iM 4- PINE GR.
t 1+8 ]
G en-v s X X X IV . G R O S B E A JC.
N° 86. AQi-headed Gr. N” 88. Flamingo Gr-
87. Eaftern Gr. * ' 89. Tbtty Gr.
White-winged Crofsbill, Gen. Sjw.iii. p_io8. N°2.
Crofsbill, Artt. ZW.-ii.-N0 208.
M R. Hutchins informs me, that a Crofslill, which is moft likely'
this fort, comes to Hudfm’s Bay in March; and in May:
builds a neft of grafs, mud, and feathers, generally about half way
up a pine-tree, and lays five white eggs, marked with yellowifh.
fpots. The young fly about the end of June. It flays till the-
end of November, after which it difappearsj fuppofed to retire inland
It is known there by the name o f Afitchou. Achdjhijh.
Hawfinch, Gen» Syn. iii. p. 109. N°4.— ArSl. Zool. ii. p. 354. C..
Loxia coccothrauftes, Faun. Arag. p. 85.~Se$p Fog. pi. in p. 137*-
very loofe texture, and* earelefsly made. It is placed'on an.
oak. The eggs of a pale purple, fpotted with brown-
Pine Groibeak, Gen. Syn. iii-p. MI. Nc 5.— Artt. Zool. ii. N° 209-
^ jpH IS fpecies inhabits North America :■ not unfrequent at Hud-
fin's Bay from April to September, frequenting the groves of
pines and junipers; makes a neft in the trees, in May, with flicks,
lined with feathers, at a fmall height from the ground. The eggs
are four in number, and white. The young are hatched the middle
of June. Though this bird, when adult, is beautiful in colour,
the young brood for fome time remain o f a plain dull blue.
The natives of the Bay call it Wujcunithovx *.
Mr. Pennant obferves, that he has feen them in the pine forefts,
near Invercauld, in the county o f Aberdeen, in Scotland, in the
month of Augufi ■, and therefore fufpects that they breed there f -
Cape Groibeak, Gen. Syn. iii. p. n^. N° j.
M R. Sparrman, in his voyage, after talking o f being treated
with a rare and delicate difh of broiled Sparrows (Loxia ca-
penfis, Z im.J ) adds, that they do much damage to the corn fields;
and that at the approach of fummer, they always change their
yellow for a blood-red hue-
Goldbacked Groibeak, Gen. Syn. iii. p. 115- N° 9.
M R. Tunftall informs me, that he has two or three times been
in pofieflion o f this fpecies, and in particular had once a
pair o f them together. The female was o f a dark brown. The-
cocks changed twice in a year, and in winter were nearly of the colour
of the hens. One o f the cocks lived nine or ten years, and
died not long fince. Neither of them had what could be called
a fong.
* Mr. Hutchins». 4 Ar£i. Zool-.
J Fey. i. p. 174.— Should not this rather be Loxia orix, Lin. which is of a-
beautiful red colour in fummer, and of a plain alh-colour in the winter feafon ?
7 Cardinal