
' 1 :
3 1 6
§ HT. Radiatæ, lanata.
13. S enec io DC. ; caule herbáceo erecto cavo simplici superne corymboso foliisque subtcr
V. utrinque laxe lauato, foliis radicalibus louge petiolatis oblongis basi cordatis subacutis dentatis petiolo
basi vaginante caulinis cordatis lanceolatisve sessibbus acuminatis crenato-dentatis, corymbo terminab 6-po-
lyceplialo, capitubs ampbs, bivolucris late campanulatis, ligulis 1 5 -1 6 interdiun elongatis apice acutis
dilatatisve, pappo achænio breidore. S. Smitbii, BC. Frodr. vol. vi. p. 412. Senecio verbascifobus, Hmnb. et
Jacq. h i Voy. au Foie Sud, Bot. Bicot. Fhan. 1. 12, a . Cineraria gigantea, Smith E.vot. Bo t. vol. ii. p. 11.
t. 65. C. leucantbema, Banks et Sol. M S S . in Mus. Banks, cum icone.
H ab . Strait of Magalhaens; P o rt Pamine, Capt. King. Cape Negro, C. Barwin, Esq., M M . Koinbron
and Jacquinot. Good Success Pay, Baiiks and Solaiuler.
Herba tripedabs, facie S. candidantis. Capitula 1-2 unc. diametro. Ligula longitudine variæ, apice acutæ
rotundatæ v. truncatæ et 3-5-fidæ. Pappus aciiænio maturo sulcato cybndraceo \ unc. longo brevior.
A handsome species, very uncertain in tbe length and form of its bgulæ, which ai-e in Capt. King’s specimens
an inch long, in J lr. Darwin’s not half so much aud according to the figure iu the ‘Voyage au Pole
Sud’ of a few-flowered specimen, sometimes shorter stiU. The caubue leaves also are variable in shape aud
iu their woobiuess. Capt. King gathered the same species (ivith several allied ones) in Chiloe, in fruit, the
achænia are ftilly formed, but perhaps abortive, being slender, striated and longer than the pappus. The colour of
the ray is remarkably pale for the genus, bke that of S. trifurcatus, DC. MM. Hombron and Jacquinot assert that
it is also a Cape of Good Hope species, which is exceedingly unbkely to be the case.
14. Senecio Falklandicus, Hook. fil. ; frutescens, ramis peduncubs fobisque subter lana molb dense
vestitis, fobis bneari-oblongis oblongo-lanceolatis obovato-spatbulatisve integerrimis repando-dentatisve
apice cabo subacuto terminatis marginibus revolutis super glabratis araclmoideisve, capitubs majuscubs sub-
sobtarbs plerisque pedunculatis, peduncubs bracteatis, involucri late campanulati squamis sub 3 -seriabbus
bnearibus basi extus lanatis. S. bttorabs, var. a, lanatus. Gaud, in Ann. Sc. N a t. vol. v. p. 104, et in
Freyc. Voy. Bot. p. 468. B ’ TJrville in Jlém. Soc. L in n . Paris, vol. iv. p. 611. Homb. et Jacq. in Voy, au
Foie Sud, t. 10. R. ? (Tab. CX.)
H ab. Falkland Islands, very abundant, Gaudichaud, C. Barwin, Esq., Capt. Sulivan, J . B . H.
Fi-uiex 1-4-pedabs, e basi ramosus. Folia júniora latiora, spathulata, in petiolum gracüem attenuata, lY unc.
longa, f unc. lata, parcius lanata, margine tenuiter revoluta, ramis semoribus angustiora, marginibus interdum
usque ad costam revolutis. Pedunculi fioccosi, plerique 2-3-unciales, monocephab. Capitula ampia, unc.
The present plant was supposed by both Gaudichaud and D ’Urvibe to be a state of S, littoralis, from which
it is however abundantly distmct, especially in its frutescent habit, and the broader, lanate and blunter leaves. ‘Whether
it be reaby different from the three fobowing species is much more questionable ; I am incbned to think it is not,
however great their dissimbarity in habit. I t differs again from the discoid S. Patagonicus, only in the presence
of a ray and the peduncles being sobtary. I am doubtful whether the figure of MM. Hombron and Jacquinot
refers to this plant, their specimens are from the Strait of Magalhaens.
