
8 3 ^ jD X G E E M A X x i .Y ^ * t a , H o o k , ffl. e tT a y l .; ca u le eu b im p lex o p ro cum b eu te p iu n a tim ram oso,
fo b s su b ap p r o x im a tis p a ten tib u s vfflde co n ca v is in te g e r r im is v . o b scu r e d en ta tis, lo b o su pe rio re tr ian gu la r i
o v a o a c u t o v . a cum in a to a p ic e su b r e cu rv o , infe r io r e o b lo n g o acum in a to , s tip id is p a r r is ob o v a to -q iiad ra tis
C L ? ~ i . , “ ■ -
H.VB. Hermite Island, Cape H o rn ; parasitical on J . mieialU, and amongst licliens on trunks of trees.
^ Caulee graciUimi. minimi, ocfflo nudo iuvisibüos, paUide virides, inter Lichenes aliasque Hepaticas dispersi
7 c 7 s 7 7 7 7 7 * ' “ r “ *' fr“" incuiiis lecurns, lobo infenore mai-gme involuto subimdulato. “p f r f r - - “ fr^ tis !
Tlds lias precisely tbe habit and appearance of the Irish / . ocata, Tayl. MSS., an equaUy minute parasite ivith
stipules of the same form. The present diifers from that in the shape of the more distant leaves, which are shorter
wider a he base, mid more aente above. Tbe whole plant is of a paler colour, and from the émaUer size 0 7 7
cells of the leaves then* tissue is more dense.
PL.YTI; CLX. Fig. V I . - l , plant of the natural size ; 2, stem, leaves, and stipules ; 3, leaf; 4, stipule
84. JUKGERMAXXIA nifescens, Lindb., in Gottsche, Lindb. et Nees, Sgn. Hep. p. 366.
H ab. Staten Land, Menzies (in Herb. Hook.).
(1 4 . D iplol4;xa, Nees.)
85. JuxGEEMAXxiAyi W i « , Hook. fil. et Tayl.; fronde laxe cespitosa erecta dicl.otome divisa basi iu
stipitem teretem gradatim atteuuata, lobis linearibus obtusis emargiuatis uninerviis integerrimis. Nobis in
Lond. Jo um . Bot. vol. m. p. 478. (Ta b. CLX. E g . V II.)
H ab. Hermite Island, Cape H o rn ; a t the bottom o f an alpine lake.
Frondes e radice repente elongato erecti, sub 3 uuc. lati, pisicolores, demum flavescentes, parte iuferiore atr-i
bis terve dichotome divis. lobis plemmqnc madore concavis, e margine prohferi ; júniores basi rotundati primnm
“ • — - o r e d U a t a t / Z :
A very distinct and cmious plant. alUed to the * tenukervis. nob., of New Zealand, from which it may bo
knoun by its yeUow-green colour, greater size, aud taller habit, uairower aud more elongated lobes, and above all
1, Its being ciect, ddfenng remarkably lu tbat respect from its northern allies, / . Hkermca, Hook., and J. Lyellii, Hook.’
P late CLX. Fig. VII.—1, plant of the natural size ; 2. apex of frond magnified.
(15. A neuua, ifees.)
8 6 . J ungermannia multifida, Linn, ; Fl. Antarct. P t. I. p. 1 66.
Var, f t snlmersa- fronde anguste lineari-elongata peUucida parce ramosa plana, ramis brevibu.,, perigoniis
marginalibus altemis brevissimis, cellulis densis. perigomis
Var. y . nana-, parvula, ramosa, cellulis latioribus brevioribusque
An extremely abundant plant in the southern extra-tropical regions.
FaUdands, ele] FLO RA ANTARCTICA. 4 4 5
87. J ungermannia jom y u íí, L . Hook. t. 46.
H ab . Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; wet places in the w'oods.
88. J ungermannia alcicornis. Hook. ffl. et Tayl. ; fronde cæspitosa erecta alterne bipinnatim ramosa,
caule ramisque lineaiibus laciniis lobisve brevibus subtruncatis, calyptris laterabbus linearibus albidis scabridis
apice laceris. Nobis in Lond. Journ. Bo t. vol. iii. p. 479. (Ta b . CLX. E g . 4 I I I .)
H ab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; mossy places in the woods.
Frondes cæspitosi, planiusculi, unciales, circumscriptione oblongi, júniores læte virides. demum fuscescentes et
siccitate nigi-escentes. Banii seu lacimæ basi subdichotomi, superne subpmnatim divisi ; lobulis brevibus, obtusis.
Calyptræ parte frondis inferiore laterales, valde elongatæ, cylindraceæ. basi curvatæ, carnosæ, papiUosæ. Seta sub
4 une. longa. Capsula cylindracea.
A very beautiful little species, allied to the / . palmata, Hoffm., of Europe ; bnt much more dirided, with the
divisions pinnate and not palmate ; the lobules also are much narrower, and the calyptra is borne higher up in the
P late CLX. Fig. Y III.—1, plant of the natural size ; 3, ditto ; 3, branch and calyptra -.-^nagmjied.
(16. M etzgeriAj Nees.)
89. J u n g e rm a n n ia /w c® /® , L . Flor. Antarct. F i . \ . 'p .181.
Var. /3. puhescens, J . pubescens, F r it. Jung.
H ab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; in woods, &c.; both varieties abundant.
90. J ungermannia prehensilis, Hook.fil. et T ay l.; fronde laxe cæspitosa, ramis erectis incunús alatis,
lobis secundis alternis pinnatis, pinnulis linearibus planis crassinerviis, calyptra e basi anguste elongato-
obovata basi squamosa, perigoniis clavatis. Nobis in Lond. Journ. Bot. vol. ni. p. 4 8 0 . (T-ab. CLX.
l i g . IX . )
H a b . Hermite Island, Cape Ho rn ; on moist banks near th e sea.
Frondes laxe cæspitosi, apicibus latiusculis hamatis. Caidis planus, brunneus, pubescens, piimuUs glabratis
pallide olivaceis. Calyptra brunneæ, apices versus frondis laciniarum basi superficie inferiore sitæ, hinc occlusæ,
interdiun binæ. Perigonia plantis aliis obvia, clavata, e ramo pinnato frondis constantia, lobulis pimiisve incurvis
singulis antheram majusculam sphericam pediceUatam foventibus.
A remarkably distmct and fine species, most resembling the J. eriocaula. Hook., of New Zealand ; though the
frond is of a darker colour aud tripinnate, the pinnules much narrower, and the whole plant more elongated and
(Uvided. The perigonia and calyptræ occupy similar positions on different plants.
P lzVTE CLX. Fig. IX.— 1, plant of the natural size ; 3, upper, and 8, under surface of branch with cah-ptra j
4, cali^itra :—magnifed.
(17. N oteroclaua, Tayl.)
Involucrum apicem versus frondis concavi tumidi iiiflatura, ore libero sub-bilobo. Capsula quadrivalvis, seu
irregulariter rumpens, pedicellata. Flateres spirales seminibus immixtæ. Anthera fr-onde immersæ. Frons piunatim
lobata, V. foliis basi latissimis longe decurrentibus subspiraliter dispositis ornata.—Stfrps inter Jungermannias
follosas frondosastine quasi media, his tamen accedens.—Androcryphia, Gottsche.
5 K