i f f "
siunmit. This thickening of the tlu*ee sides takes place dining the growth of the seed-vessel, as in the young oi’a-
riiim the sides are much nai'rowcr than the apex, ivhich is convex and liispid, and which answers to the convex
base of the hollow at the top of the ripe nut. 1 have examined several embryos in all the species, and very many
of the present ; their structure and fonn are exceedingly constant, hong in the very bottom of the seed, the broad
upper end simk in a shallow fossa at the base of the albumen.
P late XLIX. Fig. 1, a leaf; fig. 3, a flower enclosed in the gliunes ; f g . 3, the same, with the glumes removed
; f g . 4, a stamen ; f g . 5, ovarium, style and stigmata ; fig. 6, immatme nut after the style has fallen away ;
fig. 7, a ripe nut enclosed in the persistent perianth; fig. 8, longitinlinal section of a nut, shoring the seed; fig. 9,
a seed removed, cut vertically, showing the embryo :— all magnified.
2. ISOLEPTS, £r.
1. IsoLEPis AucTdandica, Hook, fil.; pusilla, dense cæspitosa, ciümis erectis setaceis basi divisis fobosis
teretibus pohqihylbs, foliis culmo subæquilongis semiteretibus superne canaliculatis striatis, spica solitaria
laterab, squamis paucis omnibus floriferis, staminibus stigmatibusque 3, nucibus eUiptico-ovatis trigonis
læribus pallide stramineis. (Ta3. L.)
H ab. Lord Auckland’s group and Campbell’s Islan d ; in moist places especially near the sea, also
amongst grass on tb e liiUs, abundant.
Radices cæspites 2-3 une. latos formantes, fibrosæ, fibris elongatis, creben-ime intertextis, tortuosis, fibrillosis,
atro-fuscis. Culmi plurimi, dense fastigiati; basi crassitie pennæ passerinæ, subelongati, iu n c . longi, nodosi, ad
nodos fibiRlosi, vaginis rufo-castaueis folioinim vetustorum obtecti, ter quaterve divisi; superne subvalidi, nudi,
erecti, 24—4-unciales, teretes, stilati. Folia 2-6, plerumque 3-4, erecta, basi vaginantia, subcoriacea, glaberrima,
lævia, filiforaiia, obtnsa v. apice rotundata, cubnum plerumque paulo superantia, interdum -i— ime. lata, semiteretia,
dorso convexa, supra canabculata, marginibus subinvolutis v. planiusculis, sub lente bneis alternantibus viridibus
albidisque striata. Vaginoe punc. longæ, teretiuscidæ, compressæ, basi rufo-castaneæ, nitidæ, ncrvosæ, antice
membranaceæ, reticulatæ, ore oblique truncato, integenimo, bgula mJla. Spicula sobtaria, v. rarius spiculæ 2, parva,
linea -vis longior, latiuscula, apice truncata, nempe squamis inferioribus elongatis spicam æquantibus. Squamæ
jiaiicæ, 6-8, late ovatæ, valde concavæ, coriaceæ, ad margines late membranaceæ, in apicem crassum productæ, dorso
superne subincrassatæ, carinatæ, lateribus tenuiter 3-5 nerviis, \irides v. castaneo purpureove pictæ, nitidæ. Stamina
3 ; filamenta bneaiia, plana, reticulata, superne latiora ; antheræ basifixæ, elongatæ, locubs basi apiceque
(bvaricatis. Ovariwn minimiun, ovatum, in stylum rectum desinens. Stigmata 3, exserta, elongata, hispida. Nux
squama paulo brerior, eUiptica, utrinque acuta, trigona, compressa, angubs obtusis, glaberrima, lævis, non pobta,
palbde flava v. straminea.
It is not before the most careful examination and comparison of this with many other similar species from
various parts of tbe world, that I have decided upon describing it as new. Nor could I make it agree with tbe
description of any of tbe numerous species of the southern hemisphere. I t appears not only to difl’er from the
European, but also from tbe twelve or fourteen plants belonging to this genus now knoivn to inhabit Australia and
New Zealand. In habit and appearance it resembles I. setacea, L. and I. Savii, from which it difl'ers in the leaves
being always more numerous and as long or longer than the cidm, in the shorter spikes, and more materially in the
seed, which is twice as large as in those species and of quite a different shape, being elliptical-ovate, compressed,
trigonous with the angles rounded, tbe surface is smooth but not shining and the coloiu- pale yellow. My suite of
specimens is very extensive, and these characters are constant in them aU. The breadth of tbe leaves is greater in
the upland specimens than in those of the sea-coast.
P late L. Fig. 1, apex of tbe culm and spikelet; fig. 2, a scale and flower; fig. 3, a stamen; fig. 4 and fig. 5,
ripe achænia :—ab ?
