
thus it is very possible that some o f th e varieties enumerated may bo the
M. Bronguimt has suggested the propriety of erecting the present plant, together rvith the F Antarctka into
i t e T o s S y “ ? : ^ ™ co n g e n e ri : : ¥ : t
¥ z m Brazihani aandt ¥Paatatgiom an grasse's , as *thT e tPo a lanuginosa, Nees, and other undeseribed species South
to b e i i a n i ? f f ‘1- c of them
me ha Z ? t " P” ‘^ 1' - convinced
me. hat neither he comparative length, breadth, or attenuation of the apices o f th e glumes and palcai nor the
w i o n ! i 1 ” • ” “ -‘= when comparing the
dried nes. D is so d a r as the following plant appears. I am not at all positive of its elHins to the L k of a
IO t Tthe ^¥ai.r Ô'. aapip io”ac,hm"g theÎ F. ATrundf o Tfar too neai-Iy. ‘’''= - " I =P“ ®cns
to c a t u I T s V T •’' T “ ' “ "I "Si"* *» 3“ ‘c »«pclcteable
s a T s a n d - t a l
a c t 1 " " « ■ « « '■ c » » - * - » *— v
AStiSASfZt. ■“ ■ '■ “ * " * “ “ “ r" “
Var. ft. culmo pedaH et ultra, foliis elongatis flexuosis, panicula nutante, fasciculis pilorum rarissimis.
Var. y . omnia varietatis sed flosculis omnino nudis.
Yar. Ô. liabitu varietatis a . floscuKsque varietatis y .
H ab . FalHand Islands, most abnndant ; vars. a . and ». on sandy shores ; vars. f t. and y. in rocky places
both near the sea and upon the hills, sometimes also on th e sandy shores. ^
Feiv botanists would, I think, venture to separate any of the varieties enumerated above from F Antarctka
and very many others would unite aU with the preceding species, and perhaps correctly. M. Kunth de T e s i
specimen of this gi-ass (received from D'Urville) as having the flosculi naked at the base, exactly as in“ eriel
y. d 6. (En. Plant. Suppl. p. 340). The locustæ vaiy in my specimens, being from two- to foui-ilowered.
4. F e s tu c a « « ¿ a Lamk., Encycl. vol. i. p. 191. E ’Urv. in Mém. Soe. U n n . Paris, vol. iv. p. 602
B r o n gm a r t,m Buperrey Tog. B o t.-p .2 h. Ku n th , En. P la n t, vo l.i. ^ . 4 9 2 .
. . 1 r . “ “ ■ - •• - ■—
5. F e s tu c a Cb u tt, Hook, fil.; panicula elongata erecta contracta fastigiatim v. vertioUlatim ramosa
g W subæqualibus ovato-lanceolatis acnminatis glaberrimis 4 -floris superiore 3 -nervi, flosculis basi nndius?
cubs palea inferiore puberula 5-nervi dorso basi sericeo-barbata, apice acuminata integra v. 3-dentata culmo
diviso fohoso basi radicante, foliis distichis culmum superantibus. (Ta b . CXXXIX.)
H a b . Kerguelen’s Land, abimdant; Anderson (in Cook’s Voyage), J. B .H .
Granen foliosum, 3 uno. ad bipedale. Culmi robusti, basi pluries divisi, prostrati v, repentes; pars
repeiis validus, sæpe pedalis ; pars erectus per totam longitudinem foliosus. compressus. Volia plurimo, distiche
inserta, elongata. coriacea sed non rigida; vaghu aperta, folio brevior, compressa, striata; Iugula brevis, fimbriata;
lamina culmum paniculamque superans, plana v. dorso subcarinata, utrinque lævis, 2^ - lin . lata, gradatim m apicem
acuminatam angustata, Pankula 2 ad 8 une. longa. erecta v. panlo inclinata, f unc. lata, subcontinua v. verti-
oillatim interrupta. Locustæ late ovato-oblongæ. 8-4-flores, sub 8-lin. longæ. Gluma superior 3-nervis, inferiore
1-uervi longior, flosculis breviter pediceUatis brevior. Palea inferior ovato-lanceolata, acmninata, concava, vix
carinata; nervo medio dorso superne ciliato, infeme barbato; flosculo superiore infimoque apice acuminato, integerrimo,
duobus intermediis apioem versus utrinque uni-dentatis ; palea superior inferiore | brevior. bifida,
Antheræ lineares. Caryopsis oblonga, cylindracea.