P late CX. Fig. 1, receptacle ; fig .2, fioret of the ray ; fig. 3, arms of the style of the same ; fig. 4, seta of
pappus ; fig. 5, floret of the disc ; fig. 6, stamen ; fig. 7, arms of the style of the same ; fig. 8, ripe achænium :__all
15. Senecio Darwinii, Hook, et Am. in Bo t. Joum. vol. iü. p. 333. S. tricuspidatus, B a n h et Sol.
in J lu s. B a n k s, cum icone.
IIa b . Strait of Magalliaens, Capt. King. South part of Tierra del Fuego, C. B a n i n , Esq. Good
Success Bay, B a n h aud Solander. Hermite Island, Cape Horn, on th e hills, J .B . I I .
Hiunilis, caule lignoso, prostrato, valde et dense ramoso. Eolia u t in priore, sed plerumque cuneata et trillda
V. trilobata repando-dcntatave. FedmeuU elongati v. inter foba summa sessiles.
Owing probably to the exposed situations tbis plant inhabits, it is of low stature and much branched
from tbe base; except in tbese respects and the generally, but not continually more divided leaves, I cannot see
how it is distinguishable from S. Ealklandicm. The ray values much in size,
16. Senecio Eightsii, Hook, et Am. in Bot. Journ. vol. hi. p. 332.
Var. (3, caule procumbente, ramis ascendentibus laxe foliatis, folns 3-5-fidis, eapituhs breviter
H a b . Tierra del Fuego, Staten L a n d ; M r. Eights, Mr. Webster. Var. f t South p a rt of F u eg ia ;
C. Barwin, Esq.
A priore cui proximus differt, fohis minoribus angustioribus profunde trifidis, capituhsque pai-vis. Laciniæ
fohoiuun latitudine variæ, interdum hueai-es.
The variety ß seems in some measure intermediate between this species and the former. I have gathered, on
the ban-en monntain-sides of Cape Horn, a state of S. Darwinii very closely approaching the present, but with Sowers
considerably lai'ger than those of S. Eightsii.
17. S enecio Websteri, Hook, fil.; herbaceus, caule suberecto v. basi prostrato fohoso lanato,
fohis petiolatis carnosis reniformi-rotundatis deltoideisve angulis obtusis integerrimis smuato-crenatisve
carnosis super glabratis subter lana moUi obtectis, marginibus revolutis, capitulis paniculatis, peduncubs
pediceUisque laxe araclmoideo-tomentosis, involucri late hemisphærici squamis oblongo-lanceolatis acutis
itis V. basi apiceque tantum lanatis, hgulis late ovatis tridentatis.
H a b . Staten L a n d ; Mr. Webster.
Caulis exemplare a me viso manco 4 ime, longa, teres. Fetioli unciales, uti foha subter cauhsque laxe arach-
noideo-lanati. Folia basi truncata v. cordata, latiora quam longa, 1 imc. lata, nerris subter flabehatis. Pedunculi
brevissimi, Ihnc pamcida subsessilis, laiiati. Cafitula aggregata, A imc. diametro. Involucri squamæ non sphacelatæ.
The most distmct species of the genus, if, as I suppose it to be, a Senecio, but Mr. Webster’s specimens are
very insiiffieieiit. The long petioles, smgiilaiiy formed fleshy leaves aud then revolute margins are decisive characters.
§ lA"^. Eadiatæ, glabnuscules v. glaberrimæ.
18. Senecio trifurcatus, Less. Synojis. Comp. p. 391. BC. Brodr. vol. vi, p. 435. JJooh. et Arn. in
Bot. Jonrn.-p. S i i . Cineraria trifureata, Spreng. Sgst. T eg .vo l.iii. f . ó ó l . Tiissü-ago triforcata, Forst.
Comm. Goett. vol. ix. p. 38. Aster trifurcatus, Banhs et Solander M S S . in Mus. B a n h . cum icone.
(Ta b . C V III).