
s ii:;
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70. iwRa-mM.mmAfilamentosa, Lehm. et Lindb., Fugill. vi. p. 39. Montague in Foy. au Pole Sud
Bo t. Crypt, p. 246. ’
H ab. Strait of Magalhaens; M . Hombron.
A plant tve do not recognize amongst the nnmerons forms, from Fuegia and Lord Auckland’s Island, of this
most difficult, aud perhaps too extended group.
71 . J dkgeeMjUjnia Javanica, Mont., in Voy. au Pole Sud, Bot. Crypt, p. 2 4 6 .
H a b . Strait of Magalliaens; P o rt Famine, M. Jacquinot.
This may be one of the above enumerated species, though we have failed in identifYing it It is also a native
of Java.
72. J tjngeemankia chordulifera, Tayl., in Bond. Journ. Bot. vol. v. p. 371. ('Tab. CLXI. Fig. VI.)
H a b . Chonos Arelupelago, C. Banoin, Esq.
A very handsome species, aEied to the J.pendulina of New Zealand.
Plate CLXI. Fig. T I.—1, plant of the natural size; 2, stem, leaves, and stipules; 4, stipule ■.—magnijied.
(9. M.1STIG0PH0EA, N ee s)
78. JDNGEEMAiraiA Mrsuta, N e e s ; F l. Antaret. P t. 1. p. 160. Seudtnera ocliroleuca, Nees, in Gottsche
Lindb. et Nees, Syn. Hep. p. 2 4 0 . ^
H ab. Hermite Island, Cape H o rn ; on roots of stunted trees, &c,, alt. 1,000 feet. Falkland Islands •
rocks on the hiU tops, rare. ’
group. A
widely distributed plant, being fouud in Mexico and Java, at the Cape of Good Hope, and Lord Auckland’s
(1 0 . R a d u l a , Nees.)
74 . JCNGEEMASMA Helix, Hook. fll. et Tayl.; parvula, caule repente implexo subflexnoso piimatim
ramoso, folns remotis alterms oblongis alte concavis integerrimis basi gibbosis, lobo superiori ovato-oblongo
o b te o , infenons ovati tumidi involuti apice .subacuto superiori appresso. Nobis in Bond. Journ. Bot.
voi. IV. p. 4 7 5 . Gottsche, Lindb. et Nees, Syn. Hep. p. 2 6 0 . (Tab . CLX. Fig. II.)
H.ab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; growing ivith J . colorata.
Caspites n x a unc. lati, paUide straminei. FoUa pauca, alterna, nisi apicem caulis versus remota.
A very distinct Httle species, found growing on lai-ge masses of J. colorata, irith the purple colom of which its
pale stems contrast conspienonsly. I t is smaUer and has more tumid leaves than any of its congeners ; the latter
resemble in form the shell of Helix putris, whence the trivial name.
P late CLX. Fig. IL—1, plant of the natural size ; 2, stem and leaves ; 3 and 4, leaves ■.— magnified.
75. IwsGmaucmiAphysoloba,^ M o n t.; E l. Antarct. P t. 1. p. 161. J . flavifolia, nohis in lo n d . Journ.
Bo t. vol. IV. p. 476. Gottsclie, Lindb. et Nees, Syn. Hep. p. 259. J . complanata, ft, Hooh. (T ab CLX
Fig. I I I .)
H a e . Hermite Island, Cape H o rn ; on trunks of trees.
An abundant boreal plant, inhabiting Europe from Switzerland to Iceland. In the southern hemisphere it has
hitherto been seen only in Lord Auckland’s group and at Cape Horn, I t is rather a vai-iable species, and we have
Falkland^, etc] F LO llA ANTAECTICA. 443
described it already under two names, The leaf of tliese specimens is shorter, broader at the upper part and rounded,
with the lower lobe shorter than is usual in J.physoloba. We add a figure.
P la t e CLX. Fig. III.—1, plant of the natural size ; 2, branch and leaf ; 3, leaf ; 4 , perichætium and calyx ;
5, calyx and capsule :—magnijied.
(11. PoLYOTUS, Gottsche)
76. J ungermannia Lamk. F l. A n ta r c t .F i .\ .
H a e . Hermite Island, Cape H o rn ; on trunks of trees, abundant. Strait of Magalhaens, Commerson.
Staten Land, Menzies.
Also found in Campbell’s Island, Tasmania, and New Holland.
7 7 . J ungermannia Menziesii, Hook., Muse. Exot. 1 .1 1 8 .
H ab. Plermite Island, Cape H o rn ; mossy tru n k s of trees, wet rocks, &c.; also on the summits of tlie
mountains. Staten Land, Menzies.
78. J u n g e rm an n ia palpebri/olia. Hook., Muse. Exot. t,7 1 . Gottsche, Lindb. etNe es, Syn. Hep. p. 246.
H a b . Strait of Magalliaens, H JJrville.
(12. F rullania, Raddi.)
79. Ju n g e rm a n n ia cyperoides, Schwaeg., Prodr. Hep. 14. Gottsche, Lindb. et Nees, Syn. Hep. p .420.
H ab . Strait of Magalhaens ; [iià. Schwaegrichen).
80. Ju n g e rm a n n ia lohulata. Hook., Muse. Exot. 1 .119. Gottsche, Lindb. et Nees, Syn. Hep. p .445.
H ab . H e rm ite lslan d , Cape H o ru ; in woods. Staten Land, Falkland Islan d s; on rocks
near the hill tops.
81. J ungermannia Spreng., inA n n a l. des Wetter. Ges. vol.i. p .25. t.4 . f.lO , (fid.Gottsche,
Lindb. et Nees, Syn. Hep. p. 447.)
H ab. Strait of Magalhaens ; on Drimys JFinteri and Berberis ilicifoUa ; Forster (fid. Gottsche).
(13. L ejeunia, Spreng)
82. J ungermannia subintegra, Hook. fil. et Tayl.; caule breifinsculo cæspitoso procumbente elongato
subsimplici, foliis subimbricatis erectiuscnlis integerrimis, lobo superiore oblongo-rotnndato, inferiore 4 breviore
tumido involuto ángulo superiore acuminato, stipulis canle paulo latioribus ovatis acutis integerrimis v.
summo apice fissis. Nobis in Lond. Journ. Bot, vol. iv. p. 477. Gottsche, Lindb. et Nees, Syn. Hej). p. 377.
(Tab . CLX. Fig. V.)
H ab. Falkland Islands; in wet ifiaces near the sea.
Cæspites late extensi, pallide olivacei. Caules vix 4 unc- loi'gh plerumque simplices. Folia amplectantia,
suberecta, concava, diametro cauhs duplo latiora, laxe cehulosa, areolis majusculis. Stipulæ majusculæ, integenimæ,
V. imo apice sohim fissæ, segmentis approximatis.
The great size of the stipules comparatively to the leaves and their very obscure dirision, afford sufficiently
distinctive characters of this species.
P late CLX. Fig. V.—1, plant of the natural size ; 2, stem; 3, leaf; 4 and 5, stipules :—magnified.
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