The commonest gi-ass in Kerguelen’s Land and a very valuable one, afi'ording a rich and abimdant fodder.
The tendency in the palea to become toothed on each side towards the apex, and the distichous, long, and particularly
rich foliage, show its affinity with the Tussock and with the Festuca foliosa of Lord Auckland’s gi-oup, which chiefly
differs from this in its larger panicle. These three gi-asses are certainly representatives of one another, and all
typical of moist Insular climates; theh- northern analogues are evidently the F. Eonax, Lowe, of Madeira, and
F. aliida, Lowe, of the same island.
P late CXXXIX. Fig. 1, locusta ; f g . 2, floret ; yfy. 3, squamula ; flg. 4, caryopsis aU magnified.
§ 2 . Flosculis arista terminatis.
6 . F e s t u c a F«rF»rasee»s, Banks et Sol. MSS.; elata, panicula laxa ramis elongatis apicibus piancifloris,
locustis oblongis multi- 8 -floi-is, glumis trinerviis lanceolatis superiore te r majore, flosculis glabriusculis,
paleis 5 -nei-viis apice 8 -dentatis dente intermedio in aristam producto, foliis planis culmo brevioribus.
(T ab. CXL.)
H ab. Strait of MagaUiaens; P o rt Famine, Capt. K in g ; F u eg ia ; Good Success Bay, Batiks and
Solander, C. Barwin, Esq.
Ra d a stolonifera. Culmi 2- 4 -pedale3. gi-acfles, erecti, glaberrimi. striati, politi, remote nodosi. Folia pauca,
culmum vaginantia, patentia, flexuosa ; vaginæ pedales. teretes, superne lüantes ; ligida brevis, transversa ; Umina
plana, utrmque lævis, vagina brevior longiorve, gi-adatim supra medium acuminata, Pankula 6 unc. longa. laxa,
inclinata ; ramis paucis, elongatis, filiformibus, versus apices divisis. Locustæ fere A-unc. longæ. Glumæ floscrdis
pedicellatis basi nudis breviores. Palea inferior dorso convexa. superne pi-æcipue pilosiuscula, superiorem bifidam
paulo bi-evioi-em amplectans, nitida, purpiu-eo-picta, 5-iiervis, nervis scaberulis. Squamulæ 2. profunde bifidæ.
Ovarium obovatum. superne pilosum ; styli basi discreti.
A tall and handsome grass, allied to the South Brazfliaii F,flmiriata, Nees, in whicli the paleæ are not awned,
and the leaves are convolute. In general habit it resembles somewhat the Em-opean F. elatior.
PL.1TE CXL. Pig. 1, locusta; / y . 2, floret; flg. 3, pistil and squamulæ ; yfy, 4, squamulæ ;—all magnifed.
7. F estuca duriuscula, Linn., Sp. PI. 108. Engl. Bo t. t. 470.
H ab. Strait of Magalhaens ; P o rt Famine, Capt. King.
Capt. King’s specimens are nearly two feet high, in which respect only they differ from ordinary forms of those
of British growth. The leaves are erect and involute.
8 . F estuca graciUima, Hook, fil.; elata, glaberrima, pamcula simplici elongata paucifiora inclinata,
locustis majusculis pedunculis compressis longioribus multi-7-9-floris,- glumis inæqualibus lineari-oblongis