
Ë ! i 1 l |
1. D eyttodon rupestris, Hook. fil. et Wils.; caule gracili fastigiato-ramoso, foliis patentibus ovato-
ianceolatis carinatis margine reouiTO nervo subcontinuo, seta breri, tbeca eUiptico-oblong» erecta, operculo
rostrato. (T.vb. CLII.fig. I.)
H ab . Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; moist rocks ou tb e northern slope of Mount Foster, alt. 600 feet.
Cttuies 1-2-miciales, dense cæspitosi, gracilescentes, fnstigiato-ramosi. FoVm dense imbricata, patentia. ovato-
lanceolata vel ovato-acnminata, inferiora subsquarrosa, supcriora recnrva, acutiuscidn, carinata, margine subrecurva,
nervo nibello, siccitate appresso-incurva, plus minusve spiraliter contorta, lurido-viridia. Perichætialia latiora,
eUiptico-oblonga, obtusa. Seta brevis, l i bu. longa, recta, siccitate tortilis. Theca erecta, elliptico-oblonga, sub-
pyriformis, parvula. subcorincea, rufo-brunnea, ore contracto. Peristomii dentes subsimplices, rubri, conniventes,
siccitate patentes. Operculum rostro aciculari, theca panlo brevius. Calyptra non visa.
A more robust species tban D. crispulus (nobis), witb the leaves shorter, not piliferous, and the thecæ larger.
P late CLII. Fig. I.—1, plant of tbe natural size ; 2 and 3, leaves ; i aud 6, thecæ ; 6. teeth of peristome
- ~ .2. D eyptodon crispulus, Hook. fil. et Wils.; vid. P a rt 1. p. 124. pi. Irii. f. is.
Ta r. ft. foliis siccitate patulis rigidioribus.
H a b . Kerguelen’s Land, in gravelly beds of rivulets.
Also a native of CampbeU’s Island, but not seen at Cape Horn or tbe Falkland Islands.
1. E.acomiteiumprotensum. Al. Braun ; Bruch et Schimper, Bryol. Europ. fasc. 2 5 -2 8 . tab. Drypt. 2.
II. aquaticum, B rid . Bryol. Univ. vol. i. p. 222. B. cataractarum, Braun, B r id . I. c. Suppl. p. 776.
Yar. 1, subaquaticum, foliis acutis subsecundis.
Yar. 2, canle humili, tbecis minoribus.
Yar. 3, caule robusliore, foliis longioribus secundis.
H a b. Hermite Island, Cape H o rn ; all the varieties. Falkland Islan d s; var. 2 (barren) aud var. S.
Kerguelen’s Land, also barren).
The last variety much resembles R. aciculare, Dfil., but has acute leaves and the teeth of the peristome are
longer and more slender. It is perhaps stib more nearly albed to Trichostormm sulisecuudum. Hook, and Grev.,
(Hook. Ic. PI. 1 .17. f. 5), chiefly differing in its more robust habit and shorter setæ.
2. RACOMiTEiü.ii/its«cMfore, Dill., Bridel, B r . Univ. vol. i. p. 218. Bruch et Schimpj. Bryol. Europi.
Tricliostomum fasciculare, Schwaegr. Suppl. I . p t. 1. p. 155. t. 38.
Yar. 2, caule gracib, ramulis brevissimis, fobis subsecundis luteo-viridibus, calyptra paUida,
Yar. 3, caule gracili subsimpbci, fobis acutiuscubs siccitate subappressis, seta breriore, calyptra palbda.
H ab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; all the varieties.
The last variety has some resemblance to A. heterostichum, var. y. gracUescem, (Bruch and Schimper), but differs
in having the leaves more acute and the teeth of the peristome larger and more regularly formed.
3. R acomiteicm heterostichum, Brid.; Bryol. Univ. vol. i. p. 214. Bruch et Schimper, Bryol. Europi.
fasc. 2 5 -2 8 . p. 9 . 1 .1. Tricliostomum heterostichum, Hedw. Muse. Frond, vol. ii. t. 25.
