1 66 T I N C B .
32- WHITE-
ft- SI5S®K- IN.
White-throated Finch, Got. Syn. iii. p. 272, N° 32.— ArS. Zoolrii. N° 248. '
T H I S fpecies has been feen in fmall flocks at New York in January,
and is met with in fummer in Newfoundland. Some
o f them have the orange fpot at the bafe of the bill very obfcure,
and want the white fpot on the chin j from which circumftance
fuch may be fuppofed to be females *.
American Goldfinch, Gen. Syn. iii. p. 288. N* 57.— ArS. 7.0-A, ii. N* 24.2.
S E birds are moftly called York Yellows, as coming
moftly from the neighbourhood of New York.
Mr. Tunftull allures me, that having kept feveral o f them, both
male and female conftantly loll their yellow in the winter feafon,
and became exaftly of the colour o f my var. B. o f the Sijkin and
as conftantly recovered their original plumage in the fpring.
Sifkin, ’Gen, Syn. iii. p. 289. N°-58,— ArS. Zool. ii* p. 383. I*
fringilla fpinus,Sepp Vog. pi. in p. 133.
;J ’H E above author has delineated the neft in the fame plate
with the bird. It is placed in the fork of a tree, compofed
o f dry bents mixed with leaves, and lined within with feathers of
various colours, and very full o f them. The eggs are three in.
number, o f a longifh form, and o f a dull white.
* ArS, Zool.
-j- iii. p. 291. Le Tar-in de la Nouvelle York, Buf. OiJ,\ iv. p. 231.—-PI. Enl.
292. f. 1, 2.
Lepid Finch, Gen! Syn. iii. pi 299. N°-67*
Fringilla lepida, Jacq. Vog. p. 7. N" 5. pl. 2..
T N Jacquin’s figure of the bird, the plumage inclines much to
* green: the under parts from the breaft, and one or more o f
the outer tail feathers, white. It has alfo the fulvous ftreak above,
but not beneath the eye: the chin is fulvous, furrounded by
duflcy black, and the breaft o f the fame colour. The total,
length fcarcely four inches.
Greater-Redpole, Got. Syn. iii. p. 3°4.--—ArS. Zool. ii. N* 261
Fringilla cannahina, Sefp. Vog. pi. in p. 157.—Faun. Arag. p. 87,
r p p j E neft appears in Se$]f s work. It is placed on the ground,
■ *" compofed of fibres of roots mixed with dry bents, and a little
portion. of-mofs, in texture pretty compact:. The eggs are
three in number, of a blueifh white, a little mottled with yellow,,
and fpeckled with brown.
Lefler Redpole, Gen. Syn. iii. p. 3° 5- N°75.— Aril. Zool. ii. N° 262.
■ JY/TR. Boys, of Sandwich, informs me, that this fpecies comes
iV A over, the beginning of November, in great numbers, along
the coaft of Kent; and at their firft arrival are either fo fatigued
or familiar, that the children about Deal and Thanet catch them,
with their hands *.
» At this time,, the wind being ftrong at foutb-eaf, come over Woolooch,,
Getfe, and other 'wildfowl,—Mr. B.
74i -i- GREATER