbra. Theca
cemua v. horizontaUs, ovato-oblonga, brunnea. Feristomium luteum. Opercidum breve, theca concolor.
AlUed to H. cochlearifolium, but with the habit of a Leskia, and readily distinguished by its cuspidate branches,
wider and more flaccid leaves wMch are singularly broad and ti-uncate at the base, where also there are a number
of lai-ge peUucid ceUs ; the seta also is longer aud more slender.
The above description has been drawn up in part from fertUe Tasmanian specimens, gathered in that, coimtry
bv J lr. Lawi-ence. There are in the Hookerian Herbarium several allied undescribed species, both from New Zealand
and Tasmania. A Euegian moss, Hypnum ? auriculatmn, Mont., (Voy. au Pole Sud, Bot. Crjqitog., t. 20. fig. 3),
is the American representative of tMs, it differs in haring the base of the leaves produced on each side into two
P late LXI. Fig. I .— 1, a specimen, of the natural size ; 2, 3, and 4, leaves ; 5 and 6, thecæ :— magnified.
10. H ypnum cochlearifolmn, Schwaeg.; canle subrepente, ramis ascendentibus apice radicantibus,
foliis imbricatis subrotundis obtusiusculis concaidssimis snbhemisphericis enenris, theca cemua ovata, operculo
conico. H. flexile* Hook. Muse. Exot. 1 .110. {excl. syn. Swartzii, Hedwigii, et Schwaegr.)
H a b . Lord Auckland’s group and Campbell’s Island ; at the foot of precipices near the tops of the
mountains, altitude 1 2 0 0 -1 4 0 0 feet; barren.
Tills moss is a native of the woods of New Zealand, even as far north as lat. 36° S. ; hence its occun-ence only
at the tops of mountains iu the most bleak and exposed situations of so Mgh a latitude as Campbell’s Island was
quite unexpected. We cannot distinguish it fi-om more luxuriant northern specimens in its barren state.
11. H ypnum Arbuscula, Sw. ; caule erecto bipinnatim ramoso, foliis imbricatis erecto-patentibus ovatis
* The Hypnum fiexile, Hedw., is a very difierent moss from tMs, as may be iufeired from the following description
drawn up from au authentic specimen :—
L e s k i a Hedw. ; caule pendulo subpiunatim ramoso, foliis ovato-oblongis rigidiusculis apiculatis (apiculo
rccm-vo) encniis, pericluetialibus squaiTosis, theca erecta elliptica, operculo subulato, caljqitra valde pilosa.— L. flexilis,
Hedw. Sp. Muse. p. 234. t. 58. Hypiumi? Swartz, Prodr. p. 141. Fl. Ind. Occ. p. 1830.
H ab. Jamaica ; ou the tops of moiuuaius iu the southern pai-ts of the island, {Swartz).