H ab. Falkland Islan d s; on moist rocks on the hills, barren and stunted.
4. R acomiteiüm lanuginosum, B rid .; Bryol. Univ. v o l.i. p. 215. Flor. Antaret. p t. 1. p. 124.
Bruch et Schimpier, Bryol. Europ. I. e. p. 11. 4. 6. Trichostomum lanuginosum, Hedw. Muse. Frond.
vol. iii. t. 2.
H a b . Falkland Islan d s; common on the bibs, bai-ren. Hei-mite Island, Cape H o rn ; also barren.
Strait of Magalliaens ; D ’ Urville.
Tbis moss is very common througliont the Antarctic regions. The specimens from Hermite Island have the
leaves more obscurely toothed than British examples, and the branches very short. I t may be U. Borbonieum,
Brid. (Br.Univ. vol. i. p. 218).
10. Ü R TH O ÏR ICH UM , Bedw.
1. Orthotrichüm crassifolium, Hook. fil. et AYils.; see P a rt 1. p. 125. pi. Ivii. f. viii.
Var. y, foliis superioribus ovato-lanceolatis acutiusculis.
Var. B, foliis subsecundis.
H a b . Hermite Island^ Cape Horn ; vars. 1 and 3, very common on maritime rocks of granite and trap.
Falkland Islands ; var. I , also on clay-slate. Kerguelen’s Land ; vars. I and 3 common.
Both these varieties differ from the CarapbeH’s Island state of the moss.
2. Orthotrichum luteolum, Hook. fil. et AVils.; caule erecto ramoso, foliis erecto-patentibus siccitate
crispulis anguste lineari-lanceolatis basi dilatatis margine planis, theca exserta ovali-oblonga siccitate sulcata,
calyptra pilosa. Orthotriclium coaxciatvim, Schwaegr. Suppl. 1. 2. p. 26. t. 52 (excl. syn. Belrisian. ?).
Hooh. et Grev.! in Brewst. Journ. vol. i. p. 125 (nec Orth, coarctatum, B r . et Schimp. Bryo l. Europ.)
(Tab. C L II. fig. II.)
Var. /3. calyptra glabra.
FIa b . Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; var. a. and /3. on stems of shrubs, especially of Berheris ilicifoUa,
from the sea to alt. 1,000 feet, abimdant, forming round soft tufts, rare on rocks. South part of Tierra
del Fuego, C. Barvnn, Esq., u. 440.
Caides laxe pulrinati, lateoli, subunciales, ramosi. FoUa conferta, erecto-patentia, curvula, anguste lincavi-
lanceolati, basi dilatata, ovata, utrinque laxe ct pellucide reticulata, margine plana, nervo ruhello, areolis laxe pnnc-
tatis, luteola, siccitate panun crispula. Vaginula subpilosa, ovata, minuta. Seta longitudine varia folia pericliæ-
tialia plci-umque æquans vel superans, siccitate striata, in collum capsulare sensim dilatata. Theca subpyriformis,
parva, pallide Inteo-fuscn, S-striata, sicca et vacua cylindracea, vix sulcata, ore haud constricto. Fei'istomii externi
dentes 8, bigcminati, siccitate rcfiexi; interni cilia. Catyp/r® campanulata, pilosa, straminea, in var./3. glabra,
brunnea. Floresccntia monoica.
It will be seen how closely the description corresponds with that of 0. coarctatum, Br. and Schimp.; but on
comparing authentic specimens, we find the leaves in the latter much wider and carinate, less dilated at the
base, more crisped when dry, the vaginula twice as long, capsule larger, and the habit considerably difierent.
Onr moss, unlike that, lias very little resemblance to 0. crispum, and is remarkable for its pale yellowish colour;
it varies in the length of the seta. An original specimen of 0. coarctatum (from P. de Beauvois in Professor Arnott’s