
I l
7. '&Í-ÍVRpallescem, Schwaegr.; Svppl. I . yol. ii. p. 67. t. 74. Bm c ii et Sehimp. l. c. p. 51. t. 23.
H ab . Falkland Islands, on sand-hills at Uranie Bay. Hermite Island, Cape Horn.
8. Bryum Antmetloum, Hook. fil. et Wils.; monoicum, caulibus ramosis cæspitosis, foliis confertis
imbncatis erecto-patentibus ovatis acuminatis concavis reticulatis evanidinerviis margine planis. (T a b .C L III.
H ab. Cockburn Island, lat. 64“ S., long. 57° W ., with young setæ.
Caulm 2 lin. longi, rubelli, inferne radieidosi. Jolia late ovata, acumino breri, apice diaphana. subdcnticidata
rnfescentia, nervo latmsculo rnbeUo sub apice evanido, areolis subquadratis; perichætialià majora, acnmine lonreore
Seta ™ l i Im, longa. crassinsenla, rubra. Calyptra rubra, Jloe masculm in ramulis brevibus per inuovationes
ateralis floribus foemineis altenians ; antheridia cum paraphysibus longioribus subclavatis; arcliegonia parapliysibus
brerioribus filiformibus immixta.
Nearly allied to ti e British B. Zierii, Dicks., but differing essentially in tbe infloi-eseeuce. The leaves are more
crowded and hare smaller areolæ.
P late CLIII. Jig. VI.—1, tuft of tie natural size ; 2, stem and 3. leaf, both magnified.
9. Beyum WaUerAergii, Schwaegr.; Brneh et ScUmper, 1. c. p. 44. t. 17., M . Ant. p t. 1. p. 134.
Ta r. 1. caule rubro, foliis ovatis rubelhs.
T a r. 2. foliis ovato-lanceolatis laxis viridibus.
Yar. 3. eaule elongato 2-3-nnciali ramoso, foliis mbescentibus ovato-lanceolatis secundis.
Yar. 4. foliis ovatis secimdis minoribus nigro-ydridibus.
H a e . Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; var. 1, sand near th e sea. Falkland Islands ; var. 3, slate rocks near
the sea (barren) ; Kerguelen’s Land ; var. 1, 2, and 4, all abundant.
The var. 1 is very simüar to British specimens, differing in the colour of the leaves and iu their being less acute
This moss also inhabits Lord Auckland’s gioup.
10. B eyum vagane. Hook. fll. et Wñs. ; caule vage ramoso, foliis patentibus secundis ovato-lanceolatis
apiculatis submarginatis apice serratis, nervo subcontinuo. (Tab. CLIV, fig, 1.)
H ab . Hermite Is lan d ; marshy places in th e woods, especially on slopes, frequent, (barren.)
Cauli» basi procumbens, fere repens. biuuciahs, apice ascendens, sæpe incurvns. vage ramosus, rami erecti, apice
curvati. Folia laxe imbricata. patentia, secimda. mollia. ovato-lanceolata, apiculata, concaviuscula, siibmar¿nata;
nempe areolis margiuabbus angustioribus. confertis, cæteris majusouHs, subrhomboitleis, apice serralata, basi baud
decurrentia, nervo tenui subcontinuo instmcta, júniora pallide viridia, vetustiora luteo-viridia. Jloa lasculm dis-
coidens, terminalis ; folia perigonialia late ovata. basi erecta, concava. superae patula, serralata ; antheridia numerosa
cylindracea, paraphysibus filiformibus immixta. ’
Allied to B. WahUnbergii, but larger, the leaves twice as long, less succulent, not decurrent at the base margined,
apiculate, the nerve extending higher. During the winter months, owing to shifting o fth e watercourses tlie
banks on which this moss grows become inundated, and the varieties that ensue are very puzzling. The oriirinal
plant is graduaUy covered hy a carpet of young branches of a bright green colour, the whole forming a soft spongy
and treacherous covering to the bogs. '
P late CLIV. Jig. I.—1, plant of the natural size ; 2, leaf; 3, areoloe of ditto,-
1 1 . B e y u m loevigatum. Hook. fil. et W ils ; caule ramoso, foliis erecto-patentibus imbricatis ovatis concavis
integerrimis siccitate erectis, nervo subcontinuo, theca pendula ovato-oblonga, operculo conico obtuso.
(T a b . CLIY. fig. II I .) .
Yar. ft. foliis angustioribus minus concavis.
H a b . Hermite Island ; wet rocks on Mount Foster, (barren) ; Falkland Islands ; common in bogs,
(always barren.) Var. ft. Kerguelen’s Land (barren).
Dioicum ? CauUs unciales-triunciales, stériles longiores, iufcrne radiculis tomentosis nigricantibus intertexti,
ramosi. Folia imbricata, subpatentia, oTata tcI elliptico-oblonga, subcallosa, concava, integerrima, nervo valido vix
sub apice evanido instructa, læte rii’idia, nitentia, inferiora e fusco-pui-purascentia, siccitate subappressa. Seta 7-8
lin. longa, rufa, nitida, haud tortüis. Theca pendula, subpyriformis, oblonga, ore subpatulo, rufo, nitido. Fei'istomii
externi dentes ferruginei, siccitate erecti; interni cilia perforata ciliolis singulis interjectis. Opercidum breve,
conicum, obtusum.
Our description and figui’c are drawn up in part from specimens gathered in Van Diemen’s Land, by Mr.
Lawrence. A very distinct species, characterised by its concave shining subcoriaceous leaves, retaining their
shape when dry, intermixed with dark purple radicles.
P late CLIV. Fig. III.—1 and 3, stems of two states, from Heimite Island ; 3, a thfrd state, from Van
Diemen’s Land, of the natui-al size : 4 and 5, leaves ; 6, thecæ ;—rmgnijied.
1 2 . B u y tjm truncorum, Bridel, Bryol. Univ. vol. 1. p. 699.
H a e . Falkland Islands ; with fr-uit rare, Dr. LyaU ; and a taUer barren state in marshy places, not
24. IINIXTM, Bruch et Schimper.
1 . Mnium rostratum, Bruch et Schimper ; Bryol. Burop. Monogr. p. 2 7 . t. 7 . Bryum rostratum, Hooh.
et Tayl. Muse. B r it. p. 208. t. xxx.
H a b . Strait of Magalhaens, P o rt Famine j Capt.King, (barren).
25. FU N A E IA , Schreh.
1. F unarla. h y g r o m e t r i c a , B L A n t a r c t . f i . \ . ' ^ . \ 8 ' b . , Hooh. e tT a y l. Muse. B r i t . '^.YìX.ì.'s.y».
H a b . Falkland Islan d s; common a t P o rt Louis, on b u rn t ground.
Not hitherto found in Fuegia, but a native of CampbeU’s Island.
1. A x oe c t a n g i u m Humboldti, Brid. Hedwigia Humboldti, Hooh. Muse. Exot. t. 387 ; BI. Antarct.
pt. 1 . p. 135.
Var. australe.
H a b . Hermite Island ; on a moist sloping rock exposed to the north, ou Mount Foster, alt. 1000 ft. ;
in large barren patches resembling a discolom'ed mass of Sphagnum.
These specimeus ai'C intermediate between the typical form aud that of Lord Auckland’s and Campbell Island.
V T W OIIi l M