3. CAREX, Mich
I i,
1 /
1. C a u e x ternaria, Forst.; spicis 9 -1 0 cylindraceis acutis pedunculatis altemis evaginatis ferrugiiieis
longissime Maceo-bracteatis simplicibus geminatisque, masculis .3-4 remotiusculis, foemineis 5 -6 geminatis
unic<a solum simplici, stigmatibus 2, perigjmiis (peradoleseentilus) oblongis ore integro squama lanceolata
acuta V. obtusa fermginea longe liispido-aristata multoties brevioribus. Boott, MSS. C. ternana, Sot. MSS.,
Forst. Prodr. no. 549. C. gemmata, ScMcuhr, Carie, p. 83. no. 54. Tab. IF. ^ P. p. A. Cunn. Prodr.
Flor. Nov. Zel. in Hook. Comp, to Bot. Mag. v. 2. p. 373.
H a b . Lord Auckland’s group ; on tb e margins of woods near the sea, b u t not common, growing m th
the C. trífida.
Culmm bipcdalis et idtra. basi foliorum rudimentis puipm-eis lanceolatis, ad margines lacerato-reticulatis tectus,
firmus, apice gracibs, triquetcr, scober; pars spioas gerens pedaUs. Folia 3 ^ bn. lata, culmo longiora, canna mar-
ginibnsque scabra. Bracteæ foliaceæ, longissimoe, evaginatæ, superiores setaceæ, spicis suis (nisi 2 supremis mas-
cubs) longiores. Spkoe 2 - 2 ) pob. longæ, 1 ^ 2 bu. latæ, alternæ; supremæ mascidæ, simpbces; rebquæ
foemineæ, 2 superiores geminatoe, inferior simplex ; vel infima superioresque geminatæ, una media simplex. Pedmi-
cuü triquetri, scabri, 1-2 poU. longi. Sgumnæ fernigineæ, obtusæ v. acutæ, nervo rá ld i in aristam plus minus
longam serratam producto. Pei'igynium immatm-um.— Boott.
For the above description I am indebted to Br. Boott, wbo has most kindly given me the aid of his great skiU
and experience in determining such species of this fine genus as were coUected during the voyage. itb Hs sanction
I have retained Banks and Solander’s manuscript name of this plant, as adopted by Forster in Us Prodromus,
and wUcb was changed by Scbkuhr into geminata, ccrtUUy without sufficient authority, and of which he says,
“ Cette plante me parvint sous le nom de C. ternaria, mais ne trouvant rien en ebe qui ait quelque rapport avec ce
nom. je me sms cru fondé a douter que ce soit la plante que Forder mdique,” &c. M. SclikuH’s specimens seem
to bave been in a very impei-fect state, but given him û-om Forster’s herbarium. Our own entirely agi-ee with
those preserved in the British Museum. It appears to be rather a common plant in many parts of New Zealand.
2. C a b e x trifida, Cav.; spicis 6 -1 0 obloiigo-oyhndraceis obtusis altemis breviter vaginatis termgineis
longissime fobaceo-bracteatis sobtariis, masculis 2-1. sessbibus approxbnatis, foenbneis 5 -6 breriter pedmi-
culatis, stigmatibus 3, squamis biieari-oblongis integris v. apice trifidis segmento intermedio in aristam sub-
idatam liispidam producto, perigjmbs pediceUatis obovato-oblongis longe rostratis, rostro bidentato. C. trífida,
Cavanilles leones, vol. v. p. 41. t. 465. Brong. Tog. de la Coquille, Bot. Phan. p. 158. Willd. Sp. PI. v. 4.
p. 301. Spr. Sgst. Veg. v. 3. p. 829. C. iiicrassat-a, Banks and Sol. MSS. iu B ill. Banks. C. aristata,
HVrv. PI. Ins. Mai. in Trans. Linn. Soc. Paris, vol. iv. p. 599. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. Bot. p. 131.
H a b. Lord Auckland’s group and CaiupbeU’s Island ; by the margins of tbe woods near tbe sea in
moist places.
BUzomata densissbne congesta et intertexta, cæspites convexos, supra terram elatos, 1-2 pedales diametr.
formaiitia, crassitudine polbcis humanæ, incbnata v. prostrata, fiisca, fibras crassas, diametr. pennæ anatinæ demit-
tentia, et in fibras snbsimilcs desinentia. Culmi 16-30 v.plmes, fascicidati, erecti, 2-4 pedales, copiosissime foliosi,
o-laberrimi, basi crassi, una emu vaginis foborum 1 unc. diametr., triqnetri, rellqims pallidis vagimsque scariosis
sæpe laceris foliorum vetiistonun obtecti, superne graciles, incKuati, pars spicas gerens 1 - l i pedalis. Folia plurima,
circiter 12-20 quoris culmo, longe vaginantia, valde elongata, culnimu longe superantia, 3-5 pedalia, diffusa,
tlexuosa, supra medium cm-vata et pendida, gradatim in apicem trigonum fibformem liispidmn producta, profunde
striata, rigida, læte viriiba, subtus pabiibora, subglaucescentia, ad costam subtus promiiientem mai-ginesque rccm-vas
scabi-ido-cibata, infenic carinata, superne medio per totam longitudinem caiiabcidata. Vaginæ foborum inferiorum